instructor: Yizhou Zhang

E21736 TTh 10-12:00

assn * 6 (63%) + secret test (10%) + fe (25%)

Week 1. Jan 10

big picture:

bigger picture: compiler => assembler => linker => loader


if (b == c) /* ... */ a += "hi";
^  ^^ ^  ^^ ^         ^ ^  ^   ^

tokens: integer literal, string literals, keywords, operators, comment

given input string, we ignore comments, whitespaces (javadoc comments are exception).

the token class includes token type + attribute + metadata (eg source location)

eg. naive scanning identifier

while true:
    auto c =
    if !idChar(c):

challenges: no backtracking (cannot handle overlapping tokens), no lookaheads


while idChar(input.peek()):

one can use regular expressions to define legal tokens to synthesize such lexer code.

R L(R) meaning
a {"a"}
ϵ {""}
R|S L(R) ∪ L(S) alternation
R⋅S {rs: r∈L(R), s∈L(S)} concatenation
R* L(ϵ) ∪ L(R) ∪ L(RR) ∪ ... kleene star


R L(R)
R? R|ϵ
R+ R(R*)
[abc]=[a-c] a|b|c
[^ab] any char not a or b
. [^\n]
[^] any char

lex generators: lex/flex/jflex/...

language matching token rule: always match the longest token.

eg. how would java tokenize elsex = 0 ? most languages will treat elesx as an identifier.

eg. how would java tokenize x = +++y ?

eg. how would java tokenize a++b ?

eg. how would java tokenize List<List<Integer>> ?

how does lexer generator work? given spec

spec = re1 {act}
 | re2 {act}
 | ...
// in decreasing order

it does spec => NFA => DFA => loop + table.

defn. a DFA consist of:

auto q = q0
while i <= len(input):
    q = delta(q, input[i]):
if q in F:

Week 2. Jan 17

computing delta

strawman idea: directly map RE to DFA. but things like R1="IF",R2="IDENT" do not not work in general. we need to convert to NFA first.

defn. an NFA is a DFA plus

algo. (RE to NFA method) suppose [[R]][[R]] denotes a DFA for a regular expression with one enter and one exit state. we use base cases:

[[a]] = -> ◯ ---> ◎

[[ϵ]] = -> ◯ ---> ◎

and induction cases

[[R1⋅R2]] = -> [[R1]] ---> [[R2]]  (change R1's final state to non-final)

               ϵ /       \ ϵ
[[R1|R2]] =  -> ◯        ◎       (change R1,R2's final state to non-final)
               ϵ \       / ϵ

                 ϵ          ϵ
           -> ◯ ---> [[R]] ---> ◎
               |       ^ |       ^
[[R*]] =       |       | | ϵ     |  (change R's final state to non-final)
               |       +-+       |

eg. convert (0|1)*1 to NFA.

NFA-DFA idea: a DFA state = set of all NFA states that can be reached by reaching same sequence of symbols.

defn. the ϵ-closure of q is the set of states reachable from q using >= 0 ϵ-edges.

eg. ϵ-closure(G) = {G, H}, ϵ-closure(F) = {F, G, H, A, B, D}, ϵ-closure({G, F}) = ϵ-closure(G) ∪ ϵ-closure(F).

algo. (computing ϵ-closure)

    for all states q' in NFA:
        ϵ-closure[q][q'] = false
    worklist = {q}
    // invariant: q' equation is not satisfied => q ∈ worklist'
    while worklist:
        auto q' = worklist.pop()
        update ϵ-closure[q][q'] per its equation
        if ϵ-closure[q][q'] changed:
            for every q' such that q'' -> q' via ϵ:
                add q'' to worklist


complexity: O(N), where N is number of NFA states.

algo. (construct DFA from NFA)

eg. convert (0|1)*1 to DFA.

this DFA is not minimal, we can minimize it. we want to ask when two DFA states are equivalent.

defn. two DFA states Q1,Q2Q_1,Q_2 are not equivalent when

use worklist algo, we start with every pair of states being equivalent, and unequate them.

theorem. (myhill-nerode) for any DFA, there exists a unique minimal DFA accepting some input.

the states SABDGH and CFABDGH are equivalent, so they can be merged.

eg. suppose we have a spec

spec = R1   {act 1}
       | R2 {act 2}

and we generate an NFA and a DFA

    ◯ ... ◎ A
◯                    -----> ◯ -> ... ◎ AB
    ◯ ... ◎ B

the final state contains both A and B. what action should lexer do? it should do action A because of decreasing priority.

finally, the generated code should do

eg. suppose R1=abc, R2=(abc)*d. what does abcabc...abcx match?
lexer will reach x and fail, then it backs up to beginning and match R1. then it starts from the second abc and reach x again, ... the time complexity is O(N^2).

minimization algo of DFA exists to reduce complexity to O(N).

interpreting REs by derivatives

start from regular expression RE0, receive input x1x_1, then we transit to regular expression RE1 and so on..

defn. the derivative of regular expression RR wrt aa, aR\partial aR is


we use context-free-grammar (rewrite does not depend on context)


start symbol: S
terminals: + * n ( )
nonterminals: S, E
  S -> S + S | S * S | E
  E -> n | ( S )

defn. a derivation is sequence of rewrites from start symbol to a token stream.


eg. how to derive (1+4)+2 ?

S + S
E + S             // leftmost derivation:
( S ) + S         // expand leftmost terminal first
( S + S ) + S
( E + E ) + E
( 1 + 4 ) + 2

S + S
S + E
S + 2             // rightmost derivation

its parse tree is

leftmost derivation corresponds to top-down parsing; rightmost derivation corresponds to bottom-up parsing.

defn. G is ambiguous if some string in L(G) has multiple parse trees.

eg. 1+2*3 has two parse trees, so the grammar above is ambiguous. the precedence of + and * is not enforced.

eg. 1+2+3 has two parse trees. the associativity of + is not enforced.

fixing ambiguity:

S -> S + T | T
T -> T * F | F
F -> n | ( S )

// precedence left +
// precedence left *

this defines the same language but unambiguous because

many parser generators allow specifying precedence and associativity.

eg. dangling else problem

S -> if E then S
   | if E then S else S
   | ...

how do we parse if E1 then if E2 then S1 else S2 ? we can let the else belong to the inner if, or let it belong to the outer if. most languages choose the first parse (the "closest-if rule").

if E1 then
    if E2 then S1
    else S2

this grammar is ambiguous. to fix it, we observe there are two kinds of statements

we can fix using

S -> M | U
M -> if E then M else M
   | ...
U -> if E then S
   | if E then M else U

// precedence noassoc if
// precedence noassoc else

eg. needing context: how to parse HashTable<K, V> x; ? there are 2 solutions

  1. lexer receives feedback from later stages from compiler (not ideal)
  2. parser creates parse tree with ambiguous nodes; ambiguity is resolved at later stage

eg. significant whitespace (python): lexer inserts extra indent/dedent tokens.

