import numpy as np
defIn(alpha, n):
I = np.log((1 + alpha) / alpha)
for n in np.arange(1, n+1):
I = 1./n - alpha*I
return I
In(0.5, 100) # 0.006644371123395131
In(2, 100) # 6058010443603.891 weird
Strange since In=∫01x+αxndx≤∫011xndx=n+11 if 0≤x≤1 and α>1. and we should have I100≤1011.
if x and y are of the same sign then |x+y|=|x|+|y| then the relative error ≤(2E+E2)
if x and y are of the opposite sign and nearly the same size then |x+y| is very small, so the relative error is very large (this is called catastrophic cancellation, why the first way of computing e^-5.5 is wrong)
Week 2. May 17
Polynomial interpolation
interpolation: given n points (x's distinct), find a nice function that go through the points.
nice means polynomial (of degree at most n-1)
nice means spline
points might not be distinct
vandermonde system
with n points (x1,y1),...,(xn,yn) and distinct xi's and a polynomial p(x) of degree at most n-1 satisfying p(x1)=y1,...,p(xn)=yn results in n equations with n unknowns. In matrix form this is
with each Si(x) a polynomial of degree at most 3 satisfying
remark. cubic spline interpolation is not unique.
n points => n-1 intervals, and each interval has 4 unknowns (deg 3 poly) => 4(n-1) unknowns
we have 2(n-1)+2(n-2) conditions
for every interval, S(xi)=yi on both sides => 2(n-1) conditions
S' continuous (n-2 joining points, their derivative has to match) => (n-2) conditions
S'' continuous => (n-2) conditions
so 2 more unknowns than conditions □
we can use boundary conditions to let the result be unique.
defn.(natural): S′′(x1)=S′′(xn)=0.
defn.(clamped): S′(x1)=s1 and S′(xn)=sn where s1,sn are given in advance.
defn.(periodic): S′(x1)=S′(xn) and S′′(x1)=S′′(xn) (assuming y1=yn).
defn.(not-a-knot): S1′′′(x2)=S2′′′(x2) and Sn−1′′′(xn−1)=Sn′′′(xn−1).
forcing first two polys are same, and last two polys are same
eg. by using cubic hermite for each interval [xi,xi+1], we have
and Si(xi)=yi,Si(xi+1)=yi+1,Si′(xi)=si,Si′(xi+1)=si+1, where si,si+1 are unknowns. from here we know S interpolates the points and the derivative is continuous. to let second derivative be continuous, we also have Si′′(xi+1)=Si+1′′(xi+1) for i=1,...,n−2. note
suppose we want natural boundary conditions: S′′(x1)=S′′(xn)=0.
this is the same as S1′′(x1)=Sn−1′′(xn)=0. combine the equations for {S1′′,c1,d1} and {Sn−1′′,cn−1,dn−1} we have additional two eqs.
note the coefficient matrix looks like diagonal and each row has 2 or 3 non-zero values, and it takes O(n) to determine s1,...,sn.
parametric curves
given n points (x1,y1),...,(xn,yn) with xi's not distinct. we look for a curve C(t)=(x(t),y(t)),t1≤t≤tn that goes through the points. steps:
get parameter values t1,...,tn
separate x and y into two distinct interpolation problems:
find x(t) that interpolates (t1,x1),...,(tn,xn)
find y(t) that interpolates (t1,y1),...,(tn,yn)
how to find parameter values?
use t1=0,t2=1,...,tn=n−1
use arc length: t1=0,ti+1=ti+(xi+1−xi)2+(yi+1−yi)2
to plot the curve C(t):
determine a set of parameter values τ0,...,τN,N>>n
plug τi into x(t),y(t) to get χi,φi's, then plot the points (χi,φi).
