FARMSA Constitution 2022


  1. Name


  1. Purpose
    • To encourage academic pursuits and interests of the Math/FARM program internally and externally.
    • To provide services that will benefit Math/FARM students and other interested individuals academically and professionally.
    • To improve the cohesiveness between individuals of the Math/FARM program.
    • Provide a framework to build, improve and promote the reputation and quality of the Math/FARM program. 


  1. Membership Structure
    • Full membership shall be granted to persons who are currently, or were in the past term, social members of the MathSoc. These members may hold executive positions, attend and vote at club meetings, and participate in all FARMSA activities.
    • Associate membership shall be granted to persons who are not, or were not in the previous terms social members of MathSoc. Associate members may attend club meetings in a non-voting capacity, and participate in all FARMSA activities.
    • Membership shall be granted to an individual when he/she has paid the current membership fee. (If they exist) Membership in the FARMSA lasts until it is revoked by the executive officers, or until the end of the academic term in which it was granted.


  1. Membership Fees
    • Membership fees are decided upon by the Executive Officers of the Club.
    • The deadline for the collection of membership fees shall be within one month from the beginning of the term.


  1. Executive Officers
    • There shall be seven executive officers:
      1. The President
      2. The Vice-President of  Academics
      3. The Vice-President of Social Activities
      4. Vice President of Information Technology (IT)
      5. The Secretary/Vice President of Communications
      6. The  Vice President of Finance
      7. Chief Returning Officer
    • The Academic Advisor is invited to act in the capacity of the ex-officio member of the club.
    • The primary duty of all executive officers is the upholding of this constitution.
    • The duties of the President shall be as follows:
      • To call and preside over general meetings.
      • To call a meeting between newly elected executive members and Academic Advisors at the beginning of the term.
      • To attend all MathSoc Council meetings as the club's representative, and to find a replacement to attend should he/she be unable to attend a given meeting.
      • To be aware of MathSoc's Policies and Bylaws in regards to the club's management and activities.
      • To act as the Vice President of Social Activities in the Vice President's absence.
    • The duties of the Vice-president of Academics shall be as follows:
      • To organize study sessions, tutor groups and materials that will benefit the academia of the members.
      • To keep students informed of updates and news about the program courses as well as any external learning opportunities.
      • To act as an intermediate between the Academic Advisors and the students of the program through the discussion forum as well through the club e-mail.
      • To act as the Secretary in the Secretary’s absence.
    • The duties of the Vice-president of Social Activities shall be as follows:
      • To organize or chair the organization of events the club wishes to run.
      • To inform members of all upcoming events and meetings through the club e-mail.
      • To schedule and make appropriate arrangements for events and meetings.
      • To act as the President in the President's absence.
    • The duties of the Vice President of Information Technology (IT) shall be as follows:
      • To update all past and all upcoming events and meetings through the club website.
      • To update and maintain the club website (including the club discussion forum, and the member registration page)
      • To update and maintain the club e-mail.
      • To act as the Vice President of Communication in the Vice President’s absence
    • The duties of the Secretary/Vice President of Communication shall be as follows:
      • To take minutes at FARMSA meetings, make the minutes accessible to the membership, and send a copy of the minutes to MathSoc's Director of Internal Affairs.
      • To ensure that the records of the club are maintained in good order.
      • To send announcements and notices of events and meetings to all club members and to MathSoc's President and MathSoc's Director of Internal Affairs
      • To act as the Vice-President of IT in the Vice-President's absence.
    • The duties of the Vice President of Finance shall be as follows:
      • To collect membership fees and maintain a list of all past and current members.
      • To distribute membership cards.
      • To decide the time, method, amount and location of the collection of membership fees.
      • To prepare the budget at the beginning of term.
      • To keep an up-to-date record of financial transactions and the purpose of expenditures, and to present this record to any club member or MathSoc Council member upon request.
      • To prepare a summary of the financial records at the end of the academic term.
      • To act as the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) in the CRO's absence.
    • The duties of the Chief Returning Officer shall be as follows:
      • To manage the club transition between terms and be responsible for the executive election.
      • To create and distribute membership cards.
      • To communicate with MathSoc during periods when the club has no executive positions running.
      • To ensure that the memberships are fairly and appropriately represented.
      • To act as the Vice-President of Finance in the Vice-President’s absence.


  1. Election Process
    • The Executive Officers shall be elected democratically at the beginning of the academic term, and shall hold their positions until the beginning of the next term or until they resign and re-nominate. The nominees shall then be re-elected democratically.
    • All students running for Executive Officers must be students under the Faculty of Mathematics. All students running for Presidency must have at least one term as an Executive Officer in FARMSA.
    • An individual can hold only one position per term, excluding the Chief Returning Officer as the person holding the position is only held at interim.
    • There will be a minimum of one election process per term.


  1. Committees


  1. Allocation of Funds
    • The accumulation of a library of texts that are of academic or personal interest to the membership.
    • Social events held by FARMSA.
    • Materials for the promotion of the FARMSA as a whole.
    • Other assets and expenditures decided upon by a democratic vote by the club members.


  1. Office Security
    • At least one member of the Executive team must be present when students are in the FARMSA office.
    • Only Executive Officers have ownership of the key pass to the office. They are not allowed to lend it to other non-Executive Officers.


  1. Constitutional Amendments
    • This constitution may be amended by a democratic vote of the membership or through the advisement of the founding members.
    • A notice of the proposed amendment must be relayed to the membership at least a week in advance of the vote.


  1. Dissolution
    • In the event that the FARMSA is disbanded, all assets save those that have been donated to the club will be transferred to MathSoc with the intent that they should be given to a new Math/FARM club, should one form.
    • Effort shall be made to return donated items to the donor. Should, after a reasonable period the donor be unreachable, donated items shall be treated as an asset per the previous section.