Week 3. Jan 24

LL parsing

aka top-down parsing / recursive-descent parsing

eg. given S-expression (scheme)

S -> ( L ) | x
L -> ϵ | S L

we parse like this

class SExpr {}
class ListExpr extends SExpr {}
class Id extends SExpr {}

SExpr parseS() {
    switch (peek()) {
        case LPAREN:    // S -> (L)
            consume();  // LPAREN
            List<SExpr> l = parseL();
            consume();  // RPAREN
            return new ListExpr(l);
        case IDENT:     // S -> x
            String id = consume();  // IDENT
            return new Id(id);
            throw SyntaxError;

List<SExpr> parseL() {
    switch (peek()) {
        case ID: case LPAREN:  // S -> S L
            SExpr S = parseS();
            List<SExpr> l = parseL();
            return new List<>(s, new ListExpr(l));
        case LPAREN:  // L ->
            return new List<>();
            throw SyntaxError;

if we parse "(x x)" we get

      /        \
     /          \
Id("x")        Id("x")

predictive parsing table (PPT) for one lookahead:

( x )
S S → (L) S → x None
L L → SL L → SL L → ϵ

defn. a grammar is LL(1) if a 1-lookahead PPT can be constructed.

LL(k>=2) grammars are not generally used. if Σ\Sigma represents vocabulary, then there are 2Σ2^{|\Sigma|} columns in a PPT.

to build prediction table, we build 3 tables

eg. for the S-expr grammar, we get

Nullable(S) = 0
Nullable(L) = 1

First(L) = (, x
Follow(L) = )

we will build a table such that Cell(x, a) in PPT contains

claim. (proving string is nullable)

algo. (computing nullable using iterative solving)

for each nonterminal X:
    nullable[X] = 0
repeat until no more changes:
    for each X in G:
        update nullable[X] per X equation
return nullable


algo. (computing nullable using worklist)

for each nonterminal X:
    nullable[X] = 0
auto worklist = {X: X → ϵ ∈ G}
// invariant: if X's equation is not satisfied, then X is in work list
while worklist is not empty:
    auto X = worklist.pop()
    update nullable[X] per X equation
    if nullable[X] changed:
        for each Z → αXβ ∈ G:
return nullable

claim. (proving string is in first set)


we can similarly provide two algos to compute first.

claim. (proving string is in follow set)

equation: Follow(X) = YαXβG\bigcup_{Y\rightarrow\alpha X\beta\in G}(First(β) ∪ (if Nullable(β) then Follow(Y) else ∅))

eg. failing cases: Cell(X,a) has >= productions.
we can use LL(2+), but it causes state explosion. we can use following tricks:

(1) shared first set:

L -> S | S L  // not LL(1)

L  -> S L'
L' -> ϵ | L

(2) left recursion

L -> S | L + S  // not LL(k) since First(L+S) = First(S)

L -> S(+S)*      // parse (+S)* using a loop
Expr parseL() {
    Expr result = parseS();
    while (peek()) {
        consume();  // '+'
        result = new Plus(result, parseS());
    return result;

earley parser

problem with top-down parsing: must predict production before seeing entire input going into the production. this is not required for button-up parsing.

earley parser: chooses productions as late as it can

straw man: fork off a parser thread for each possible production.

key idea: simulates threads in poly time by tracking all parses as sets of (earley) items.

algo. (how to construct IjI_j):

for each j:
    do until no changes to I[j]:
        if [A→β•cγ,k] ∈ I[j], next token is c:
            add [A→βc•γ,k] to I[j+1]
        if [A→β•Cγ,k] ∈ I[j]:
            for all C→γ ∈ G, add [C→•γ,j] to I[j]:
        if [C→γ•,k] ∈ I[j] and [A→β•Cδ,m] ∈ I[k]:
            add [A→βC•δ,m] to I[j]


S -> S + E | E
E -> n | ( S )

input: (1)+2

I[0] = [S'→•S,0], [S→•S+E,0], [S→•E,0], [E→•n,0], [E→•(S),0]

get (:
  I[1] = [E→(•S),0] [S→•S+E,1], [S→•E,1], [E→•n,1], [E→•(S),1]
get 1:
  I[2] = [E→n•,1], [S→E•,1], [E→(S•),0], [S→S•+E,1]
get ):
  I[3] = [E→(S)•,0], [S→E•,0], [S'→S•,0], [S→S•+E,0]
get +:
  I[4] = [S→S+•E,0], [E→•n,4], [E→•(S),4]
get 2:
  I[5] = [E→n•,4], [S→S+E•,0], [S'→S•,0], [S→S•+E,0]
                            successful thread

the derivation in successful thread is

S' -> S -> S+E -> S+2 -> E+2 -> (S)+2 -> (E)+2 -> (1)+2

time complexity: O(n^3) for arbitrary CFG; O(n^2) for unambiguous grammars; O(n) for LR(k) grammar with optimization (eg doing lookahead in complete operation)

LR parsing

a specialization of earley parser. we precompute a parsing table (DFA) with which parser knows whether to scan or complete.

aka shift-reduce parser => shift is scan + prediction (closure), reduce is complete

eg. parse the same (1)+2.

stack unconsumed
shift ( 1)+2
shift (1 )+2
reduce E→n (E )+2
reduce S→E (S )+2
shift (S) +2
reduce E→(S) E +2
reduce S→E S +2
shift S+ 2
shift S+2
reduce E→n S+E
reduce S→S+E S

LR parsing table: given current stack and current lookahead token, tells whether shift or reduce (and which production)

the table can be ambiguous: shift-reduce conflicts and reduce-reduce conflicts.

Week 4. Jan 31

in LR(k) parser, it has

LR(0) parser

the automaton state is a set of LR(0) items [X → α•β] (not parser state).

algo. (construct LR(0) automaton)

  1. initial_state = ϵ-closure[S' → •S$]
  2. do until no more states or transitions:
    1. for each symbol to right of in some state:
      1. add transition to a state with all matching terms advanced and closure taken


S -> S + E | E
E -> n | ( S )


how to use the DFA:

eg. parse (1+2).

stack unconsumed input
o (1+2)$
shift 2 o(2 1+2)$
shift 1 o(211 +2)$
reduce E→n o(2E +2)$
goto 3 o(2E3 +2)$
reduce S→E o(2S +2)$
goto 4 o(2S4 +2)$
shift 5 o(2S4+5 2)$
shift 1 o(2S4+521 )$
reduce E→n o(2S4+5E7 )$
reduce S→S+E o(2S4 )$
shift 6 o(2S4) $
reduce E→(S) oE3 $
reduce S→E oS8 $
shift 9 oS8$9
reduce S'→S$ S'

SLR parsing: reduce X→γ only if lookahead a ∈ Follow(X).

eg. SLR can help shift-reduce conflict

S -> E + S | E
E -> n | ( S )


LR(1) parsing

an LR(1) item is [X → α•β, λ] = LR(0) item + 1 lookahead set.

construction of LR(1) automaton is same as LR(0), however the closure of LR(1) item is different: if state includes [X → α•Yβ, λ], then new state should include items [Y → •γ, λ'] where