Week 4. June 1
eg.(population model) suppose p′(t)=rp(t),p(t0)=p0 where r is constant, the solution is p(t)=p0er(t−t0).
general first order ODE
defn. if dtdy=f(t,y) or y′(t)=f(t,y(t)) where t0≤t≤tf, f is a function of two variables t and y, then f is called system dynamics function.
initial value problem (IVP):
let y=[y1,...,yN] and f(t,y)=[f1,...,fN] (function of N+1 variables), t0≤t≤tf given
what is y?
eg.(Predator-Prey)x′(t)=x(t)(a−αy(t)),y′(t)=y(t)(−b+βx(t)) where a,α,b,β are constants (the populations interact; when there are many prey, predators increase in number ... until they eat too many).
suppose at t=tk−1, we have yk−1≈y(tk−1). at t=tk, we use yk−1 to compute yk.
using geometric
let hk−1=tk−tk−1 be the time step size. by ode, we have y′(tk−1)=f(tk−1,y(tk−1)), we have approximation y′(tk−1)=slope of y at tk−1≈hk−1yk−yk−1. we assume our approximation is correct so we replace y(tk−1) by yk−1 so the approximation is:
this requires one function evaluation for each time step.
using taylor expansion
local truncation error: assume timestep is constant h and we have a method computing yk. then yk−y(tk)=O(hp+1). the bigger p the better.
by taylor, we have y(tk)=y(tk−1+hk−1)=y(tk−1)+hk−1y′(tk−1)+2!hk−12y′′(ϵk) where tk−1<ϵk<tk. substitute the ode we have y(tk)=y(tk−1)+hk−1f(tk−1,y(tk−1))+O(h2). use the approximation y(tk−1)→yk−1,y(tk)→yk we get the result. and y(tk)−yk=O(h2).
eg. compute
we use even interval h=N1 (ie t0=0,t1=h,...,tN=1).
let y0=1
for k=1,2,...,N, do yk=yk−1+h⋅(sintk−1−cosyk−1)
since from forward euler we have y(tk)−yk∗=O(h2), so from taylor of f(tk,y(tk)) as function of y: f(tk,y(tk))=f(tk,yk∗)+O(y(tk)−yk∗)=f(tk,yk∗)+O(h2). hence
how to determine if numerical method likely gives a correct answer?
obvious: run the method with timestamp h, then run again with timestamp h/2. compare answers.
we can combine forward euler and modified euler:
so we have
local error≈∣Ah2∣=∣ykFE−ykME∣
in general, at every timestamp consider two rules, one for order p, one for order p+1, the local error is the difference between two methods: |local error|=∣Ahp∣=∣yk(1)−yk(2)∣.
if error is too big then reduce timestep h by 2 and repeat.
eg. a common method: runge kutta methods (RKF45)
k1=hf(tn,yn)k2=hf(tn+4h,yn+4k1)k3=hf(tn+83h,yn+323k1+329k2)k4=hf(tn+1312h,yn+21971932k1−21977200k2+21977296k3)k5=hf(tn+h,yn+216439k1−8k2+5133680k3−4104845k4)k6=hf(tn+2h,yn−278k1+2k2−25653544k3+41041859k4−4011k5)yn+1∗=yn+21625k1+25651408k3+41042197k4−5k5 with error O(h4)yn+1=yn+13516k1+128256656k3+5643028561k4−509k5+552k6 with error O(h5)
timestamp control (2)
instead of dividing by 2, we can also do:
suppose we require ∣Ahp∣=∣yk(1)−yk(2)∣ < TOL, at next step we can change the timestep to some h2:
eg. we shoot a golf ball with some initial speed. in the middle of the field there is a wall that goes up and down (h = Acos(wt+y)). whenever ball hits the wall, it stops; whenever it hits the group, it also stops. Event(ball, barrier) = |dist(top of barrier to ball)| - ϵ and = |height of ball| - ϵ. link
defn.fourier series of f(t) is f(t)=a0+a1cos(qt)+b1sin(qt)+a2cos(2qt)+b2sin(2qt)+...=∑k≥0(akcos(kqt)+bksin(kqt)) where q (=T2π) is a constant factor.
ak,bk, or ak2+bk2 measure amount of function/data that repeats k times.
defn. we can write f(t)=∑k=−∞∞ckejkt, where c0=a0,ck=2ak−2bkj,c−k=2ak+2bkj for k > 0.
