8. Meetings
- A regular meeting of the Club shall be held each term. This meeting shall be called by the CRO and shall be the election meeting for that term.
- A special meeting for a motion to remove an executive from office may be called at any time deemed necessary by the Executive Council, by the Faculty Advisor, by any thirty (30) members, or by 1/3 of the Club membership if there are fewer than thirty (30) members.
- All members shall be notified at least two days prior to a forthcoming meeting of the meeting and of the business to be considered at that meeting. A message to the members' mailing list will be considered sufficient notification, though other forms of notification are also encouraged.
- The Club shall hold meetings only in places that are open to all members of the Club.
- The Club membership cannot act except at a general meeting.
- A quorum necessary for the conduct of business is defined as twenty-five (25) full members or 2/3 of the full membership, whichever is smaller. If an election meeting lacks quorum, then the inquorate meeting can set a date and time for the elections, and can choose to either run the new elections with the same nominations or with a new nomination period (which does not need to meet the usual minimum requirement).
- A motion to remove an officer, or to call new elections (except at a regular election meeting or in the case of vacancies), requires at least a week's notice; a quorum of fifty (50) full members or 2/3 of the full membership, whichever is smaller; and a 2/3 vote. Any other motion requires a majority vote.
- If a motion is defeated, it cannot be brought again for sixty (60) days.