S -> E + S | E
E -> n | ( S )


for unambiguous grammar,

eg. precedence left plus

E -> E + E | E * E

|E → E+E•    +     <- reduce E→E+E on +
|E → E•+E    ...   <- shift on +

|E → E*E•    +     <- reduce E→E*E on +
|E → E•+E    ...   <- shift on +

the conflict can be solved by specifying

precedence left PLUS;
precedence left TIMES;

LALR(1) parsing

LR(1) automaton has too many states. LALR(1) merges LR(1) states with same LR(0) items into an LALR(1) state.


two LR(1) states, unambiguous
+------------+     +------------+
|E → n•    + |     |E → n•    $ |
|E → E+n•  + |     |E → E+n•  $ |
+------------+     |------------+

one LALR(1) state, ambiguous
|E → n•    $+ |
|E → E+n•  $+ |

venn diagram:


the parser creates a parse tree, which is different from the AST.

ast design principle: don't fight your language

how do parsers construct ASTs:

eg. specify action on the parser generator

expr := expr:e1 PLUS expr:e2 { RESULT = new BinaryExpr(op.Plus, e1, e2) }

stack before reduce:
( E + E
  ^   ^
  e1  e2

stack after reduce:
( E

semantic analysis

this pass either

valid = well-formed

decorated = extra info useful for later passes

eg. need to resolve names.

package p;
class A {
      ^ // declaration of name
    static int x;
    A A(A A) {
    ^ - ^ = // reference, declaration, reference, declaration
        return (A)A.A(A);
                ^ = - =  // all references

how to represent declaration of names?


package p;
import q.*;
class C {
    D y;
    int z = A.x;
    ... y.w.z ...

package q;
class D extends C { C w;}

package q;
class C { String z; }

first step: define environment (context/symbol table), which maps symbols to objects:


second step: resolve uses of type names to class objects.

do we want to combine 1st and 2nd steps into a single AST traversal? no, there are mutual recursive classes.

note qualified names like a.b.c.d are deferred until type checking.

third step: preliminary checking on class hierarchy.


defn. AA is subtype of BB, ie A<:BA<:B,

defn. Declare(T) = methods and fields that are derived in class/interface T


Week 5. Feb 7



technicality: java.lang.Object is a supertype of all class and interface types. methods equals(Object), hashCode(), toString() are implicitly in the Declare of an interface.

eg. a protected method must not replace a public method.
this translates to ∀(m, m') ∈ Replace, public ∈ mods(m') => protected !∈ mods(m).

eg. a method must not replace a method with a different return type.
this translates to ∀(m, m') ∈ Replace, type(m) = type(m') (no covariance).

symbol table

an ast traversal will decorate the AST with types:

abstract class Expr {
    Optional<Type> type;  // initially null, filled by typechecking
    abstract void typeCheck() throws SemanticError;

class BinExpr extends Expr {
    Op op;
    Exp left, right;
    void typeCheck() {
        switch (op) {
            case PLUS: {
                if (left.type.eq(Int) && right.type.eq(Int)) {
                    this.type = Int;
                } else if (left.type.eq(StringTy) || right.type.eq(StringTy)) {
                    this.type = StringTy;
                } else {
                    throw new SemanticError();
            case ...

we need context to remember names

class Context {
    Type get(String name) throws UnboundIdent;
    void put(String name, Type type) throws BoundIdent;

class LocalVar extends Expr {
    String name;
    void typeCheck(Context c) {
        this.type = c.get(;

class LocalVarDeclare extends Stmt {
    String name;
    TypeNode tn;
    void typeCheck(Context c) {
        try {
            throw new SemanticError("already declared");
        } catch (UnboundIdent) {
            c.put(name, tn.type);

class Block extends Stmt {
    List<Stmt> stmts;
    void typeCheck(Context c) {
        c.pushFrame();  // or clone and discard
        for (s : stmts) {

implement the context using a stack of hashtables.

AST traversal

ast traversal is used in

OO style: all AST nodes have a typeCheck() method that does traversal:

FP style: a typeCheck() function does pattern matching

resolve tension

class Visitor {
    void visitBinExpr(BinRxpr e) {}
    void visitIf(If n) {}

class TypeChecker extends Visitor {
    Context c;
    void visitBinExpr(BinExpr r) {
        var t1 = e.left.type, t2 = e.right.type;
        // compare if t1 and t2 are compatible

class BinExpr {
    void accept(Visitor v) {


at compile time = statically; at run time = dynamically.

static type = type at compile time + type checking at compile time

dynamic typing = values carry types at run time + type checking at run time

strong typing ≈ no undefined behaviors

strong typing weak typing
static typing ocaml, haskell C/C++
static & dynamic typing Java, C#
dynamic typing javascript, python perl, postscript
untyped λ-calculus, assembly

static type checking:


Map m = new HashMap();
m.put("foo", "bar");
String s = m.get("foo");  // m.get() returns Object

the program will run successfully. but it does not typecheck in Joos.

the design of a type system is balancing act.

decidability of type checking:

types in Joos:

τ,σ ::= C (class/interface type)
    | boolean | short | byte | char | int
    |'null type'
    | void (return type)
    | τ[] (τ is C, boolean, ..., int)

types in other languages:

formalizing type system:

eg. some typing rules

eg. typing derivation is a proof tree

Γ2:int(intlit),y:intΓΓy:int(var),Γ3:int(intlit)Γy3:int(times)Γ2+y3:int(plus)\cfrac{\cfrac{}{\Gamma\vdash2:\texttt{int}}\text{(intlit)},\cfrac{\cfrac{y:\texttt{int}\in\Gamma}{\Gamma\vdash y:\texttt{int}}\text{(var)},\cfrac{}{\Gamma\vdash3:\texttt{int}}\text{(intlit)}}{\Gamma\vdash y*3:\texttt{int}}\text{(times)}}{\Gamma\vdash2+y*3:\texttt{int}}\text{(plus)}

where Γ=x:bool,y:int\Gamma=x:\texttt{bool},y:\texttt{int}.

some Joos typing rules:

Week 6. Feb 14

assignability (jls sec5):


B[] bs = new B[1];
Object[] os = bs;  // typechecks
os[0] = "123";     // typechecks
B b = bs[0];       // runtime problem

java: adds runtime check at every array write: throws ArrayStoreException on 3rd line.

rules (continued):

statement rules: Γ; σ ⊢ S

dataflow analysis

essense of type system: approximate facts/properties of runtime behavior statistically.

eg. definitive assignment:

public static int f(List<Integer> l) {
    int x;
    try {
        x = l.get(0);
    } catch (IndexoutofBoundsException e) {
        System.err.println("empty list");
    return x;

this program does not typecheck in java, since x may not be initialized. this is observed at compile-time.

dataflow analysis is special case of program analysis, which includes:

live variable analysis


            // live = {a,e}
b = a + 2;
            // live = {b,e}
c = b + b;
            // live = {c,e}
d = c * e;
            // live = {d}
return d;
            // live = {}


int x = y;
f();       // is x is live iff f() terminates? undecidable
return x;

conservative approximation: overestimate liveness.

