Come out to a talk on surrounding a polygon by Dr. Craig Kaplan! Also stay afterwards for our EOT and socialize :) food will be provided!
Come out to a talk on surrounding a polygon by Dr. Craig Kaplan! Also stay afterwards for our EOT and socialize :) food will be provided! The prof talk will be on Surrounding a Polygon: Dr. Craig Kaplan will explore the problem of surrounding a polygon with copies of itself. This problem raises a number of fascinating mathematical questions, and we can use software as an experimental tool to probe the answers to those questions.
He'll also present known mathematical and computational results related to surrounds of polygons, and discuss what they say about larger open questions in tiling theory. Finally, he will also show how the task of surrounding individual polygons can make for fun and challenging puzzles, and say a bit about his experience creating an app based on those puzzles.
The CSC is hosting the first annual member talk series! This is a chance for anyone to come and give a short talk on any relevant topic. Some talks already arranged are on topics ranging from modern Javascript, to the Linux Kernel.
The CSC is hosting the first annual member talk series. This is a chance for anyone to come and give a short talk on any relevant topic. We already have some talks arranged, on topics ranging from modern JavaScript, and the Linux Kernel. More speakers are welcome. If you are interested, please email or signup here: There will be a break for food halfway through.
A talk about SAT and SMT Solvers for Software Engineering and Security by Dr. Vijay Ganesh
Boolean SAT and SMT solvers increasingly play a central role in the construction of reliable and secure software, regardless of whether such reliability/security is ensured through formal methods, program analysis or testing. This dramatic influence of solvers on software engineering as a discipline is a recent phenomenon, largely attributable to impressive gains in solver efficiency and expressive power. Dr. Vijay Ganesh will motivate the need for SAT and SMT solvers, sketch out their research story thus far, and then describe his contributions to solver research. Specifically, he will talk about a SAT solver called MapleCMS, and a string SMT solver, called Z3str2, developed in his lab. He will also talk about real-world applications enabled by his solvers, and the techniques he developed that helped make them efficient.
Learn how to manage multiple remotes, for those times when GitHub goes down. Then learn what to do when you accidentally overwrite your source code! Only basic git knowledge is assumed.
Steve Bourque and Mike Patterson of IST will give a brief overview of campus network connectivity and interconnectivity.
Steve Bourque and Mike Patterson of IST will give a brief overview of campus network connectivity and interconnectivity. Steve will describe the general connections, and Mike will talk about specific security measures in place. We'll have refreshments!
It's midterms season, and everyone has to study. So why not come study with the CS Club? Everyone welcome, especially new members! There will be tea and delicious snacks and outlets. Plus our delightful company. See you there!
Come join CSC at our Tea and Study event! Everyone welcome, especially new members! There will be tea and delicious snacks and outlets. Plus our delightful company.
Come watch "Big Hero 6" with the Computer Science Club this wednesday the 10th at 6:30 PM in the MC Comfy Lounge. Why "Big Hero 6"? It's an award-winning animated Disney movie involving an inflatable robot fighting evil in "San Frasokyo". Enough said.
The CS Club is having its termly code party! Come out and work on projects, assignments, and more. Food is provided!
Want help installing Linux? Bring a USB, we'll help you. Want to work on a project, CS homework, or an IRC bot? Come over, we'll have food. Want to see what it's like to be in the new STC? Plugs at every desk, I'm telling you. (This term it's going to be in the new STC not in the comfy. We're going for some adventure this term.)
Be there, we'll have dinner!
Interested in Linux, but don't know where to start? Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more! (Cookies after)
New to the Linux computing environment? If you seek an introduction, look no further (you can if you want we're not the police). Topics that will be covered include basic interaction with the shell and the motivations behind using it, and an introduction to compilation. You'll have to learn this stuff in CS 246 anyways, so why not get a head start!
If you're interested in attending, make sure you can log into the Macs on the third floor, or show up to the CSC office (MC 3036) 20 minutes early for some help. If you're already familiar with these topics, don't hesitate to come to Unix 102, planned to be held after Reading Week.
eth1: a day-long programming contest. Form teams and hack together a trading bot to compete against others and the markets.
eth1: a day-long programming contest. Form teams and hack together a trading bot to compete against others and the markets.
Brought to you by: CSC and Jane Street.
Each member of the winning team will receive $1000 USD.
There'll be lots of (free) food and drink available.
Absolutely no special math, OCaml, or finance knowledge is required; you can use any language you like. The contest is entirely technical in nature and you won't need any visual design skills.
The exact details of the hackathon aren't released until the competition begins. The one thing you can do ahead of time to prepare is familiarize yourself with the libraries for writing TCP clients in your programming language of choice.
The contest will be on Saturday, January 23rd, from 11:00AM - 11:00PM. Signups will close on Monday, January 18th at 11:59PM, and we'll send out confirmations to participants on the 20th.
For any other queries, email:
Further details will be announced closer to the event. Teams of up to three will be accepted, but you don't have to have a team to sign up — feel free to turn up as a singleton and we'll form teams on the fly.
Interested in Linux, but don't know where to start? Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more! (Cookies after)
The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Winter 2016 term on Thursday, January 14th in MC Comfy (MC 3001) at 19:00. During the meeting, the president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary will be elected, the sysadmin will be ratified, and the librarian and office manager will be appointed.
If you'd like to run for any of these positions or nominate someone, you can write your name on the whiteboard in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037) or send me (Charlie) an email at Every effort will be made to note down whiteboard nominations, but it is highly recommended to send me an email in addition to writing on the whiteboard. You can also deposit nominations in the CSC mailbox in MathSoc or present them to me in person. Nominations will close at 18:00 on Wednesday, January 13th. All members are welcome to run!