modulus of ck gives amplitude of given frequency of wave
argument of ck gives that frequency's phase
defn. given N points f0,...,fN−1, discrete fourier transform is the N values F0,...,FN−1 where Fk=N1(f0+W−kf1+W−2kf2+...+W−(N−1)kfN−1)=N1∑n=0N−1W−nkfn, and W=e2πj/N.
we want to show the two operations are inverses. their product should have 1 entries on diagonal and 0 otherwise, use the algebra review above. □
eg. suppose all N points are 1, then:
eg. suppose fk=2k, then Fk=N1∑n=0N−1(2W−k)n=N1(1−2W−k1−(2W−k)N)=N1(1−2W−k1−2N) (note denominator cannot be 0 since W−k=21).
Week 7. June 21
meaning of dft
given N equally spaced samples of a function f(t) over 0 to 2π, this implies we should keep only N coefficients from the fourier series of f(t):
where ∣c−n∣=∣cn∣=2an2+bn2 is the information about f(t) of frequency k. note ∣c0∣,∣cN/2∣ are special. we can approximate the fourier series (which is infinite sum) using these N numbers (we lose some info):
we have fk=f(kN2π),0≤k<N and so for each sample fk we have fk=f(tk)=∑n=−N/2+1N/2cnejntk where tk=N2πk. let W=e2πj/N, after some algebra
normally computing F0,...,FN−1 we require O(n^2) operations. now assume N is even, and further more is a power of 2. we can compute them in O(NlogN) steps.
observation. if W is an Nth root of unity, then W2 is an 2N root of unity.
observation. if W is an Nth root of unity, then WN/2=−1. hence we also have WkN/2=(−1)k.
we separate the computation into k=even terms and k=odd terms.
var N = 2 ** m
var W = e ** (2*j*pi / N)
for k = 1, m:
for j = 1, 2**(k-1):
var v = (j - 1) * N
for n = 0, N / 2 - 1:
var wf = W ** -n
var temp = wf * (f[n] - f[n + N/2])
f[n + v] = 1/2 * (f[n] + f[n + N/2])
f[n + v + N/2] = temp / 2
N /= 2
output in reverse binary form // (for 8 nums, F[1] => F[0b001] => F[0b100] => F[4])
signal filtering
basic idea:
transform time/space data into frequencies via fft
manipulate data in frequency domain
transform frequency data into time/space data via inverse dft
eg. given signal 1: sound of both trains and bird sounds. we would like to decompose it into
signal 2 train whistle sounds: low frequency
signal 3 bird sounds: high frequency
correlating two signals
then we want to find M and L such that
region 1: FM<...<FM+N/2 for middle region of high frequencies
region 2: ...<FL,FN−L<... for start and end regions of low frequencies.
defn. given two signals y0,...,yN−1 and z0,...,zN−1, the correlation function is ϕk=N1∑n=0Nyn+kzn,k=0,...,N−1.
typically we want to find the index k such that ϕk is maximized.
if k = n is the maximum value then shifting by n positions gives the best match of data.
wrap-around effects:
correlation assumes two signals are periodic. in practice, input data are not often periodic, giving wrap-around effects
to avoid wrap-around pollution, we pad both arrays with zeros up to twice their original length
padding zeros does not change offset
typically computing correlation takes O(n^2). however we can convert the computation into fourier transform:
compute fourier transform of y0,...,yN−1 to get Y0,...,YN−1
compute fourier transform of z0,...,zN−1 to get Z0,...,ZN−1
multiply Φk=YkZk
compute inverse ft of Φ0,...,ΦN−1 to get ϕ0,...,ϕN−1
let Φk be the ft of ϕk, we have Φk=N1∑n=0N−1ϕnW−nk=N21∑n=0N−1∑u=0N−1yu+nzuW−nk.
let yu+n=∑s=0N−1YsWs(u+n), zu=∑v=0N−1ZvWvu, then
defn.fourier frequency is the number of cycles per second = Tk=NkFS, where sampling rate FS=TN = number of discrete samples per second.
if a real input signal contains high frequencies, but the spacing of discretely sampled data points is inadequate, then aliasing occur.