we compute facts over a control-flow-graph (CFG):

eg. consider

    cmp t1 t2       //I1
    jz l1           //I2
    mov t3, 42      //I3
L1: add t3, t4      //I4

the CFG would be:

I1 -> I2
I2 -> I3 (false)
I3 -> I4
I2 -> I4 (true)

eg. consider code

while (c) {
    x = y + 1;
    if (d) {
        x = y + z;
    z = 1;

the CFG would be


simple liveness analysis

an IR-like language:

CFG node IR-equivalent use def
x <- e move(x, e) vars(e) {x} write
[e1] <- e2 move(mem(e1), e2) vars(e1) ∪ vars(e2) mem address write
if e cjump(e, l1, l2) vars(e)
start label(f)
return e return(e) vars(e)

expression e := e1 OP e2 | [e] | ....

we use use[n] to denote set of variables read at n, def[n] to denote set of variables written at n.


defn. variable x is live on CFG edge E if there is a path from E to a use of variable, and there is no def of x in between.

we also define

algo. (using iterative solving to compute in[n])

  1. initialize in[n] := ∅ for all n in CFG
  2. repeat until no more changes to in[n]:
    1. for all node n in CFG:
      1. in[n] = use[n] \cup (n>n\bigcup_{n'>n} in[n'] - def[n])


algo. (using worklist to solve in[n])

  1. initialize in[n] := ∅ for all n in CFG
  2. initialize worklist w := all nodes in CFG
  3. while w is not empty:
    1. w := w - {n}
    2. in[n] := use[n] \cup (n>n\bigcup_{n'>n} in[n'] - def[n])
    3. if in[n] changed:
      1. w := w \cup {n': n' < n}


eg. we can use this to detect dead assignments:

while (z < 1000) {
    int y = 100;
    if (z > 10) {
        return y;
    } else {
        y = z;
        z = z + 1;
int y = z;
return y;

the statement y = z is a dead assignment.

eg. by jls 14.20 all statements must potentially execute

f();  // reachable only if f() terminates (unreachable)
x = y + 1;
if (x > 1) {...}  // cannot potentially execute

Week 8. Feb 28

reachable statement analysis

the CFG will be all joos statements (same graph) + 2 synthetic nodes: start and end.


int f(int x) {
    while (g(x) > 0) {
    return 0;

the CFG is:

if we change while (g(x) > 0) to while (1>0), then the edge labelled F is gone. the return statement is now unreachable. if we change it to while (1<0), then the edge labelled T is gone, S is unreachable.

specially, JLS says if-else conditions are not treated as constants for reachability purposes

to compute reachability, we define

this is a forward analysis (info propagates from start node), while the liveness analysis is a backward analysis.

algo. (computing out[n] with iterative solving)

  1. initialize out[n] := false for all n in CFG
  2. repeat until no changes to out[n]:
    1. out[n] = the formulas

algo. (computing out[n] with worklist)

  1. initialize out[n] := false for all n in CFG
  2. set worklist w := all nodes in CFG
  3. while w is not empty:
    1. w = w - {n}
    2. out[n] = the formulas
    3. if out[n] changed:
      1. w = w \cup {n': n' > n}

eg. LJS also requires if method return type is not void, then every finite execution path must return.

int f(int x) {
    if (x > 0) {
        return 1;
    // need to error


we look at in[end]. if it is true, then we are missing a return statement.

available copies analysis


y = f(0);
x = y;
z = 3 * x;

we can know y is copied over to the assignment of z. then we can convert the code to

y = f(0);
z = 3 * y;

define some auxiliary functions:

n gen[n] kill[n]
x <- y {x=y} {∀z:x=z} ∪ {∀z:z=x}
x <- e {∀z:x=z} ∪ {∀z:z=x}
[e1] <- e2
if e
start all available copies


this is also a forward analysis, we can use same worklist algo.

dataflow analysis framework

in summary:

top transfer function meet operator
LVA (backward) in[n] = use[n] ∪ (out[n] - def[n]) out[n] = n>n\bigcup_{n'>n}in[n']
RSA (forward) false out[n] = ... in[n] = n<n\bigvee_{n'<n}out[n']
ACA (forward) all copies out[n] = gen[n] ∪ (in[n] - kill[n]) in[n] = n<n\bigcap_{n'<n}out[n']

dataflow analysis framework:

the worklist algo does not specify in which order to remove n from worklist, so it can be inefficient if CFG has cycles.

algo. (iterative solving for forward analysis)

  1. initialize out[n] := top for all n in CFG
  2. repeat until convergence:
    1. for each node n:
      1. out[n] = Fn(nnout[n’])F_n\left(\prod_{n'\prec n}\texttt{out[n']}\right)

iterative solving

claim: iterative approximation = computing a fixed point.

given N nodes in CFG, start from (T,T,...,T)LN(T,T,...,T)\in L^N, result is (n1,...,nN)LN(\ell_{n_1},...,\ell_{n_N})\in L^N. we use a single transfer function F:LNLNF:L^N\to L^N with

F(n1,...,n2)=(Fn1(nn1n),...,FnN(nnNn))F(\ell_{n_1},...,\ell_{n_2})=\left(F_{n_1}\left(\prod_{n'\prec n_1}\ell_{n'}\right),...,F_{n_N}\left(\prod_{n'\prec n_N}\ell_{n'}\right)\right)

algo. (iterative solving)

  1. init X := (T, ..., T)
  2. repeat until convergence:
    1. X = F(X)

we need some conditions to ensure convergence and correctness:

claim. L must be a partial order (a set with a binary relation \leq)

eg. for any set S, (2S,)(2^S,\subseteq) is a partial order.
we can use hasse diagram for S={a,b,c} case:


the height is 3.

eg. if (L,)(L,\leq) is partial order, then (L,)(L,\geq) is also a partial order.

claim. L must be a lower semilattice (partial order + GLB operator \sqcap).

claim. (condition 1): L must be a bounded lower semilattice (lower semilattice + top element).


claim. if L is PO/semilattice/bounded semilattice, then so is LNL^N.

the iterative solving then says given X0=(T,...,T)X_0=(T,...,T), we have Xi+1=F(Xi)=F2(Xi1)=...=Fi+1(X0)X_{i+1}=F(X_i)=F^2(X_{i-1})=...=F^{i+1}(X_0). if it converges in k-th iteration, then we should have Xk+1=F(Xk)=XkX_{k+1}=F(X_k)=X_k.

eg. L={true, false}, <= is not more informative, F(l)=¬l. what if we apply iterative solving? it never converges. so we need more condition on tranfer function.

claim. (condition 2) F must be monotone, ie 12    F(1)F(2)\ell_1\leq\ell_2\implies F(\ell_1)\leq F(\ell_2).

eg. Fn(l) = use[n] ∪ (l - def[n]) is monotone. it is also true F:LNLNF:L^N\to L^N is also monotone.

