instructor: Martin Karsten
MC4063 TTh 1-2:20
4 1 32 5
Week 1. Jan 10
+-----+ linux.student.cs
|train| network +-------+ network
|track| +--------------+ TFTP +---------+
+-----+ | +-------+ |
| |
| |
+----+------+-----+ +--+---+ +---+--+
|PWR | 6021 | 6051+---------+ ARM +---------+ | DEV |
+----+------+-----+ COM1 +------+ COM2 | +------+
Marklin grey box |
| /dev/ttySx
| OPS |
track PC
raspberry runs without MLU, unaligned access to memory will not work.
memory layout of running program
-------- 0xffff
stack v
heap ^
-------- 0
elf sections
- text
- data: initialized data in the code
- bss: zero-inited data
freestanding environment (in contrast to hosted)
- has no OS under the hood
- no heap memory
- no libc; it is part of compiler
memory setup:
- physical memory
- device registers: 'magic' addresses to communicate with devices
- if we write bytes to the magic addresses, they are not written to memory but to devices.
- BCM section 1.2.4
- in 'low peripheral mode', please replace
with 0xfe000000
system timer (ch10) (vs arm timer):
- has frequency 54Mhz (arm time has dynamic freq)
- 7 control registers starting from
- registers have Clo, Chi
- only compare low part because time is 32bit wide
big polling loop (a0):
for (;;) {
if (c1) a1();
if (c2) a2();
serial communication
- pi board has GPIO
- serial hat connected to pins 18-21
- we program the pins to connect to SPI master etc
- delay initialization to runtime; flexible
- ch5 and page78
+--+ +--+
| +-------> +--+ SPI master
| |
+-----+ | | +--+
|ser. +------> | 18+------->---+
|hat | | ..
+-----+------> | 21 +------>+--+
| | +--+
| |
| +-------> +--+
+--+ +--+
SP1 (serial peripheral interface) (section 2.3 and ch9)
31 0
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | +----> send end
recv end +---> | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1 2
- a characteristic device (within arm): 1 byte at a time
- asynchronous
- FIFO buffer
- do not worry about performance implications for now
- has register
- TX/RX level regs (whether can send/receive data)
- TX/RX hold regs
- not BCM, but SCI6 on top of pi
- SCI6 section 8, addressing table 34
UART configuration:
- start and stop bits
- parity bit (a redundant bit for detecting error)
- channel 1: 115200 baud (impulses/s)
- communicate with terminal
- 8 bits per byte, no start bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
- channel 2: 2400 baud
- with trains
- 8 bits per byte, no parity, no start bit, 2 stop bits
- so 2400/10 = 240 bytes per second
train and track commands:
- speed: 2 bytes
- speed: 0-14; 15 for reversing; plus 16 for lights
- train number
- turnouts: 2 bytes
- 0x21 straight; 0x22 curved
- train number
- please use 0x20 to wait
- sensor:
eg. this code is bad; do not use other than SPI code
for (;;) {
while (!c1) a1();
while (!c2) a2();
Week 2. Jan 17
- no SIMD instruction
-q0 -mgeneral-regs-only
- ldur/stur create unaligned accesses and crash; use
(sometimes no working with c++)
- fix toolchain
- give compact examples of the problem
- get redboot to work
what is problem in the polling loop?
for (;;) {
if (c1) a1();
if (c2) a2();
even if only c1
is active, we still need to check everything.
for (;;) {
if (c1) a1();
if (c2) a2();
if (c1) a1();
this does not solve the problem.
what if we split big task:
for (;;) {
if (c1) a1();
if (c2) {a2_1(); a2_half_done = 1;}
if (c1) a1();
if (a2_half_done) {a2_2();}
this is too complex, not reusable.
- manage independent activities.
- separation of concerns
- runtime management
- multitasking (kernel + tasks) is one way to deal with concurrency
key concerns of task: use stack; because need to handle recursion (unknown number of push/pops).
canonical approach of kernel code:
void kmain() {
for (;;) {
currtask = schedule();
request = activate(currtask);
- create and manage tasks
- hardware protection mechanisms
- uses kernel mode
- kernel mode is usually configured to be non-interruptable
- in user mode we want interrupts
- has memory protection
- task communication and synchronization are exclusively done by message passing
why not shared memory for communication? it uses locks that are for OS.
