Events Archive: Fall 2016


| 11:00 PM UTC | MC Comfy

The CSC and the PMAMC&OC (aka pure math club) are hosting our end of term events together! We'll be taking over MC Comfy to hang out, eat lots of food (from Kismet!), and play board games.

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The CSC and the PMAMC&OC (aka pure math club) are hosting our end of term events together! We'll be taking over MC Comfy to hang out, eat lots of food (from Kismet!), and play board games.


| 11:00 PM UTC | MC 4063

Various members of the CSC will be giving brief, 25 minute talks on CS-related topics. An list of the talks being delivered can be found if you follow the event page link in this description. There will be food provided.

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The CSC is hosting ALT+TAB this Wednesday. ALT+TAB is similar to the PMC's SASMS events; several members of the CSC will give brief, 25 minute talks on various interesting topics in CS. There will be food provided at the event. The talks being delivered are:

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Edmund Noble Member Talk

| 11:00 PM UTC | MC 4063

CSC member Edmund Noble will be giving a talk, titled "Purely Functional Programming with Freely-Generated Domain Specific Languages". The talk will focus on embedded DSLs that exist within other languages, and how they can easily be constructed.

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CSC member Edmund Noble will be giving a talk, titled "Purely Functional Programming with Freely-Generated Domain Specific Languages". The talk will focus on embedded DSLs that exist within other languages, and how they can easily be constructed. The abstract for this talk is below.

Dependency injection is an often-used technique in object-oriented programming to easily modify the behaviours of an object by providing it with objects it would have otherwise generated on its own, to increase modularity. Aspect-oriented programming is a related technique which adds additional behaviour ("advice") to existing code, aiming to address cross-cutting concerns which affect wide areas of an application without sacrificing modularity. Dependency injection might not seem a common topic in functional programming, but application modularity is essential to functional programming in a practical setting. A natural analogue to dependency injection and aspect-oriented programming in functional programming comes from a surprising place, and offers superior modularity to both. The free monad (F f) for a type constructor (and domain-specific language instruction set) f provides a syntax tree with internal nodes as domain-specific language instructions, which in combination with coproduct functors, allow domain-specific languages to be composed and combined easily.

Richard Mann Prof Talk

| 11:15 PM UTC | MC 4063

Professor Richard Mann will be giving a talk, titled "Open Source Software for Sound Measurement and Analysis". He will be presenting information about his new course, CS 489, Computational Sound, which will be running in Winter 2017.

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Professor Richard Mann will be giving a talk, titled "Open Source Software for Sound Measurement and Analysis". He will be presenting information about his new course, CS 489, Computational Sound, which will be running in Winter 2017. The abstract for this talk is below.

The most common problem in acoustics is to measure the frequency response of an (expensive!) listening room. While specifications exist for the amplifiers, speakers, etc, each system must be still evaluated individually, since the frequency response depends on the direct sound from the speaker(s), the listener position and the reverberation of the room. The user may spend considerable time adjusting the speaker placement, the system equalization, and possibly treating the room to get the best response.

There are several commercial and freeware applications for this task, some of which are very good. However, to learn the methods the user must understand the processing involved.

The purpose of this talk is to present an open source solution. Our system is based on a very few lines of code, written in GNU Octave, a Matlab(r) workalike that runs under Linux, Windows and Mac.

The program works by playing a known test signal, such a tone, or some kind of noise source out of the sound card into the system. The system is measured by comparing driving signal to that measured by a microphone in the room. The frequency response is computed using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).

This is joint work with Prof. John Vanderkooy, Physics, University of Waterloo.

General Meeting

| 1:30 AM UTC | M3 1006

This general meeting will be held to discuss changes to our Code of Conduct.

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The Code of Conduct and the amended version can be found below:

Code Party

| 11:30 PM UTC | M3 1006

Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party and do it, with great company and great food.

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Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party and do it, with great company and great food.

UNIX 101

| 11:00 PM UTC | MC 3003

The CSC is having its next event, UNIX 101, on Wednesday November 9th at 6 PM in MC 3003 (the mac lab across from the CSC). UNIX 101 is a tutorial where we teach the basics of using a command-line (terminal) environment in UNIX. Knowing how to use the command-line and UNIX is an invaluable skill in CS, and helps prepare you for future projects and co-ops.

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The CSC is having its next event, UNIX 101, on Wednesday November 9th at 6 PM in MC 3003 (the mac lab across from the CSC). UNIX 101 is a tutorial where we teach the basics of using a command-line (terminal) environment in UNIX. Knowing how to use the command-line and UNIX is an invaluable skill in CS, and helps prepare you for future projects and co-ops.

Feminism in STEM - a 101 Panel

| 9:30 PM UTC | QNC 1507

An introductory feminism in STEM panel, free food.

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The CS Club is hosting an introductory panel for applications and benefits of feminism in STEM. Example topics will include the differences between general feminism and feminism applied to STEM. Dr. Prabhakar Ragde from SCS, Swetha Kulandaivelan, and Filzah Nasir will be speaking on the panel. Fatema Boxwala will be moderating. Free food will be there and we're in a fancy room. Come on out!

CSC and WiCS Go Outside

| 10:00 PM UTC | Columbia Lake 2 Fire Pit

The CSC and WiCS (Women in Computer Science) are co-hosting a social event on Thursday, October 13th (the day after reading week). We will be Going Outside to the Columbia Lake 2 Fire Pit; there will be a campfire, s'mores, lots of food, frisbees, grass, etc. Bring your friends!

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The CSC and WiCS (Women in Computer Science) are co-hosting a social event on Thursday, October 13th (the day after reading week). We will be Going Outside to the Columbia Lake 2 Fire Pit (see map). There will be a campfire, s'mores, lots of food, frisbees, grass, etc. Bring your friends!

Bringing OOP Best Practices to the World of Functional Programming

| 10:00 PM UTC | MC 4021

The CSC will have its first talk of the term this Thursday, October 6th. UW alumna and CSC member Elana Hashman will be giving a talk on using functional programming languages (like Racket!) in industry, and how some concepts from the more common object-oriented paradigm are translated to the functional paradigm. The abstract for the talk is below.

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I transitioned from writing software in imperative, object-oriented (OO) programming languages to doing functional programming (FP) full-time, and you can do it, too! In this talk, I'll make a case for using FP for real-world development, cover some cases where common FP language features substitute for design patterns and OOP structure, and provide some examples of translating traditional OO design patterns into functional code.

Fall 2016 Elections

| 10:30 PM UTC | MC Comfy Lounge

The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Fall 2016 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian will be appointed.

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The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Fall 2016 term on Monday, September 19th at 6:30pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001).

The following positions will be elected: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The following positions will be appointed: Systems Administrator (to be ratified at the meeting), Office Manager and Librarian. Additionally, we will be looking for members to join the Programme Committee.

If you would like to run or nominate someone for any of the elected positions, you can put your name in a special box in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037) or by sending an email to the Chief Returning Officer (Zachary) at Please note that executive positions are restricted to MathSoc social members. We welcome the participation of first years. A list of current nominations will be available on the whiteboard in the office and at

Nominations will close at 6:30pm on Sunday, September 18th (24 hours prior to the start of elections). Voting will be done in a heads-down, hands-up manner and is restricted to MathSoc social members. A full description of the roles and the election procedure are listed in our Constitution, available at . Any questions related to the election can be directed to