Events Archive: Spring 2021

Afterhours: Burnout

| 7:00 PM EDT | Online - Online

This Afterhours will be a discussion about recognizing burnout, recovering from burnout, and preventing it from occurring.

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CSC's next Afterhours is here! Afterhours is a series where we get the opportunity to dive into uncomfortable topics and share our experiences, as well as tips and tricks on how to overcome these problems.

It's unfortunately common to feel burnt out and exhausted, especially at this point in the term. This Afterhours will be a discussion about recognizing burnout, recovering from burnout, and preventing it from occurring. Speakers will share their personal stories, and the conversation will be open for all participants to discuss and share their own experiences.

Zoom Link:


| 8:00 PM EDT | Online - Online

Come hop on a Zoom call with us to to connect with others in our community!

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We know a virtual Spring term is making meeting new friends even harder, but we are happy to announce that our Speed-Friending event is back! Come hop on a Zoom call with us to get a chance to connect with others in our community.

Like last term's event, you will be able to meet others in groups of 3 or 4, with around 10 minutes to talk. An optional prompt will act as an icebreaker, but feel free to discuss anything you want! Remember to connect with the people in your groups if you'd like to stay in contact afterwards!


Titus Winters Tech Talk

| 7:00 PM EDT | Online - Online

Become inspired in an upcoming talk by Titus Winters on June 10th from 7-8pm ET, who will share how good team culture can positively impact code!

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Become inspired in an upcoming talk by Titus Winters on June 10th from 7-8pm ET, who will share how good team culture can positively impact code!

Titus Winters is a senior staff software engineer at Google, the chair of the global subcommittee for the design of the C++ standard library, a teacher and an author. Over the years, Titus has started several Google projects that are believed to be in the top 10 largest refactorings in human history. This unique scale and perspective has informed his thinking on the care and feeding of software systems.

In this tech talk, Titus will discuss the roles of individual contributors, team leads, and managers in fostering a good culture, and show how this has a positive impact on project outcomes. Titus's talk will hit many teamwork and leadership themes of the "Software Engineering at Google" book, and the habits that have made his teams successful.



CSC x SE Soc: Interview Prep

| 7:00 PM EDT | Online - Online

CSC and SE Soc are hosting an Interview Prep Workshop next week! Join Kristy Gao and Bimesh De Silva as they review the interview process, from behavioural to technical interviews. They'll finish off with live mock interviews, and the event will be held on Twitch (

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Browsing through your unsolved Leetcode problems? Flipping open CTCI for the first time? Have no clue what to expect from a technical interview or just need an interview refresher?

We've got you covered at our CSC x SE Soc Interview Prep Workshop this Monday, May 24th from 7:00-8:30pm ET! Live-streamed on Twitch, Kristy Gao and Bimesh De Silva will be walking through important aspects of the interview process from coding challenges to behavioural interviews to algorithmic interviews, go through some live mock interviews, and share their tips and techniques along the way!

Registration isn't required, we'll just be sending you an email reminder, as well as inviting you to our calendar event!

The event will be hosted on Twitch at

Register at!

CSC BOT & Game Night

| 8:00 PM EDT | Online - Online

Learn about our plans for the term and play some games with us.

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Kick off your Spring term with CSC! Come join us on Discord to learn more about what we'll be up to this term and how you can participate!

Afterwards, stick around for a relaxing and fun game night. See you there!

Drop-in Resume Critiques (Day 2)

| 7:00 PM EDT | Online - Online

Live Resume Critiques with Tech+, UW Data Science Club, and UW PM (registration required).

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Joining forces with Tech+, UW Data Science Club, and UW PM, we're hosting live resume critiques!

The session will be held on Discord; you must sign up at to gain access to the critiques. Deadline to signup is Friday, May 14th at 11:59pm EDT.

Drop-in Resume Critiques (Day 1)

| 7:00 PM EDT | Online - Online

Live Resume Critiques with Tech+, UW Data Science Club, and UW PM (registration required).

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Joining forces with Tech+, UW Data Science Club, and UW PM, we're hosting live resume critiques!

The session will be held on Discord; you must sign up at to gain access to the critiques. Deadline to signup is Friday, May 14th at 11:59pm EDT.