eg. suppose we want to find the fixed point of transfer function F.


we first apply F to x0, then apply F to x1 and so on until we approach a fixed point xk. our algo then terminates.

what if we have a transfer function that is not bounded below:


it will descend forever.

claim. (condition 3) L must be of finite height.

we can use this to prove termination of iterative solving. if we know X1X0X_1\leq X_0, then by transitivity and condition 2 we know X2=F(X1)F(X0)=X1X_2=F(X_1)\leq F(X_0)=X_1... using inductive argument we can prove that Xi+1XiX_{i+1}\leq X_{i} for all i. by condition 3, there must exist a k such that X0X1Xk=Xk+1X_0\geq X_1\geq X_k=X_{k+1} where kNhk\leq Nh.

so blindly applying the transfer function Nh times we will get a fixed point.

next we want to show FNh(T)F^{Nh}(T) is the greatest fix point, ie X=F(X)    XFNh(T)X=F(X)\implies X\leq F^{Nh}(T). we know XTX\leq T, then X=F(X)F(T)F2(T)...FNh(T)X=F(X)\leq F(T)\leq F^2(T)\leq...\leq F^{Nh}(T).

in summary, if L is bonded lower semilattice + top + finite height, F is monotone, then iterative solving will give best fixed point in Nh iterations.

Week 9. Mar 7


source -> AST (with optimization) -> IR (can have high level IR, middle level IR, low level IR) -> machine code

IR design goals


  1. low-level AST IR with mem ops and jumps (TIR, appel's)
  2. stack-based IR (JUM, wasm)
  3. 3-address code. quadruples (llvm)
  4. A-norm ≈ 3addr code + higher order control
TIR IR node type abbreviation
Expression e ::= CONST(n) n literal(any type)
TEMP(t) t assume infinite supply of temps
OP(e1, e2) e1 op e2 binary op
MEM(e) memory at
CALL(ef,ee_f,\vec{e}) efe_f is addr of code
NAME(l) l is a code/data label
ESEQ(s, e) s;e do statement s, then evaluate e
Statement S ::= MOVE(edst,ee_{\text{dst}},e) edste_{\text{dst}} ::= TEMP(t) | MEM(e)
EXP(e) evaluate e, discard result
SEQ(s\vec{s}) s1;;
JUMP(e) e is address
CJUMP(e, l1, l2) eval e, if 0 then jump to l1, else to l2
LABEL(l) naming current program point

interpreting TIR: post-order traversal on IR AST except at c|jump/call/return.

translating from source language to IR

we have two mutually recursive functions:


translating function:

F[[τ f(τ1 x1, ..., τn xn) {s}]] =


logical and (with shortcircuit):

E[[e1 && e2]] = /*ESEQ(SEQ(*/
  MOVE(t, 0);
  CJUMP(E[[e1]], lt, lf);
  lt: MOVE(t, E[[e2]]);
  lf:/*)*/ TEMP(t)/*;)*/

eg. how to translate S[[if (e1 && e2) s]]? can compose two translations above

CJUMP(ESEQ(SEQ(...), TEMP(t)), lt, lf)
lt: ...
lf: ...

there are fragmented branches => inefficient. we can do

CJUMP(E[[e1]], l, lf);
l: CJUMP(E[[e2]], lt, lf);
lt: S[[s]]
lf: ...

we define C[[e, lt, lf]] = IR stmt that jumps to lt if e is nonzero:

when we have this, then we can easily translate the if statement:

S[[if (e) S]] =
    C[[e, lt, lf]]
    lt: S[[S]]
    lf: ...

translating while:

C[[while (e) s]] =
  lw: C[[e, lt, lf]]
    lt: S[[s]]
    lf: ...


we represent arrays as sequence of 4-byte words

int[] a = new int[n];

|  length   |
|  vtable   | <- TEMP(a)
|   a[0]    |
|   ....    |
|  a[n-1]   |

translating indexing:

E[[e1[e2]]] =
  MOVE(ta, E[[e1]])
  CJUMP(EQ(ta, 0), l_err, l_nn)  // check for null
  l_err: CALL(NAME(__exception)) // lib function
  l_nn: MOVE(ti, E[[e2]])
  CJUMP(LTU(ti, MEM(ta - 4)), l_ib, l_err)  // unsigned lt
  l_lb: MEM(ta + ti * 4 + 4)

translating assignment to array element:

E[[e1[e2] = e3]] =
  MOVE(ta, E[[e1]])
  // check for null
  MOVE(ti, E[[e2]])
  // check for bounds
  MOVE(te, E[[e3]])
  MOVE(MEM(ta + ti * 4 + 4), te)

translating new array:

E[[new int[e]]] =
  MOVE(tn, E[[e]])
  // check nonnegative
  MOVE(tm, CALL(NAME(__malloc), tn * 4 + 8))
  MOVE(MEM(tm), tn)  // store length
  MOVE(MEM(tm + 4), ...)  // store vtable
  // loop to store arr elements which are 0-initialized
  TEMP(tm + 4)

IR lowering

what are different from assembly:


  1. flatten all SEQs and ESEQs into a toplevel SEQ
  2. CALLs become statements
  3. CJUMP's false branch becomes fall through

we will have lowered IR:

code ::= SEQ(s1, ..., sn)
   s ::= MOVE(e_dst, e)   e_dst ::= MEM(e) | TEMP(t)
         CJUMP(e, l)  // deal later
         CALL(e_f, ...e)
   e ::= CONST(n) | TEMP(t) | OP(e1, e2) | MEM(e) | NAME(l)

we have function:

translating statements:


translating move:

when can we know side effects in s2\vec{s_2} cannot affect e1e_1'?

Week 10. Mar 14

canonicalizing cjumps

one idea: CJUMP(e, l1, l2) = CJUMP(e, l1); JUMP(l2)

new idea: reorder code so that l2 is always next statement

need to introduce new concepts:

defn. a basic block is a sequence of statements s1, ..., sn such that:

basic block either executes fully or not at all.

a maximal basic block is a basic block that cannot be extended to a larger basic block.

defn. the trace in a CFG is sequentially distinct basic blocks.

algo. (greedy reordering)

  1. init all blocks as unmarked
  2. repeat until all blocks are marked:
    1. choose an unmarked block
    2. mark a maximal unmarked trace from the block
    3. append blocks in this trace to output (while fixing/simplifying jumps)
      1. delete jumps to next bb
      2. invert cjumps as needed; drop arg
      3. append jump to bb as needed
      4. delete unneeded labels

eg. given

l0:  CJUMP(e, l2, l3)
l1:  MOVE(x, y)
l2:  MOVE(x, y + z)
l3:  CALL(f)

we build a CFG on this where vertices are basic blocks:

l0 -> l2 <-> l1

l0->l2->l1, l1->l2, l0->l3 are traces.

consider l0->l2->l1, steps:

  1. delete jump(l1)
  2. invert top cjump
  3. add jump below l1

then we do 2nd iteration to handle unmarked l3

- l0: CJUMP(e, l2, l3)
+ l0: CJUMP(!e, l3)
  l2: MOVE(x, y + z)
-     JUMP(l1)
  l1: MOVE(x, y)
+     JUMP(l2)

  l3: CALL(f)

heuristics for picking traces:

instruction selection

we generate almost assembly code except we assume there are infinitely many registers.