(wagon-wheel effect; stationary rotor of helicopter)
recall for fk=f(kN2π), we have Fk=ck+ck+N+ck−N+ck+2N+ck−2N+..., sums of true continuous fourier series coefficients ck of increasing frequency. so frequencies ck for ∣k∣>2N get aliased to lower frequencies. (?)
to avoid aliasing:
increase sampling resolution to capture higher frequencies
filter before sampling to remove (too) high frequencies so they do not cause aliasing
data compression
consider 1D array of greyscale.
a dominant pattern appears 4 times, so F4 is large. we can discard data with less frequencies.
1D compression strategy:
create an (approximate) compressed version of the image fn by throwing away f∗ 'small' fourier coefficients such that ∣Fk∣ < TOL
run inverse dft to get modified pixels fn∗ to reconstruct the image
discard imaginary parts of fn∗ to ensure new data is strictly real
image processing in 2D
consider 2D image in grey scale with a 2D array X with MN pixels. assume data is scaled so that 0≤X(i,j)≤1.
we move from time/space domain to frequency domain using 2D dft:
Fj,k=MN1n=0∑N−1m=0∑M−1fn,mWN−nkWM−mj=N1n=0∑N−1WN−nk(M1m=0∑M−1fn,mWM−mj)(DFT per row)
where WN is Nth root of unity and WM is Mth root of unity.
the 2D FFT can be computed efficiently using nested 1D FFTs:
transform each row (separately) using 1D fft
transform each column of the result using 1D fft
complexity: O(MN(logM+logN)).
break down image into 8x8 blocks - image does not change very much in such small block
transform each block from spatial to frequency domain using 2D discrete cosine transform
helps separate image into parts of differing importance
reduce blocks in order to reduce size of higher frequencies
keep F[0,0] separate (DC component)
then reduce size of all other components via quantization table Q
Fnew[j,k] = round(F[j,k] / Q[j,k])
then reduce higher frequency values more ie discard unnecessary info
entropy encoding: treat DC component separate since it is usually large. save first value then determine difference for each block afterwards
convert 2D array into 1D array using a zigzag pattern - compress by skipping 0 continuous values
Week 11. July 19
linear algebra
solving system of linear equations
elementary matrix is identity matrix with single row operation
row operations are same as multiplication on the left by elementary matrix
given nonsigular matrix A and vector b, solve Ax=b for x.
LU decomposition: factor A into A=LU where L is lower triangular and U is upper triangular
do gaussian elimination on A keeping operations in L
if E1,...,En are some row operations, then to get an upper triangular U matrix from A, we did En...E1A=U. then A=(En...E1)−1U=(E1−1...En−1)U=:LU.
solve Ly=b
apply same operations to b getting result y (forward solve)
note we get x3=1 directly, then use this to compute x2, then use them to compute x1. we have xT=[−3,2,1].
factoring A=LU
for first column of A, do row operations to eliminate 2nd to last elements; for second column, eliminate 3rd to last elements, etc. in total (n−1)2+(n−2)2+...+1+0=6(n−1)n(2n−1)=31n3+O(n2) ops.
forward solve: 1+2+...+(n−1)=2(n−1)n=2n2+O(n)
backward solve: same as forward solve
PLU decomposition
LU decomposition does not work when pivot is 0 => we have 0 on diagonal and we need to swap rows to preceed.
we need to permute rows => a permutation matrix P so that PA = LU.
