Free and Open Source software has been around for a long time, even longer then shrink-wrapped code.
Free and Open Source software has been around for a long time, even longer then shrink-wrapped code. It has a long and noble history in the annals of education. Even more than ever, due to the drop of hardware prices and the increase of worldwide communications, Free and Open Source can open new avenues of teaching and doing research, not only in computer science, but in other university fields as well.
Learn how Linux as an operating system can run on anything from a PDA to a supercomputer, and how Linux is reducing the cost of computing dramatically as the fastest growing operating system in the world. Learn how other Free and Open Source projects, such as office suites, audio and video editing and playing software, relational databases, etc. are created and are freely available.
Jon "maddog" Hall is the Executive Director of Linux International, a non-profit association of computer vendors who wish to support and promote the Linux Operating System. During his career which spans over thirty years, Mr. Hall has been a programmer, systems designer, systems administrator, product manager, technical marketing manager and educator. He has worked for such companies as Western Electric Corporation, Aetna Life and Casualty, Bell Laboratories, Digital Equipment Corporation, VA Linux Systems, and is currently funded by SGI.
He has taught at Hartford State Technical College, Merrimack College and Daniel Webster College. He still likes talking to students over pizza and beer (the pizza can be optional).
Mr. Hall is the author of numerous magazine and newspaper articles, many presentations and one book, "Linux for Dummies".
Mr. Hall serves on the boards of several companies, and several non-profit organizations, including the USENIX Association.
Mr. Hall has traveled the world speaking on the benefits of Open Source Software, and received his BS in Commerce and Engineering from Drexel University, and his MSCS from RPI in Troy, New York.
In his spare time maddog is working on his retirement project:
Come have a pint with your favourite CS profs!
Come meet CS profs in a relaxed atmosphere this Wednesday at the Grad House (by South Campus Hall). This is your chance to meet those CS profs you enjoyed in lectures in person, have a chat with them and find out what they're doing outside the lecture halls.
We'll be providing free food, including hamburgers and nachos, and the Grad House offers a great selection of drinks.
If you'd like to invite a particular prof, stop by on the third floor of the MC (outside of the Comfy) to pick up an invitation.
Persons of all ages are welcome!
Sh is a GPU metaprogramming language developed at the UW Computer Graphics Lab
Sh is a GPU metaprogramming language developed at the University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab. It allows graphics programmers to write programs which run directly on the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) using familiar C++ syntax. Furthermore, it allows metaprogramming of such programs, that is, writing programs which generate other programs, in an easy and natural manner.
This talk will give a brief overview of how Sh works, the design of its intermediate representation and the (still somewhat simplistic) optimizer that the current reference implementation has and problems with applying traditional compiler optimizations.
Stefanus Du Toit is an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo. He is also a Research Assistant for Michael McCool from the University of Waterloo Graphics Lab. Over the Summer of 2003 Stefanus reimplemented the Sh reference implementation and designed and implemented the current Sh optimizer.
.NET is Microsoft's new development platform, including amongst other things a language called C# and a class library for various operating system services. .NET aims to be portable, although it is currently mostly only used on Windows systems.
With the full backing of Microsoft, it seems unlikely that .NET will disappear any time soon. There are several efforts underway to bring .NET to the GNU/Linux platform. Hosted by the Computer Science Club, this talk will discuss a number of the issues surrounding .NET and Linux.
This tutorial will provide you with a practical introduction to GNU development tools on Unix such as the gcc compiler, the gdb debugger and the GNU make build tool.
This talk is geared primarily at those mostly unfamiliar with these tools. Amongst other things we will introduce:
If you're in second year CS and unfamiliar with UNIX development it is highly recommended you go to this talk. All are welcome, including non-math students.
Arrive early!
If the answer to one of these questions is yes, then come out to the first meeting of the Computer Science Club Poster Team! The CSC is looking for interested students to help out with promotion and publicity for this term's events. We promise good times and free pizza!
Have you ever wondered how those cryptic UNIX text editors work? Have you ever woken up at night with a cold sweat wondering "Is it CTRL-A, or CTRL-X CTRL-A?" Do you just hate pico with a passion?
Then come to this tutorial and learn how to use vi and emacs!
Basic UNIX commands will also be covered. This tutorial will be especially useful for first and second year students.
Elections will be held on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 4:30 PM in the Comfy Lounge, MC3001.
I invite you to nominate yourself or others for executive positions, starting immediately. Simply e-mail me at with the name of the person who is to be nominated and the position they're nominated for.
Nominees must be full-time undergraduate students in Math. Sorry!
Positions open for elections are:
Nominations will be accepted until Tuesday, September 16 at 4:30 PM.
Additionally, a Sysadmin will be appointed after the elections. If you like working with Unix systems and have experience setting up and maintaining them, go for it!
I hope that lots of people will show up; hopefully we'll have a great term with plenty of events. We always need other volunteers, so if you want to get involved just talk to the new exec after the meeting. Librarians, webmasters, poster runners, etc. are always sought after!
There will also be free pop.
Memberships can be purchased at the elections or at least half an hour prior to at the CSC. Only undergrad math members can vote, but anyone can become a member.