  1. cover AST with tiles
  2. add abstract registers between tiles
  3. emit code bottom-up

eg. instruction selection as tiling

MOVE(t1, t1 + MEM(t2 + 8))



move t3, t2
mov t4, t3
add t4, 8
move t5, [t4]
add t1, t5

the whole tree can be viewed as one tile, and we get

add t1, [t2 + 8]


x86 ISA

intel 4040    ->    intel 8080    ->    intel i386    ->    amd64
- 8bit addr         - 16bit addr        - 32bit addr        - 64bit addr
                    - 8 8bit gpr        - 8 32bit gpr       - 16 64bit gpr

2-address usc isa:

size inference and directives

add eax, [ebx]  // inferred as 32 bit
inc dword [ebx] // need to specify (byte-8, word-16, dword-32)

only one memory operand is allowed per instruction.

branching instruction:

cmp ebx, ecx
jz l1  // if condition code is zero, jump to l1 
je l1  // equal
jl l1  // less (also jnge)
jnz l1

condition codes are set by cmp, test, xor, ... and tested by jcc/setcc.

setz al // set lower 8 bit

tiling is not syntax-direct translation, but pattern matching.

we define

some patterns:

tiling algorithms:

algo. (greedy): choose tiles greedily by priority size of tile

  1. match root if ir ast with highest-priority matching tile
  2. recursively match subtrees


the result is

mov t1, [t2 + 8]
mov t2, [t + 7]
mov [t1 + t2 * 4], 3

good: no search => fast. bad: not optimal.

assume there is a notion of optimality: cost of tiling a tree using a tile = cost of the tile + cost of tiling the subtrees, we also can have bellman equations:

cost(tr)=mintile(cost(tile)+tr is subtree of tr after covering with tilecost(tr))\mathrm{cost}(tr)=\min_{tile}\left(\mathrm{cost}(tile)+\sum_{\substack{tr'\text{ is subtree of }tr\\\text{ after covering with tile}}}\mathrm{cost}(tr')\right)

algo. (dynamic programming)

  1. use optimal tiling if memoized already
  2. for each tile matching the root of tree
    1. recursively tile subtrees
    2. compute cost of tiling
  3. memoize best tiling and its cost

runtime: O(nt) where n is # of nodes in tree and t is # of matching tiles.

pros and cons:



tiling call/return

an x86 call f is roughly equivalent to

sub esp, 4
mov [esp], eip  // push return addr onto stack
jmp f

calling convention:

before call                 pushing                 during call
           higher addr
|         |   ^           |          |             |           |
|         |   |           |          |             |           |
+---------+               +----------+             |           |
|         |  < esp        |          |             |           |
+---------+               +----------+             |           |
|         |               |   arg2   |             |           |
|         |               |   arg1   |             +-----------+
|         |   |           |caller eip| < esp       |caller ebp |
|         |   v           +----------+             +-----------+        ^
|         |stack grows    |          |             |   temp    |        | L
                                                   |  storage  | < esp  |
                                                   +-----------+        v
T[[CALL(f, e1, ..., en); MOVE(t, RET)]] =
  T[[en]] tn
  push tn     //   sub esp, 4
              //   mov [esp], t
  T[[e1]] t1
  push t1
  call f
  mov t, eax
  add esp, 4 * n

function prologue:

push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4 * L  // temps at [ebp-4*i]

function epilogue:

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp       // mov t, [esp]
              // add esp, 4

caller-vs-callee-saved registers:

caller callee
caller-saved must save value on stack
restore after call
can use freely
callee-saved can use freely must save value on stack
restore before return

constant-size frame optimization

eg. C vla:

// int a[f()];
call f
shl eax, 2
sub esp, eax
mov a, esp

Week 11. Mar 21

register spilling

idea: put all abstract registers on stack, and access them using [ebp-4], [ebp-8], ...

observations: any given x86 instructions uses at most 3 registers => we reserve 3 registers.


push t
// translates to (t maps to ecx)
mov ecx, [ebp - kt]
push ecx
mov a, [b + 8]
// translates to (a maps to ecx, b maps to edx)
mov edx, [ebp - kb]
mov ecx, [edx + 8]
mov [ebp - ka], ecx
add x, y
// translates to (x maps to ecx, y maps to edx)
mov ecx, [ebp - kx]
mov edx, [ebp - ky]
add ecx, edx
mov [ebp - kx], ecx
sub [x + d * y + 31], z
// translates to (x maps to ecx, y maps to edx, z maps to eax)
mov eax, [ebp - kz]
mov ecx, [ebp - kx]
mov edx, [ebp - ky]
sub [ecx + 8 * edx + 31], eax

compiling OO features

memory layout:

eg. in cpp

struct CPP {
    short x;    // 16 bits
    char y;     // 8 bits
    CPP *next;  // 32 bits
    virtual ~CPP() {}


MSB        LSB
|  header   |
|  |y |  x  |
|    next   |

eg. in joos

class Joos {
    short x;    // 16 bits
    char y;     // 16 bits
    Joos next;  // 32 bits


+-----------+         +-----------+
|  header   |         |  header   |
+-----+-----+         +-----+-----+
|  y  |  x  |   or    |     |  x  |
+-----+-----+         +-----+-----+
|    next   |         |     |  y  |
+-----------+         +-----+-----+
                      |    next   |

constructors: compiled like static methods except it allocates memory. "this" points to newly allocated memory.

method dispatch

method dispatch: compiled as function with extra argument for receiver


idea 1: smalltalk

idea 2: attach dispatch vectors (array of code pointers) to objects


class Point {
    int x, y;
    void setX(int x) { this.x = x; }
    void moveX(int dx) { this.setX(x + dx); }

class ColoredPoint extends Point {
    Color c;
    void setX(int x) {
        this.x = x;
        c = Colors.redden(c);
    Color getColor() { return c; }

Point p = new ColoredPoint();
p.setX(42);  // p gets redder
p.moveX(1);  // p gets more redder
+-----------+      +-------------+
|  header  ------->|    setX() -----------> Point:setX()
+-----------+      +-------------+
|    x      |      |    moveX() ----------> Point:moveX() <--+
+-----------+      +-------------+                           |
|    y      |                                                |
+-----------+                                                |
ColoredPoint:                                                |
+-----------+      +-------------+                           |
|  header  ------->|    setX() -----------> CP:setX()        |
+-----------+      +-------------+                           |
|    x      |      |    moveX() -----------------------------+
+-----------+      +-------------+
|    y      |      |  getColor() ---------> CP:getColor()
+-----------+      +-------------+
|    c      |

observatation: Point is a prefix of ColorPoint (prefix) => compiler can treat a ColorPoint as a Point => achieving code sharing.

