歌詞 | Rōmaji | English |
私誕生蠢く宇宙 | Watashi tanjou ugomeku uchuu | I am the universe teeming with creation |
銀河創造鳥が鳴く | Ginga souzou tori ga naku | The singing bird that forms the galaxies |
身体惑星一つになる | Karada wakusei hitotsu ni naru | Bodies become one with the planets |
無重力の薄翅蜉蝣 | Mujuuryoku no usubakagerou | Weightless ant lions |
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地獄星 | Jigokuboshi | Black holes |
観測密度無限大 | Kansoku mitsudo mugendai | Measuring infinite density |
時空葬 | Jikuusou | Space-time burial grounds |
すり鉢罠蟻地獄 | Suribachi wana arijigoku | Grinding trapped larvae |
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森羅万象火の鳥 | Shinrabanshou hi no tori | The phoenix of creation |
細胞素粒子大宇宙 | Saibou soryuushi daiuchuu | Its cells the elementary particles of the macrocosmos |
輪廻転生私は | Rinne tenshou watashi wa | Through the endless cycle of rebirth I am |
シュヴァルツシルト死のゆりかご | Shuvarutsushiruto shi no yurikago | Schwartzchild's cradle of the dead |
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エヌーマ・アヌ・エンリル | Enuuma anu enriru | When [the gods] Anu and Enlil [...] |
天球バビロニア | Tenkyuu babironia | Babylonian Heavens |
サインアストロロジー | Sain asutororojii | Sign Astrology |
天体ホロスコープ | Tentai horosukoopu | The celestial bodies' horoscope |
私の身体宇宙 | Watashi no karada uchuu | My body is the universe |
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無よりも絶無繋がる意識無限 | Mu yori mo zetsumu tsunagaru ishiki mugen | The infinite consciousness connecting a void emptier than nothingness |
一秒早く何億光年まで | Ichi byou hayaku nan oku kounen made | Crossing hundreds of millions of lightyears in a single second |
生命(いのち)は繋がって生まれて星となって | Inochi wa tsunagatte umarete hoshi to natte | Lives are connected, created, and become the stars |
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cradle of the dead | Cradle of the dead | Cradle of the dead |
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地球硝子砂時計 | Chikyuu garasu sunadokei | The hourglass of the earth |
太陽寿命残り時間 | Taiyou jumyou nokori jikan | The sun's remaining lifespan |
シリウスサイクル古代暦 | Shiriusu saikuru kodaireki | The ancient calendar tracking Sirius' cycle |
太古からの宇宙構造 | Taiko kara no uchuu kouzou | And the structure of the universe from antiquity |
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暗黒線 | Ankokusen | Dark energy |
恒星ガス状星間塵 | Kousei gasujou seikan chiri | Fixed stars, gaseous interstellar dust |
銀河律 | Ginga ritsu | The law of the galaxies |
渦巻き楕円広がる宇宙 | Uzumaki daen hirogaru uchuu | Spirals, ellipses, the expanding universe |
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銀河の彼方そびえる真理の塔 | Ginga no kanata sobieru shinri no tou | A tower of truths stretching towards the galaxies |
一秒早く何億光年先 | Ichi byou hayaku nan oku kounensaki | Hundreds of millions of lightyears behind me in a second |
近づき遠ざかって寄せては返す波の | Chikazuki touzakatte yosete wa kaesu nami no | Drawing near, becoming distant, waves breaking and retreating on the shore |
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cradle of the dead | Cradle of the dead | Cradle of the Dead |
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エヌーマ・アヌ・エンリル | Enuuma anu enriru | When [the gods] Anu and Enlil [...] |
天球バビロニア | Tenkyuu babironia | Babylonian Heavens |
サインアストロロジー | Sain asutororojii | Sign Astrology |
天体ホロスコープ | Tentai horosukoopu | The celestial bodies' horoscope |
銀河の女神像 | Ginga no megamizou | The form of the Milky Way's goddess |
太陽棲む大蛇 | Taiyou sumu daija | A serpent inhabiting the sun |
大地の巨大象 | Daichi no kyodai zou | The great elephants of the earth |
天蓋差す星座 | Tengai sasu seiza | The constellations shining as a canopy |
私の身体宇宙 | Watashi no karada uchuu | My body is the universe |
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無よりも絶無繋がる意識無限 | Mu yori mo zetsumu tsunagaru ishiki mugen | The infinite consciousness connecting a void emptier than nothingness |
一秒早く何億光年まで | Ichi byou hayaku nan oku kounen made | Crossing hundreds of millions of lightyears in a single second |
生命(いのち)は繋がって生まれて星となって | Inochi wa tsunagatte umarete hoshi to natte | Lives are connected, created, and become the stars |
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cradle of the dead | Cradle of the Dead | Cradle of the Dead |