PLU decomposition: factor A into PA=LU where L is lower triangular and U is upper triangular
solve Ly=b′ (b': permuted version of b)
solve Ux=y
start with P set to nxn identity matrix I. whenever we swap a pair of rows during LU factorization, also swap corresponding rows of P, the final P is the permutation matrix (in implementation, we do not store P explicitly).
what happens when pivot is nearly 0? forming akkaik gives number of large magnitude, causing large float point error during subtraction and magnify existing error.
partial pivoting strategy: find the row with entry having largest magnitude in current column beneath current row. swap rows if its entry has larger magnitude than diagonal entry.
eg. consider in 4-digit arithmetic.
pivot is 10−5. multiple first row by 105 we have (1−105)y=2−105⇒(105−1)y=105−2⇒99999y=99998⇒9999y=9999 (truncation) so y=1 and x=0.
if we switch rows, the pivot is 1
and (1−10−5)y=1−2⋅10−5⇒y=1,x=1 which is better solution.
Week 12. July 26
conditioning of matrix
we want to recognize when matrix might be ill-formed for solving. this is what would happen if we get one answer for solving Ax=b but significantly different answer when we perturb b slightly. we want to measure the matrix A.
defn.∣∣⋅∣∣ is a matrix norm if
∣∣A∣∣≥0 and ∣∣A∣∣=0⟺A=0
∣∣cA∣∣=∣c∣∣∣A∣∣ for any scalar c
∣∣A+B∣∣≤∣∣A∣∣+∣∣B∣∣ (triangle inequality)
∣∣AB∣∣≤∣∣A∣∣⋅∣∣B∣∣ (show by using 4.)
∣∣Av∣∣≤∣∣A∣∣⋅∣∣v∣∣ (obvious from following defn)
defn. if ∣∣∣∣ is a vector form then we can define a matrix norm by ∣∣A∣∣=maxx=0∣∣x∣∣∣∣Ax∣∣ for any vector x.
∣∣A∣∣1=maxj∑i=1n∣Aij∣ = maximum column sum
∣∣A∣∣2=∣λ∣ where λ is largest eigenvalue of AA⊺
∣∣A∣∣∞=maxi∑j=1n∣Aij∣ = maximum row sum
when we work in float point environment we get Axnum=bnum. having accurate solution means we want small ∣∣x∣∣∣∣Δx∣∣ where Δx=xexact−xnum, however we cannot measure this relative error because we do not know the exact solution. we can measure the residual ∣∣b∣∣∣∣Δb∣∣ where Δb=bexact−bnum. we want to connect them.
to determine accuracy we want to estimate:
relative change in x due to relative change in b: ∣∣x∣∣∣∣Δx∣∣≤(∣∣A∣∣⋅∣∣A−1∣∣)∣∣b∣∣∣∣Δb∣∣
proof. note we have AΔx=Δb⟹Δx=A−1Δb⟹∣∣Δx∣∣=∣∣A−1Δb∣∣≤∣∣A−1∣∣∣∣Δb∣∣. also ∣∣b∣∣=∣∣Ax∣∣≤∣∣A∣∣∣∣x∣∣⟹∣∣x∣∣1≤∣∣b∣∣∣∣A∣∣. □
relative change in x due to change in A: ∣∣x+Δx∣∣∣∣Δx∣∣≤(∣∣A∣∣⋅∣∣A−1∣∣)∣∣A∣∣∣∣ΔA∣∣ (how to show?)
defn. the condition number of matrix A is denoted κ(A)=∣∣A∣∣⋅∣∣A−1∣∣.
different for different matrix norms
κ≈1: A is well-conditioned
κ≫1: A is ill-conditioned
suppose κ(A)≈βq, from ∣∣x∣∣∣∣Δx∣∣≤κ(A)∣∣b∣∣∣∣Δb∣∣ we estimate
relative error b∣∣Δb∣∣ is at level of roundoff error - eg β1−t ie last digit.
so relative error x∣∣Δx∣∣ magnifies this by βq and so is around βq+1−t ie last q digits.
improving solutions:
recall we wanted Ax=b but get Axnum=bnum, now x=xnum+Δx and b=bnum+Δb so AΔx=Δb. we can solve this equation (cheap as we have done row reduction for A) to get estimate for Δx. then xnew=x+Δx is an improved solution.
page rank
we represent web's structure as a directed graph. nodes represent pages, arcs represent links from one page to another. (out)degree of a node is defined as number of edges leaving that node. web is stored as an adjacency matrix (the degree of node is sum of its column).
local importance: we interpret links as votes: if page j links to page i, this is considered a vote by j that i is important. outgoing links of a page j have equal influence, so the importance that j gives to i is deg(j)1.