// p.moveX(1)
CALL(MEM(T_DV + 4), p, 1)
// translates to
mov tdv, [p]
push 1
push p
call [tdv + 4]

field access is done by offseting from object pointer

// p.x
MEM(p + 4)

note. for abstract classes, we do not need DV for instance, but still need DV layout and compiled code for non-abstract method.

code for assmebly:

// Point.s
section .text
global Point$$setX$I
global Point$$moveX$I
global Point$$$

// vtable for Point
section .data
global Point
extern java$lang$Object$$getClass$
dd java$lang$Object$$getClass$  // define dword at first 32 bits
extern java$lang$Object$$clone$
dd java$lang$Object$$clone$     // next 32 bits
extern java$lang$Object$$hashCode$
dd java$lang$Object$$hashCode$
extern java$lang$Object$$toString$
dd java$lang$Object$$toString$
extern java$lang$Object$$equals$Ljava.lang.Object
dd java$lang$Object$$equals$Ljava.lang.Object
dd Point$$setX$I
dd Point$$moveX$I
// ColoredPoint.s
section .text
global ColoredPoint$$getColor$
global ColoredPoint$$setX$I
global ColoredPoint$$$

section .data
global ColoredPoint
extern java$lang$Object$$getClass$
dd java$lang$Object$$getClass$
extern java$lang$Object$$clone$
dd java$lang$Object$$clone$
extern java$lang$Object$$hashCode$
dd java$lang$Object$$hashCode$
extern java$lang$Object$$toString$
dd java$lang$Object$$toString$
extern java$lang$Object$$equals$Ljava.lang.Object
dd java$lang$Object$$equals$Ljava.lang.Object
dd ColoredPoint$$setX$I
extern Point$$moveX$I
dd Point$$moveX$I
dd ColoredPoint$$getColor$

what does java do: support dynamic loading of classes => no guarantee code is compiled

java:     cp.getColor()
               |   javac
bytecode: invokeVirtual "CP.getColor"
               |   java
          invokeVirtualQuick 2
            /               \ only 1 version (final)
jit:       v                 v
     mov tdv, [cp]         call getColor directly/inline
     call [tdv + 2 * 4]


problem: class/interface can extend >= 1 interfaces and 1 class.

we have colliding method offsets

                    I1   DV = {a()}
                   /  \
                  /    \
DV = {a(), b()}  I2    I3 DV = {a(), c()}
                  \    /
                   \  /
                    C4 DV = {a(), b? c?}

idea 1: inline caching

polymorphic inline caching: 2-4 entires of cache

idea 2: assign indices to not collide


interface Color {
    RGB rgb();
    HSV hsv();
interface Clickable {
    void click();

interface Shape {
    Box bounds();
class Graphics implements Shape, Color {
    Box bounds();
    RGB rgb();
    HSV hsv();
class Button implements Shape, Clickable {
    Box bounds();
    void click();

if we assign 0: rgb, 1: hsv, 2: click, 3: bounds, then we have wasted fields but they are compatible

Graphics DV: {rgb(), hsv(), 0, bounds()}
Button DV: {0, 0, click(), bounds()}

we can be smarter to assign 1: rgb, 2: hsv, 1: click, 0: bounds, then we have densely packed DVs

Graphics DV: {bounds(), rgb(), hsv()}
button DV: {bounds(), click()}

observation: two methods conflict if they are present in same class => can draw interference graphs

             /  |
click -- bounds |
             \  |

this approach requires whole-program info => cannot do seperate compilation.

idea3: compute indices by hashing


interface PointI {
    void setX(int x);
    void moveX(int dx);
class Point implements PointI {
    int x, y;
    void setX(int x);
    void moveX(int x);
interface Colored {
    Color getColor();
class ColoredPoint extends Point implements Colored {
    Color c;
    Color getColor();


calling sequence:

// PointI p = ColoredPoint();
// p.setX(6);
MOVE(t_setX, AND(h_setX, MEM(t)IDT))  // effectively h_setX = h_setX % 2^N
CALL(MEM(t_IDT + 4 * t_setX + 4), id_setX, p, 6)  // pass method id in case of collision

mov t_CDV, [p]
mov t_IDT, [t_CDV]
mov t_setX, h_setX
and t_setX, [t_IDT]
push 6
push p
push id_setX
call [t_IDT + 4 * t_setX + 4]

to dispatch interface methods, we need 8 instructions whereas for method we need 4.

tension: size N vs. hash collision rate


o instanceof C;
C c = (c)o;
arr[i] = o;

idea1: use CDV as class identity; store in CDV a pointer to parent's CDV

EQ(MEM(o), t_CDV(C)) ||
EQ(MEM(MEM(o)), t_CDV(C)) ||

idea 2: assume class hierarchy depth <= 4,


calling sequence:

// o instanceof Ci (assume Ci is ith class in C's hierarchy)
EQ(MEM(t_CDV(Ak) + 4 * i), t_CDV(Ci))

idea 3: use a global M*M table where M = number of types

Week 12. Mar 28

register allocation


                 // live analysis
                 // a
mov b, a         // b, a
mov c, [b * 4]   // c, a
lea b, [c + 1]   // a, b
mov d, a         // b, d
imul d, b        // d
mov eax, d       // eax
ret              //

we create CFG and use live var analysis backwards to get live sets.

obersavation: we have low register pressure:

so we substitute a, b with eax; b, c with edx:

mov edx, eax
mov edx, [edx * 4]
lea edx, [edx + 1]
// mov eax, eax
imul eax, edx
// mov eax, eax


register allocation = graph coloring

c  ----  a  ----  b  ----  d
red     blue     red      blue

graph coloring is np-complete:

kempe's heuristic:

algo. (kempe)

  1. if theare are <= k nodes in graph, then we are done
  2. if there exists low-degree node
    1. color rest of graph recursively
    2. pick a color different from < k neighbours of this node

eg. k = 3

  / | \
a   |  d
  \ | / \
    c -- e

first we exclude a and color rest of graph, then we exclude b and color the rest, then we color c,d,e with different colors (say c=blue, d=yellow, e= green). then we color b=green, a=yellow.

if there are no low-deg nodes, graph may or may not be colorable (eg K4 vs planar graph of 5 nodes).

algo. (optimistic coloring)

  1. if theare are <= k nodes in graph, then we are done
  2. if there exists low-degree node
    1. color rest of graph recursively
    2. pick a color different from < k neighbours of this node
  3. otherwise:
    1. pick a high-degree node
    2. color rest of graph recursively
    3. try to find a color that works
    4. spill vars to stack if failure

how to spill:

eg. suppose we have to spil t2 to ebp - 8:

add t2, t1
// becomes
mov t44, [ebp - 8]
add t44, t1
mov [ebp - 8], t44

t44 has short liveness range => generates less interference => easier to allocate regs.

x86 peculiarities

there are instructions that use regs in special ways:

vars live-out from call interfere with caller-save regs

mov coalescing

idea: can delete mov t1, t2 if t1 is assigned with r and t2 is also assigned with r.

