News Archive: Fall 2018


CSC will be hosting Alt-Tab, a slightly longer version of lightning talks. It will be a night full of friendly talks during the week of November 26.

We need talks! Contact, with your tentative talk title and a short abstract if you would like to give a talk. Slides are not required. Please aim for a 10-15 minute talk. I'll send an email with the list of talks closer to the date of the event. Please send titles and abstract by November 19th.

Here are some topics that our members have presented before. The titles make them seem more technical than they actually were.

  • Overview of SAT solvers
  • Communication complexity
  • Register allocation in compilers as graph colouring
  • Web application security
  • PXE booting
  • UI and UX
  • Train signalling and sensing
  • Typed Racket
  • Modern GPU architecture
  • The comment that took Stack Exchange down and the algorithm that could have saved them
  • Register Allocation With Graphs

There will be food.


We have been informed of a planned power outage that will affect CSC equipment on Oct. 9 at 11pm until Oct. 10 at 5am.

During this time, all CSC systems and services will be unavailable. Please ensure that you have saved all work before then and that you have a backup of any important files.

We expect that most services will recover automatically once power is restored, however anything requiring manual intervention will be restored later in the day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Systems Committee by email at


Here are the results from this term's elections:

  • President: Zichuan Wei (z34wei)
  • Vice-President: Uday Barar (ubarar)
  • Treasurer: Alex Tomala (actomala)
  • Assistant Vice-President: Neil Parikh (n3parikh)

Additionally, the following positions were appointed:

  • Systems Administrator: Jennifer Zhou (c7zou)
  • Office Manager: Alexander Zvorygin (azvorygi)
  • Librarian: Neil Parikh (n3parikh)


Nominations for the Fall 2018 exec are open. You can nominate candidates for President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President, or Treasurer by submitting their name, username, and position to the ballot box in the CSC, or by emailing with their name and position(s). Nominations close Monday, September 17th.

Elections will be held Tuesday, September 18th in the Comfy Lounge at 6:30PM. All CSC members that have paid Mathsoc fees are invited to come by and vote.

Nominations are listed here.


Power has now been restored to the machine room and most CSC systems and services are now available, with the exception of:

  • sucrose and taurine

    We are currently unable to access to servers remotely. To restore these servers, we need a visit to the machine room to identify and resolve boot issues.

As of Sept. 5, taurine is available again with reduced RAM.

  • test-ipv6 (restored as of Sept. 2)

    Currently available from within the UW network only. Investigation is still ongoing and may require assistance from IST's security team.

If you experience any issues accessing CSC services, please contact the Systems Committee.