Events Archive: Fall 2021

CSC EOT Social

| 11:00 PM UTC | DC 1350 & DC 1351

Want to play some fun in-person games? Want to make some new friends? Join us for our first in-person social event, or join us for our online social event which is running at the same time!

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πŸ“’ CSC’s last event of the term is here! Come join us for our EOT event where we will be giving out many free bubble tea vouchers on attendance and talking about how to get involved in Winter 2022. πŸŽ‰ We will also be hosting online and in-person games.

✨ Stop by DC1350 / DC1351 from 6:00 - 8:00pm on December 5th! Our in-person and online events are running at the same time, so if you’re not in Waterloo, be sure to head to our Discord at

Registration is required to attend our in-person event, since there is a maximum of 50 people.

πŸ“† Event Date: Sunday, December 5th at 6:00 - 8:00pm ET at DC1350 / DC1351 or on our Discord. πŸ‘‰ Register at Alternatively, you can also email us at to sign up.

Tesla x Waterloo CSC

| 11:00 PM UTC | Online - Zoom

Come join Tesla on Microsoft Teams for an intimate and informal talk with some of their software engineers!

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πŸ“’ Interested in an internship to help accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy? If you’re looking to intern at Tesla in Summer 2022 or want to learn more, come join Tesla on Microsoft Teams for an intimate and informal talk with some of their software engineers! πŸ’» A private resume link to apply for Tesla will be provided on attendance.

πŸ“… Event Date: Wednesday, November 17th from 6:00-7:00 pm ET.

πŸ‘‰ Register using the register button with your University of Waterloo email.

Excited to see you at this tech talk! πŸ“Œ

Alumni Fireside Chat

| 11:00 PM UTC | Online - Zoom

Life After Uni

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CSC and SESoc are proud to present the Alumni Fireside Chat!

An Sheng, Linda Wang, Evy Kassirer, Bilal Akhtar, and Nancy Iskander will be talking about their careers, experiences, and various decisions they have made after graduating university. During the event, you will have the opportunity to listen to the discussion, and then ask questions and chat with alumni! 😊

Registration is optional; we’ll just be sending you a reminder on the day of, as well as a calendar invite.

πŸ“… Event Date: Nov.6th 2021, 7-8:30pm ET πŸ’» Zoom: Topic: CSC x SESoc Alumni Fireside Chat: Life After Uni Time: Nov 6, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

πŸ‘‰ Sign up using the register button. Alternatively, you can also email us at

Hope to see you there! 🌸

Succeeding in First Year Academics

| 6:00 PM UTC | Online - Zoom

Come join a panelist of upper years who can give insight on how to better succeed in first year academics.

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Now that midterms have been coming and going, some of you are probably feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Well that’s a normal feeling, and you’re not alone! Come join a panelist of upper years who understand your suffering, and can give insight on how to better succeed in first year academics.

Registration is optional; we’ll just be sending you a reminder on the day of, as well as a calendar invite.

πŸ“… Event Date: Oct.30th 2021, 2-3pm ET

πŸ’» Zoom:

Topic: CSC: Succeeding in First Year Academics Panel Time: Oct 30, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

πŸ‘‰ Sign up using the register button. Alternatively, you can also email us at

Hope to see you there! 🌸

Afterhours - Returning from COVID

| 12:00 AM UTC | Online - Zoom

This Afterhours will focus on a discussion about the change from online to in-person interactions and the challenges related to building and rebuilding in-person connections.

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Everyone is welcome to attend our upcoming Afterhours event! These events give us an opportunity to have a conversation and share our experiences about uncomfortable topics, in addition to advice on how to overcome these obstacles.

Even though we've all been awaiting the end of Covid, as activities and opportunities return to being in-person, the transition can be disorienting and challenging; both speakers and participants will have a chance to share their stories and discuss their experiences. 😊 This event will focus on the change from online to in-person interactions and the challenges related to building and rebuilding in-person connections. 🀝

Registration is not required for attendance, we'll just be sending you a calendar invite, as well as an email reminder on the day of the event.

πŸ“… Event Date: Saturday, October 23rd, 8:00- 9:00pm ET via Zoom πŸ’»

Zoom Link:

πŸ‘‰ Sign up using the register button. Alternatively, you can also email us at

Hope to see you there! 🌸

Speed Friending

| 12:00 AM UTC | Online - Zoom

Make some new friends with CSC!

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πŸ“’ New fall term, lots of new members! Whether you’re a first year joining us for the first time, or a seasoned friend-making veteran, CSC is happy to announce that our Speed-Friending event is back! πŸ₯° Come hop on a Zoom call with us to get a chance to connect with others in our community. πŸ™Œ

Like last term’s event, you will be able to meet others in groups of 3 or 4, with around 10 minutes to talk. 🎀 An optional prompt will act as an icebreaker, but feel free to discuss anything you want! Remember to connect with the people in your groups if you’d like to stay in contact afterwards!

Registration is optional; we’ll just be sending you a reminder on the day of, as well as a calendar invite.

πŸ“… Event Date: Oct.1st 2021, 8-9pm ET πŸ’» Zoom: Topic: CSC Social: Speed Friending Time: Oct 1, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

πŸ‘‰ Sign up using the register button. Alternatively, you can also email us at

Hope to see you there! 🌸

Project Program Kick-Off

| 11:00 PM UTC | Online - Zoom

Attend to get details about Project Program, a month-long event that will have mentors support your team in creating a side-project.

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πŸ“’ Project Program is back for Fall 2021, and we’re excited to see mentors support you to create a month-long project!

DSC and CSC are collaborating again to help you create your side project by guiding your group of mentees through brainstorming project ideas, creating roadmaps with milestones and achievements, and finally presenting your project for the chance to win prizes! πŸ†

πŸ“Œ The details of the program will be discussed during this event, so if you’re interested in participating, be sure to attend!

πŸ“… Event Date: Thursday, September 23rd from 7:00-8:00pm EDT on Zoom. πŸ’»

πŸ‘‰ No need to register, but we'll send you an email alert if you do! Click the register button to sign up. Alternatively, you can also email us at to sign up as well.

See you then! πŸ‘‹

CSC BOT & Game Night

| 11:00 PM UTC | Online - Twitch

Learn about our plans for the term and play some games with us.

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Kick off the fall term with CS Club’s BOT event! πŸ‚ Interested in attending upcoming CSC events? Want to meet others in the CS community?

πŸ’» Come join us on Twitch to learn about how you can become a member of CSC and the fun events we have planned for next term. 🎲 Stay for games and socials on the CSC Discord!

Registration is not required to attend! We’ll just be sending you an email reminder, as well as inviting you to our calendar event.

πŸ“… Event Date: Tuesday, September 14th from 7:00-8:30 pm ET via Twitch and Discord

πŸ‘‰ Register at! Alternatively, you can also email us at to sign up as well.

Looking forward to seeing you there!! πŸ€—