entry/exit kernel-user-level tasks
- software interrupts (via syscalls)
- hardware interrupts
task stack has:
- scheduling state: ready/blocked/active
- blocked: might be waiting for IO
- need a queue for scheduling and blocking
- priority queue + round robin for equal priority
- execution state: which line of code/what are values for variables
- task descriptor
- no shared memory: no global vars, static symbol in theory
- it is ok to use static gv for singleton (const)
- primarily on stack
- no heap
- might still need some dynamic mem allocation
- slab allocation: slabs of memory + free list
- free list is still a linked list => use intrusive linkage: embed next pointer within the data structure
software development principle: KISS
- knuth: no premature optimization
context switch
- execution state: 32bit (historical) or 64bit
- execution level:
- 0: user program
- 1: kernel
- 2: hypervisor (default boot mode)
- 3: secure
register file:
: general purpose; 32bit
x31 = xzr
: zero
r15 = rpc
: program counter
r13 = rsp
: tack pointer register bank (4 exec levels => 4 regs)
- pstate: processor state
- exec state
- whether interrupts are taking place
- condition codes N,C,Z,V
- many system control register banks (section 4.3)
- MRS/read
- MSR/write
- SPSR (saved processor state; last pstate after doing exec level switch)
- ELR (link register)
- ESR (status of system)
ARM instructions:
- 32bit RISC instructions
- SIMD instructions (we do not use)
- unaligned memory (we do not use)
what is context switch? changing stack (pointer), register file and pc.
- do we use same stack?
- is it synchronous? (switch on our own or something happens)
- is it symmetric? (same procedure when switching from A to B as B to A?) typically not
- subroutine call: same stack, synchronous, asymmetric
- coroutine: different stacks, synchronous, symmetric
- multitasking: plus a scheduler
kernel design: 01N
- 1: use single kernel stack with state (recommended)
- 0: no stack, 'subroutine' have global/static state (ugly)
- N: one stack per user task - multithread kernel (complicated)
application binary interface (ABI)
- registers: structure and hardware roles
for procedure arguments
: struct return values (caller provides memory)
: local register
: reserved for linker
: platform, TLS
: global registers
: frame pointer
: link register (ret address)
- rules:
are caller-saved (callee-owned)
are callee-saved
- pstate, condflags are undefined
- stack pointer needs to be aligned to multiple of 16
b dst
bl dst
jump & link
stack switch: a simple form of context switch
void StackSwitch(char* newSP, char** oldSP);
- save
(push to stack)
- save SP to to memory location
- load SP from
- restore
- return
mode switch:
- SP is banked; SPSd = 1
- system call: synchronous
svc N => handler();
(N from ESR)
- ABI rules apply
- asymmetric
- interrupt
- ABI rules do not apply
- pstate is relevant
how to implement handler()
for syscall:
- exception vector (sec 10.4)
- VBAR_EL1: 4 groups of 4 vectors, each vector is 128 bytes
- (initialize to something that crash, and only work on needed)
- groups: at 64 bit mode
- vectors: synchronous, IRQ
- if handler is short enough, can directly write to entry
Week 3. Jan 24
useful registers in SVC mode switch:
- ELR_EL1 stores PC
- ESR_EL1 stores the N in
- SPSR_EL1 stores process state
- PC is the first address of exception handler
- SPSel bit: 0/1; 0 means sp is EL0; 1 means sp is EL1 banks
- can use SP_EL0/1/... to get sp directly
eg. how to mix C code and assembler?
extern int adder(int, int);
int main(void) {...}
.align 2
.global adder
.type adder, %function
add x2, x1, x0
mov x0, x2
bx lr
eg. combine assembler with C code.
unsigned int val;
asm volatile("mrs %x0, cpsr" : "=r"(val));
printf("cpsr: 0x%x\n\r", val);
asm volatile("msr cpsr, %x0" :: "r"(val));
pi initialization:
- power, reset
- all memory reset
- hardware/devices reset
kernel start:
- EL1
- stack
- IRQ disabled (more on this later)
- K1: set up syscalls
- later: set up IRQs, timer, uart, reset the track
- create initial task, push to ready queue, and start main loop
task exit: what if user program forgets to call Exit()
? wrap the user function:
void task_start(void (*task_function)()) {
- initial preparation and time slicing
- after kernel entry and corresponding processing: ready or block
message passing
sender |
receiver |
mailbox: queue of senders |
when ready, sender put itself to queue |
rendezvous |
copy message |
<- decouple in time/space |
2nd rendezvous |
copy response |
- byte memory; use union/type casting for type safety
- no locks, cvs, semaphores required
- because there is no shared memory
- what about devices: use one task for device
we can build an async producer/consumer pattern on top of the sync message passing mechanism.
