CSC Events for Fall 2004
[Events] [Past terms' events]

The events for Fall 2004 are listed here.

CSC Elections

The Comfy Lounge, 2004-09-17, 4:00 PM: Come out and vote for the Fall 2004 executive! More information.

UNIX 101

MC 2037, 2004-09-27, 4:30 PM: First UNIX tutorial More information.

UNIX 102

MC 2037, 2004-10-04, 4:30 PM: Fun with Unix More information.

UNIX 103: Scripting Unix

MC 2037, 2004-10-18, 4:30 PM: You Too Can Be a Unix Taskmaster More information.

CSC Programming Contest

MC 2037, 2004-10-23, 11:00 PM: CSC Programming Contest More information.

Lemmings Day!

MC 4063, 2004-11-12, 2:30 PM: Everyone else is doing it! More information.


MC 2066, 2004-11-18, 5:00 PM: Wiki software in PHP+MySQL More information.


MC 2066, 2004-11-24, 4:30 PM: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the IDE More information.

Knitting needles, hairpins and other tangled objects

MC 4058, 2004-12-01, 2:30 PM: In this talk, I'll study linkages (objects built from sticks that are connected with flexible joints), and explain some interesting examples that can or cannot be straightened out More information.


Mongolian Grill, 2004-12-08, 4:30 PM: This semesters CTRL-D (or the club that really likes dinner) is going to be at mongolian grill. Be there or be square More information.










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