CSC Events for Fall 2003
[Events] [Past terms' events]

The events for Fall 2003 are listed here.

CSC Elections

MC3001 (Comfy), 2003-09-17, 4:30 PM: CSC Fall 2003 Elections More information.

UNIX 101: Text Editors

MC2037, 2003-10-02, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM: vi vs. emacs: The Ultimate Showdown More information.

Poster Team Meeting

MC3001 (Comfy), 2003-10-06, 4:00 PM: Join the Poster Team and get Free Pizza! More information.

UNIX 103: Development Tools

MC2037, 2003-10-16, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM: GCC, GDB, Make More information.

Poster Team Meeting

MC3001 (Comfy), 2003-10-17, 3:00 PM: More free pizza from the Poster Team More information.

.NET & Linux: When Worlds Collide

MC2065, 2003-10-21, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: A talk by James Perry More information.

Real-Time Graphics Compilers

MC4061, 2003-10-22, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: Sh is a GPU metaprogramming language developed at the UW Computer Graphics Lab More information.

CS Pints With Profs

Grad House Pub (Green Room), 2003-11-05, 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM: Come have a pint with your favourite CS profs! More information.

Jon 'maddog' Hall: Free and Open Source: Its uses in Business and Education

RCH 101, 2003-12-01, 7:00 PM: Free and Open Source software has been around for a long time, even longer then shrink-wrapped code. More information.










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