- two options:
- producer sends data => push
- consumer sends request => pull
- sender needs to block
- push communication is good
- pull communication: needs to wait for multiple producers, which one to pull from?
- pull communication is good
- push communication is not good
- add a buffer task
- MPSC as the single consumer
- SPMC as the single producer
server pattern:
- task provides service
- server never calls
=> server is either busy computing or available on request (receive)
- it is a loop:
- receive request
- process request
- (delayed) response
name resolution:
- always has implicit/default starting point (closure mechanism)
- have name string => tid integer
- resolution then communication
Week 4. Jan 31
compiler optimization:
- instruction reordering
- loop unrolling
- constant folding
- remove code without side effects
- register caching
- eliminate repeated reads/writes
- compiler understands data dependencies
C/C++ volatile:
int addr = 0xfe000000 + 0x3000 + 0x04;
volatile unsigned *d = (...)addr;
unsigned val = *d;
eg. what is problem with this measurement?
start = clock();
stop = clock();
duration = stop - start;
- duration of
call counts
- background noise
- inaccuracy and granularity
improvement: do many operations and measure total time, then take average. this has problems too
- compiler optimization may comes in the way: use
- loop execution (counter, branch)
- N needs to be big
periodic action with period X:
eg. what is problem with this?
for (;;) {
- sleep may drift and accumulate errors
- action itself takes time => actually not sleeping for X
an improvement:
for (;;) {
target += X;
sleep(target - clock());
CPU caches:
- L1data: 128kb
- L1intruction: 192kb
- L2 unified: 2MB
- branch predictors
- write buffer: mediate fast cpu and slow memory
cache modes (section b2.7)
- non cachable: for devices
- write-through
- write-back
- don't have to mess with these
cache setup:
- SCTLR_EL1: controls both EL0 and EL1
cache maintainance:
- CTR_ELO: cache information
- CSSIDR_EL1 | CSSELR_EL1: cache sizes
- clean cache
- invalidate cache
- disable -> disable: noop
- enable -> disable: clean
- enable -> enable: clean
- enable -> disable -> enable: invalidate
interrupts vs polling
- kernel wakes user tasks
- asynchronous => high overhead (switching contexts)
- best of both worlds: interrupt mitigation (NAPI)
interrupt handling/scheduling:
- return-to-task
- eg: record clock ticks and return to task
- may be more complex: time slicing
- preemptive
- always reschedule
- full context switch
- pure stack switch => save caller-saved registers (x10-x30)
- pure irq switch => save x0-x18
interrupt hardware
device -- interrupt controller -- CPU
- enabling/disabling cpu interrupt flags => ignore them
- GIC-400 is GICv2 (vs arm legacy controller)
- base address:
- GIC reference ch 4
- bootloader disables interrupts via DAIF set (section 652,10.1)
- GIC default: all interrupts disabled
- need to set up GIC
- GICC control, GICD distribution
- set up pstate usev
edge interrupt vs level interrupt
- clock tick creates level interrupt to interrupt handler. interrupt handler gives it to cpu. the cpu needs to respond
GIC registers
- GICD-ISENABLER => enable (bitmask)
- GICD-ITAREGISTER => reroute to core 0
- GICC-IAR => retrieve interrupt IRQ#
- GICC-EOIR => confirm to GIC that interrupt is processed
how to get interrupt number (IRQ#):
- timers: (video core) VC 0-3 (broadcom 6.2.4)
- VC interrupt => plus 96
handler routine:
- set up exception vector
- EL1, registers disabled
- on EL1 stack
- start context switch
Week 5. Feb 7
timer interrupt:
- compare registers: C0 - C3
- C0 and C2 are for video core, so use C1 or C3
- confirm: use CS register
- the timer device is actually level signal, because without CS register, we get interrupt immediately (we would not need CS if it were CS).