 \          /              \      /
-- t1 ---- t2 --   ==>   --- t1/t2 ---
 /          \              /      \

but the result has higher degree and can fail graph coloring.

conservative coalescing: never create nodes with >= k high-degree neighbours

             ----       /
many low-deg ----  t1/t2    (k-1) hi-deg neighbours
    nodes    ----       \

algo. (chaitin's)

  1. LVA and build interference graphs
  2. chop off low-degree, non-mov-related nodes, and push them to a stack
  3. conservatively coalesce mov-related nodes
    1. coalesced nodes may be non-mov-related => rerun from 2
      • all nodes are high-degree or mov-related
      • mov-related nodes cannot be conseratively coalesced
  4. pick a mov-related node and mark it "non-mov-related" => rerun from 2
  5. optimistically color high degree nodes
    1. choose a node, remove and push onto stack => may create low-deg nodes => rerun from 2
      • we have no nodes left in graph
  6. pop nodes from stack and try coloring them
  7. if failure, rewrite code to spill variables => code is now different => rerun from 1

it has near-optimal result in practice, but very expensive.

compiling FP features

first-class functions:

challenges: higher-order function

fun addfun(n: int): int -> int {
    fun f(x: int): int {
        return x + n
    return f
val inc: int -> int = addfun(1)
inc(5) // 6

function closure = code + env (aka static link)

| inc  code --------> f code
|      env  --------> n = ...

closure conversion: convert free var access to env accesses

fun f(env: f.env, x: int): int {
    return x + env.n

inc.code(inc.env, 5)

envs are ideally on stack, in general on heap.


fun twice(f: int -> int): int -> int {
    fun g(x: int): int {
        return f(f(x))
    return g
fun double(n: int): int {
    fun addn(x: int): int {
        return x + n
    val addnTwice: int -> int = twice(addn)
    return addnTwice(0)

first need to do closure conversion:

fun twice(f: f_clos) {
    val g = create g closure
    return g

// hoist g
fun g(env: g_env, y: int) {
    val f = env.f
    return f.code(f.env, f.code(f.env, y))

fun double(n: int): int {
    val addn = create f closure
    val addnTwice = twice(addn)
    return addnTwice.code(addnTwice.env, 0)

// hoise addn
fun addn(env: addn_env, x: int) {
    return x + env.n

call sequence/tree:

  1 /     2 \
twice    addnTwice(=g)
         3 /    4 \
        addn(=f) addn(=f)

when call reaches twice:

when call leaves twice and reaches addnTwice:

envs point to lexically enclosing func's activation => static link chains

CPS transformation

another approach: compiling with continuations




[[1 + 2]] halt =
    (fun x1 => (fun x2 => let x = x1 + x2 in halt(x))) 2 1

[[inc(1 + 2)]] halt =
    (fun f => (fun x1 => (fun x2 => let x = x1 + x2 in f(x, halt)) 2) 1) inc

note all function calls are now tail calls => we do not need call stack or setting up call frames

// call f
// ret
jmp f

cost: many 1st class functions (on heap) => gc overhead.

Week 13. Apr 4

constant propagation (with cond branches)

many important optimizations in single pass

CPCB as dataflow analysis:


transfer function Fn(b, (v1, ..., vn)):

eg. why do we not define lattice for Lx this way:

it has infinite height. consider code

int x = 0;
while (true) x = x + 1;

at each iteration, we might have {0}, {0,1}, ..., iterative solving will not finish.

note. the meet operator is not distributive on this transfer function (unlike previous ones), ie F(l1 ∏ l2) != F(l1) ∏ F(l2).


+--------+     +--------+
| x = 1  |     | x = 2  |
| y = 2  |     | y = 1  |
+--------+     +--------+
    |              |
+---v----+     +---v----+
| t=x+y  |     | t=x+y  |
+--------+     +--------+
(false,(1,2,3)) ∏ (false,(2,1,3)) = (false, (⊥,⊥,3))

         +--------+     +--------+
         | x = 1  |     | x = 2  |
         | y = 2  |     | y = 1  |
         +--------+     +--------+
(false,(1,2,T)) \        / (false,(2,1,T))
              +--v--∏---v-+ (false,(⊥,⊥,T))
              |  t = x+y  |

abstract interpretation

it is semantic foundation of dataflow analyses.

two worlds:

concrete world abstract world
v1+v2v_1+v_2 v~1+v~2\tilde{ v}_1+\tilde{v}_2
fn(v)f_n(v) Fn(v~)F_n(\tilde{v})

defn. suppose we have a concretion function γ:L2Z\gamma:L\to2^\Z, abstract interpretation is sound if, for all v~L\tilde{v}\in L and all vZv\in\Z, if vγ(v~)v\in\gamma(\tilde{v}), then fn(v)γ(Fn(v~))f_n(v)\in\gamma(F_n(\tilde{ v})).

notation. abstraction function is α:=γ1\alpha:=\gamma^{-1}.


given α\alpha, the most precise γ\gamma is


there are more complex abstractions:

static single assignment

SSA: every var has exactly 1 def.

eg. it is easy for straight line CFGs

x = 2         x1 = 2
y = f(x)      y = f(x1)
x = y         x2 = y
z = x * 2     z = x2 * 2

eg. it is hard for general CFG

     x = 0
+-> if x < 0
|   /      \
+ x=x+1    y=x

we use φ-assignment

+-> x3=φ(x1,x2)
|      v
|   if x3 < 0
|    /       \
+ x2=x3+1    y=x3

why SSA: simplifies snalyses/optimizations.


key problem: where to insert φ-assignments.

defn. (path convergence criterion)

(m is the earliest place where two paths meet, and we want to insert phi here)

the arity of φ is the number of converging defs.

defn. in a CFG, node A dominates node B if A is on every path from Start to B.

so it is a partial order: A dom C ∧ B dom C => A dom B ∨ B dom A, hasse diagram is tree-like.


dominator analysis as dataflow analysis:

defn. m is in the dominance frontier DF(n) if

we assume Start def's all vars.

eg. DF(E) = G. DF(A) = {A, G, Exit}. DF(D) = {A, Exit}.

algo. (iterative dominance frontiers for x)

  1. let S := set of nodes containing defs of x
  2. let DF0=DF_0=\varnothing
  3. while DF changes:
    1. DFi+1=DF(DFiS)=nDFiSDF(n)DF_{i+1}=DF(DF_i\cup S)=\bigcup_{n\in DF_i\cup S}DF(n)

we find a fixed point x = DF(x ∪ S). we insert φ-assignments for variable x at these nodes.

how to find DF(n)? observation: let m be a node not strictly dominated by n, then m ∈ DF(n)


in conclusion, to find DF(n),

DF(n)=({m:nm}n immediately  domates mDF(m)){m:n strictly doms m}DF(n)=\left(\{m:n\prec m\}\cup\bigcup_{\substack{n\text{ immediately }\\\text{ domates }m}}DF(m)\right)-\{m:n\text{ strictly doms }m\}

finally, we need to rename variables. we do by graph traversal.
