Events Archive: Fall 2017

End of Term Event

| 11:00 PM UTC | MC Comfy

Join fellow CSC members for our end of term social. There will be food and good company. We can grab board games from Mathsoc.

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Join fellow CSC members for our end of term social. There will be food and good company. We can grab board games from Mathsoc.

CTF Computer Networking Workshop

| 11:00 PM UTC | STC 0010

Hosted in collaboration with the [Univerisy of Waterloo CTF Club](<>)

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Hosted in collaboration with the Univerisy of Waterloo CTF Club

Code Party 1

| 10:30 PM UTC | STC 0050

The CS Club is hosting our second Code Party of the term from 6:00pm until late in the evening in STC 0050!Come code with us, eat some food, do some things.

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The CS Club is hosting our second Code Party of the term from 5:30pm until late in the evening in STC 0050!

Come code with us, eat some food, do some things.

Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party 1 and do it, with great company and great food.

Come any time after 5:30pm.

Capture the Flag Computing Competition

| 11:00 PM UTC | STC 0020

Test your programming, web, networking, and trivial skillsLearn how to reverse engineer, crack codes, and use various tools.Win prizes!

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Test your programming, web, networking, and trivial skills

Learn how to reverse engineer, crack codes, and use various tools.

Win prizes!

Alt+Tab Talks

| 11:00 PM UTC | MC 4059

Come watch (or give!) interesting short talks by CS Club members. Talks include "Dynamic programming as path finding", "What is a landing page", "Subsurface scattering" and "How to compute on a GPU", but more are welcome (email [](<>))! Click the link to the event detail page for more info.

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Come watch (or give!) interesting short talks by CS Club members. Talks include "Dynamic programming as path finding", "What is a landing page", "How to compute on a GPU" and "Subsurface scattering", but more are welcome (email! There will be food.

Each talk can be 5-15 minutes long on any computer-related topic of interest. If you're interested in giving a talk (please do!) email

CSC+WiCS Fall Social and Movie Night

| 11:00 PM UTC | MC 4059 and MC 4061

Join other CSC and WiCS members for a social event featuring free food, board games and a showing of Wonder Woman.

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Join other CSC and WiCS members for a social event featuring free food, board games and a showing of Wonder Woman.

Unix 101

| 9:30 PM UTC | MC 3003

Interested in Linux, but don't know where to start? Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more! (Snacks after)

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New to the Linux computing environment? If you seek an introduction, look no further (you can if you want we're not the police). Topics that will be covered include basic interaction with the shell and the motivations behind using it, and an introduction to compilation. You'll have to learn this stuff in CS 246 anyways, so why not get a head start!

If you're interested in attending, make sure you can log into the Macs on the third floor, or show up to the CSC office (MC 3036) 20 minutes early for some help.

CSC Goes Outside

| 10:00 PM UTC | Laurel Creek Firepit

Come join us for a bonfire outside at the Laurel Creek firepit (across Ring. Rd. from EV3) with fellow CSC members. Smores and snacks will be provided.

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Come join us for a bonfire outside at the Laurel Creek firepit (across Ring. Rd. from EV3) with fellow CSC members. Smores and snacks will be provided.

The firepit we will be using is in the bottom right of this map.

Code Party 0

| 10:30 PM UTC | M3 1006

The CS Club is hosting our first Code Party of the term (Friday September 29th) from 6:30pm until late in the evening in M3 1006!Come code with us, eat some food, do some things.

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The CS Club is hosting our first Code Party of the term (Friday September 29th) from 6:30pm until late in the evening in M3 1006!

Come code with us, eat some food, do some things.

Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party 0 and do it, with great company and great food.

Come any time after 6:30pm, there will be snacks and we'll be ordering pizza at around 7:00pm!

Fall 2017 Special Elections

| 10:00 PM UTC | MC Comfy Lounge

The Computer Science Club will be holding special elections for the Spring 2017 Vice-President and Secretary. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and IMPAD will be appointed.

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The Computer Science Club will be holding special elections for the Fall 2017 term on Friday, September 22th at 6:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001).

The following positions will be elected: Vice-President and Secretary. The following positions will be appointed: Systems Administrator (to be ratified at the meeting), Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and IMPAD. Additionally, we will be looking for members to join the Programme Committee.

The results of the previous election are as follows:

  • President: matedesc (Melissa Tedesco)
  • Treasurer: tghume (Tristan Hume)

If you would like to run or nominate someone for any of the elected positions, you can put your name in a special box in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037) or by sending an email to the Chief Returning Officer (Melissa) at Please note that executive positions are restricted to MathSoc social members. We welcome the participation of first years.

Nominations will close at 6:00pm on Thursday, September 21st (24 hours prior to the start of elections). After that time, a list of current nominations will be sent out by email. It will also be available on the whiteboard in the office and at Voting will be done in a heads-down, hands-up manner and is restricted to MathSoc social members. A full description of the roles and the election procedure are listed in our Constitution, available at . Any questions related to the election can be directed to

Fall 2017 Elections

| 10:00 PM UTC | MC Comfy Lounge

The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Spring 2017 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and Fridge Person will be appointed.

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The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Fall 2017 term on Friday, September 15th at 6:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001).

The following positions will be elected: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The following positions will be appointed: Systems Administrator (to be ratified at the meeting), Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and Fridge Person (the exact name of this position is still to be determined). Additionally, we will be looking for members to join the Programme Committee.

If you would like to run or nominate someone for any of the elected positions, you can put your name in a special box in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037) or by sending an email to the Chief Returning Officer (Felix) at Please note that executive positions are restricted to MathSoc social members. We welcome the participation of first years.

Nominations will close at 6:00pm on Thursday, September 14th (24 hours prior to the start of elections). After that time, a list of current nominations will be sent out by email. It will also be available on the whiteboard in the office and at Voting will be done in a heads-down, hands-up manner and is restricted to MathSoc social members. A full description of the roles and the election procedure are listed in our Constitution, available at . Any questions related to the election can be directed to