- matchmaking, similar to SSR
- what if event happens but the task that should be waiting on it is not available => system is overloaded
- what if N tasks waiting for same interrupt => perhaps do not do that
- kernel delivers one task to notifier and notifier asserts
interrupt handling:
- user task executing -> interrupt -> handler -> kernel determines interrupt -> process & confirm -> push to ready queue
- after confirm, we can have a loop to handle another interrupt if we care about interrupts have same priority and happen at same time
- not caring would also work => more context switches
clock server:
for (;;) {
req = Receive();
if (...) {
the blocking on AwaitEvent is delegated to the clock notifier:
for (;;) {
- no task is ready to execute
- should see ~90% of time to be idling
- can do
- diagnosis (compute time)
- maintenance (scrub task stacks)
- save -> call
to go to low power mode (wfe
also includes interprocessor interrupts) -> device interrupt happens
- there may be spurious wake-ups => need to check clock tick
- waking up from this mode may be slower than busy wait
software design
problem complexity vs. solution complexity
- complexity
- modularization
- smaller tasks
- correctness
- deadlock avoidance
- avoid circular send
- avoid circular receive
- do not mix send and receive in same task
- performance/efficiency/throughput
- timeliness/latency
- scheduling priorities
- low utilization
design patterns:
- task types: client, server, worker
- worker types:
- notifier
for (;;) {
- courier
for (;;) {
Send(server1, req, msg);
Send(server2, msg);
- program model <=> implementation
- environment (HW/SW): interface <=> internals
model |
implementation |
program |
design/logic |
code |
environment |
interface & docs |
internals |
debugging strategy
- logging (print)
- declaring (assert)
- unit testing
- inspection
- interactive debugging: not easily accessible right now
- no experiment can prove something
- build model: gather data, compare model and data, repeat
timing problems
- realtime: timing <=> correctness
- non-determinism/concurrency: timing => functionality
race condition/data races:
- concurrent access to resource
- potential problem if any one access is a mutation
- leads to multiple outcomes
- real problem if a least one outcome is incorrect
Week 6. Feb 14
cpu --- spi --- uart (tx/rx) --- marklin
sources of uart interrupts:
- transmit TX fifo is not full
- receive RX fifo is not empty
- receive timeout RX fifo not empty below trigger level for some time (4 byte times hardcoded)
- trigger levels => level signal
- CTS -> flow control
uart IRQ control:
- interrupt is controlled by IER register (section 8)
- cpu only gets one interrupt via gpio
- read IIR register to query and confirm
uart fifo:
- hardware FIFO (64 bytes) reduces interrupt rates (with interrupt mitigation) and absorbs small bursts of data
- enable/disable both RX/TX in FCR[0]
- triggers FCR
- naive: interrupt -> action
- better: interrupt -> check status -> action -> repeat
- best: check status -> action or wait for interrupt -> repeat
eg. when writing to TX fifo:
- write TX
- check TXLVL
- if not ready, enable TX interrupt, otherwise go back to step 1
- [interrupt]
- disable TX interrupt
- go to step 1
task structure:
- uart server(s)
- notifier to handle interrupts/events
- read/write using syscalls
- need atomicity of 2-byte UART operations
- implement in SPI interactions in kernel and expose via UART-specific system calls
- gpio banks: 0-27, 28-45, 46-57
- gpio pin for interrupts: 24
- gpio interrupt for VC is 49
- add 96 = 145
- set up for pin 24:
- set function GPIO_INPUT, resistor GPIO_NONE
- add interrupt by setting Bit 24 in GPLEN0
flow control:
- not overwhelming the marklin box
- UART's 'TX ready' status only means the communication channel is ready.
- Clear-To-Send (CTS) signalled on separate wire when the receiver is able to receive and process the next byte
- before sending, check TX up and CTS actually transitions from low to up
train velocity differs at each level of speed, and differs in each environment => cannot predict state of the track. have to measure the speed.
data representation of velocity:
- velocity = distance / time
- time: 32 bits at 1ns =>. ~71 minutes
- 10ms ticks
- longest shortest path: 10500 mm
- no floating point
- use fixed-point representation with scale by power of 2 (shift is faster)
- avoid integer rounding
(a/(b/c)) = a*c/b = c*(a/b)
server types:
- proprietor
- administrator
- general server
- must not send
- buffer and park requests
- use worker for communication
- client communication
- build small independent control loops
- localized location estimate vs. route-based location estimate
- higher concurrency and lower complexity via smaller tasks?
Week 9. Mar 7
train modelling
experiments and data:
- determine minimum speed (per segment) to avoid getting stuck
- stop from lower speed is more accurate
- use tight polling loop (no kernel)
- sensor -> timestamp
- measurement errors:
- signal delivery (marklin processing) => constant error cancel out when subtracting timestamps
- delivery to software (polling loop) => is variable, use statistical modelling
- processing in software => small, ignore
- assume actual sensor times are uniformly distributed across duration of polling loop
- time interval between two sensors in sum of uniform distributions
- general case (N > 2): irwin-hall distribution
- N = 2: triangular distribution
- sample mean/variance are good estimates of real mean/variance
- can also use min/max to estimate midpoint
- velocity (dist/time) is nonlinear
- compute average time first, then speed; no other way around
- we will not see perfect triangular distribution, but bimodal (or trimodal in corner cases)
- recommendation: keep experiment raw data as much as possible
eg. if we have dist=100, t1=10, t2=20: then tavg=15, so v=100/15=6.67.