2 -----------+
+-------------------- 4
v |
5 ------------> 6 <---+
page 4 gives importance of 1/2 to page 5
so if page i has many incoming links, it is probably important.
global importance: what if page j only has one link to it but that page is important? => a node is important if important nodes link to it (this is a bit recursive)
ranking by random surfer model:
user starts at random page (with all pages equally likely) and follows links at random for k steps
user will probably end up on important pages more often
select new start page and follow k random links again. repeat r times.
at the end, we estimate overall importance as Rank(page i)=# visits# visits to i
large size of web: many pages and links, many iterations
number of steps taken per random surf sequence must be large
major issue: dead end links (stuck on one page)
major issue: cycles in graph (stuck in a closed subset of pages)
we can view actions of random surfer as transition matrix on the web
defn. if the surfer is at node i then all outnodes are equally likely, we define
Pij={deg(j)1,0,link j to i existselse
then probability that the random surfer is at node i after k steps is mi(k)=∑j=1RPijmj(k−1).
defn. let e=[1,...,1]⊺ and d=[d1,...,dR]⊺ where di=1 if i is a dead end node, then R1ed⊺ is a matrix of probabilities which transitions from a dead end node to any other node with equal probability.
we add this to P so it it possible to avoid being stuck at a dead end node
defn. let e=[1,...,1]⊺, then R1ee⊺ is a matrix of probabilities which transitions to any other node with equal probability.
to restart and escape cycles
defn. we define google matrix as M=α(P+R1ed⊺)+(1−α)R1ee⊺ where 0<α<1. so
α is fraction of time random surfer follows links and special action and dead end nodes
1−α is fraction of time random surfer restarts
property.(1) each element of M satisfies 0≤Mij≤1, and columns of M all add to 1. so M is still a markov matrix.
property.(2) if x=[x1,...,xR]⊺ sums to 1, then y=Mx sums to 1.
property.(3) 1 is an eigenvalue of M, so Mx=1x. pf. note M⊺e=e. □
property.(4) if λ1,...,λR are eigenvalues of M then ∣λ1∣,...,∣λR∣≤1. proof. for each eigenvalue λ, we have M⊺v=λv for all v. then for all i, m1iv1+...+mRivR=λvi⟹∣λvi∣≤m1i∣v1∣+...+mRi∣vR∣≤(m1i+...+m1R)max1≤k≤R∣vk∣=1⋅max1≤k≤R∣vk∣, so ∣λ∣≤max1≤k≤R∣vk∣∣vi∣≤1. □
property.(5) M has only one eigenvalue of length 1. all others are less than 1.
property.(6) if M has eigenvalues 1=λ1≥∣λ2∣≥...≥∣λR∣ and x(0)=[R1,...,R1]⊺, then there are eigenvectors vi such that x(0)=∑i=1Rcivi.
page rank algorithm:
let M=α(P+R1ed⊺)+(1−α)R1ee⊺ where 0<α<1
let x(0)=[R1,...,R1]⊺ (start with equal probs)
for k = 1 to stopping criterion:
ranking vector is then limk→∞x(k)=:x(∞)
pages with more probability is more important
note eventually Mx(∞)=x(∞), ie we are at a fixed point.
P is sparse while M is dense, but M is special and we can do Mx without dense linear algebra,
first do y=Px via sparse matrix multiplication, ie yi=pi1x1+...+pikxk
similarly we include dead end pages directly via yi←yi+x1+...+xk
so final y=Mx has components yi=α(pi1x1+...+pikxk+x1+...+xk)+R1−α
convergence: by using property 6, we have x(k)=c1v1+∑i=2Rciλikvi→c1v1 as k→∞. second eigenvalue tells us when to stop, and is λ2=α. our stopping criterion is then ∣λ2∣k−1<ϵ. if we have precision 8 and α=.85 we would stop at iteration 114.