dynamic calibration: use exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)
- formula:
c <- c * (1 - a) + d * a
- c: current time estimate; d: next data sample; a: weighting factor
- no need to store array of samples
- with appropriate choice of a (α=2n1), can use bit shift
- can use similar approximation for standard deviation
- velocity is finite <=> movement must be continuous
- acceleration is finite <=> velocity must be continuous
- simplified kinematic model: assume constant acceleration
- approximate as average velocity during acceleration interval
- or approximate as velocity step change in the middle of the interval
- both ok if somewhat lower-quality location estimate is acceptable during acceleration
- measurement:
- similar to velocity
- measure time between two sensors
- change speed level at 1st sensor
- then compute acceleration based on known estimates for velocities
- velocities are known by measuring avg time and constant dist
- first detect whether train has reached target velocity at 2nd sensor?
- avg velocity during acceleration interval is
v_avg = (v1 + v2) / 2
eg. acceleration completes before 2nd sensor hit (d/t > v_avg
- split d=d1+d2 into two segments (d1: acceleration, d2: stable velocity)
- split t into corresponding segments
v_avg = d1 / t1
v2 = d2 / t2
- can solve for d1, d2, t1, t2
- acceleration is
(v2 - v1) / t1
v2 | +---------+-
| / |
va | / |
|/ |
v1 +-------------+--> t
t1 t2
eg. acceleration does not complete before 2nd sensor hit (d/t < v_avg
- actual average velocity during acceleration is
v_s = d / t
- velocity at 2nd sensor hit is
v_r = 2(v_s - v1) + v1
- acceleration is
(v_r - v1) / t
vr ^ +
| /|
vs | / |
|/ |
v1 +---+-----------> t
measuring stop distance:
- send stop command when sensor is triggered
- measure stop distance manually
measuring stop time:
- compute using acceleration model
- manual binary search
- can use stop time + velocity to compute distance
- special case of acceleration
- measured based on known estimates for stop time/distance
- stop at known location, then start
- measure time to sensor
- can compute acceleration
short moves:
- stop before reaching target velocity => dynamic calibration
- manual experiments with different (short) times between start and stop
latency analysis:
- program as graph => computation & termination vs. control/service loop
- control/service loop: throughput vs latency
- timing of edges: busy vs block
- throughput: compare avg busy cost of paths to offered load
- latency: consider both busy and blocked cost
average latency: no balancing between lower and higher latencies
- service loop: outliers change mean => potentially skews utility
- control loop: mean masks outliers => potentially hides catastrophic problem
- how often a train enters critical track section matters more than how much it overshoots
- analysis must work with latency distribution
- service loop: higher order percentile
- control loop: worst case latency
- rarely relevant
worst-case latency: WCET
- identify critical paths or worst-case execution path (WCEP)
- uncertainty:
- busy (memory/cpu pipelining/caching)
- block (contributes to latency but not throughput)
- internal loops (bounds)
- queueing:
- standing queues (contributes to latency but not throughput)
- theory: latency increases as arrivals approach capacity
- alternative model: critical instant
- assume all events happen at same time; all tasks ready
- trace priority execution
automatic analysis:
- static analysis: np-hard
- hybrid: measure single feasible paths (SFP) and analyze combination
- record loop counts, recursion depths
train control:
- preemptive scheduling: shortcut to loop start
- small tasks: shorter graph edges
- critical path is sensor event -> action -> effect
- preemption: keep uninterruptible kernel execution short
- priorities: support resource management via scheduling
task priorities:
- critical path is sensor -> uart -> supervisor -> engineer -> track -> uart -> command
- priority determines worst-case latency
- priority is not as critical when utilization is low
- low-level tasks: use higher priority and/or buffer
- low priority could lose interrupts or input
options for train control command loop:
- single-bank sensor queries - budget for train commands
- add uncertainty to sensor timing based on # of previous train commands
- ignore additional error, because it is small?
Week 11. Mar 21
- add graceful exit command that stops everything
- light up trains
- start all trains from exit?
context switch stress testing:
- tasks switch to each other
- task do expensive computations involving all registers
train control
- travel at constant speed => calibrate velocities
- travel at target velocity (avoid collision) => adjust speed
- travel in cohort => adjust speed but there are two trains to choose from
sensor attributions => error margin for prediction
- expected time T ± error margin
- handle one error: either turnout or sensor
- add redundancy by listening to multiple sensors
what if unexpected errors (timeouts) occur:
- good strategies: stop trains and print errors
- reality: run as much as possible?
- build independent subsystems
deadlock: wait for random time an restart?
- online
- compute path using track/reserved node
- single-node dijkstra doable online (computing part + tracing part)
- offline: determine loop-free alternative path with loop threshold
design approach
decomposing problems:
- travel server:
- manage travel plans with timing
- query for sensor attribution
- sensor server
- sends notification to train
- route server
- reservation server
- reservations must be continuous
- do not worry about timing
- train task
- source/dest: obtain route from route server
- file travel plan
- drive train
- reserve/release track segments
- set train speeds
- switch reserved turnouts
- handle sensor and timeouts
- want to avoid interrupts
- but always want clock/timer interrupts
- uart tx: always try sending first, enable interrupt if cannot
- can set ui things to have lower priority
- uart rx: response needed
- principle: should finish requests
- want to avoid buffering in kernel
priority inversion
- lower priority task indirectly keeps higher priority task from running
- can become latency problem
- can become correctness problem is system is fully loaded
- use dynamic priority
Week 12. Mar 28
real-time cpu scheduling
special-purpose vs general-purpose systems:
- special-purpose: hardware, os, application co-design
- control/VR
- predictability
- general-purpose: hardware, os, application decoupled
- performance, throughput and liveness
types of realtime:
- 'hard' RT: 'no delay', no deadline misses
- 'firm' RT: rare deadline misses
- 'near' RT: some variation and misses are ok
- 'soft' RT: statistical distribution of delay is ok, some degradation is ok
efficiency vs latency tradeoff:
- also modeled as pipeline (buffer/queue) vs. run-to-completion
cyclic executive (polling loop):
- target should be larger than max iteration time if all flags are true to prevent overheat
- limited monolith
for (;;) {
t = current_time();
if (1) ...
sleep(t + target - current_time());
real-time task scheduling:
- task destruction: periodic vs aperiodic
- admission control: set of feasible
- selection mechanism: scheduler
liu/layland (1973):
- rate-monotonic (RM) scheduling
- full and immediate preemption
- periodic tasks
- deadline = around time of next request
- static role-monotonic priority => task priority accord to actual frequency
- admission test: if total utilization < 70%, then scheduler will guarantee all deadlines
- earliest deadline first (ddf):
- get optimal admission if util < 100%
- algos exist to bring down complexity of sorting
- only works for one processor
multiprocessor scheduling: np-hard
linux objectives:
- hardware interrupts arbitrated by interrupt controller service
- synchronization => memory allocation (priority inversion)
- work conservation
- time-slicing preemption for fairness
- interrupt mitigation
Week 13. Apr 4
multi-core programming
- unknown and nondeterministic execution ordering
- asynchronous memory access
- need: atomicity and memory ordering
- want: critical section (ACI)
without atomic ops, use dekker's algo:
int turn = 0;
int wantIn[2] = {false, false};
int me = 0;
int you = 1;
wantIn[me] = true;
while (wantIn[you]) {
if (turn != me) {
wantIn[me] = false;
while (turn != me) { }
wantIn[me] = true;
turn = you;
wantIn[me] = false;
with atomic RMW operations (atomic increment, test-set etc.), use ticket lock:
int ticket = 0;
int serving = 0;
int myTicket = ticket++;
while (myTicket != serving) { }
memory ordering
int a = 0, b = 0;
a = 1;
b = 1;
outcome of 00 is possible because of delayed writes.
TSO (total store order):
- classic memory model
- writes can be deferred before reads
- write conflicts are never reordered
- (permits 00 in example)
memory barriers (fences): special instructions to enforce memory ordering
- blocks pipelines and turn TSO to total order
wantIn[me] = true;
while (wantIn[you]) {
if (turn != me) {
wantIn[me] = false;
while (turn != me) { }
wantIn[me] = true;
sequential consistency:
- processor order - loads and stores
- some total order - interleaving
- SC = TSO + fences
- (cannot have 00 in example)
ticket lock:
int myTicket = ticket++;
while (myTicket != serving) { }
x86 atomics have fence semantics.
- C volatile forbids compiler optimization/reordering
- java volatile ensures sequential consistency
we use atomic instructions to ensure parallelism and fence for memory ordering.