Formula	Mechanism	Density (g/cc)	Luminosity (photons/MeV)	Time (ns)	Emission Peak (nm)	Energy Resolution (% fwhm @ 662 keV)	Comment	Reference
AgGd(PO3)4:Ce	Ce3+		8,000	14 ns (32%) + slow	317; 333		crystalline powder; 15% Ce	Derenzo2011	
Al2O3	Tl+		2,300 (77K)	138 (300K) + slow	290 (30%); 420 (70%)		0.2% Ti+	Mikhailik2005	
Al2O3:Ti		3.98	2,300		290(33%); 730(67%)		<150K	Mikhailik2007	
AlO0.86N0.43	Ce3+			32 (alpha exc.)	405		transparent ceramic	Chen2015	
Ba2B5O9Cl:Eu	Eu2+		11,000	640 (71%)	420		crystalline powder; 2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba2Ca(BO3)2:Ce	Ce3+	4.7	5,100	24	400		7% Ce on Ba site + 7% Na	Lin2007	
Ba2GdCl7:Ce	Ce3+		30,000	47(6%); 260 (11%); 1650 (20%) + slow	355; 377		crystalline powder; 10% Ce	Derenzo2011	
Ba2MgSi2O7:Eu	Eu2+		10,000	280 ns (15%); 795 (80%)	505		crystalline powder; 2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba2P2O7:Eu	Eu2+		2,500	288 ns (19%); 632 (78%)	421		crystalline powder; 3% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba2Si3O8:Eu	Eu2+		35,000	355 ns (10%); 1,400 (90%)	505		crystalline powder; 0.2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba2SiO4:Eu	Eu2+		40,000	242 ns (17%); 668 (81%)	505		crystalline powder; 0.2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba2SiO4:Eu	Eu2+		22,000	242; 668	502; 525		crystalline powder; 0.2% Eu	Eagleman2012	
Ba2YCl7:Ce	Ce3+		15,000	18 (80%)	390; 414		crystalline powder; 2% Ce	Derenzo2011	
Ba2ZnSi2O7:Eu	Eu2+		16,000	665 ns (80%); 1,080 (18%)	505		crystalline powder; 1% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba3(PO4)2:Eu	Eu2+		27,000	265 ns (23%); 620 (74%)	420		crystalline powder; 1.5% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba3B(PO4)3:Eu	Eu2+		18,000	334 ns (13%); 820 (36%); 9,300 (39%)	418		crystalline powder; 2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba3Gd(BO3)3:Ce	Ce3+	5.3	370		313; 418		4% Ce	Han2007	
Ba3P4O13:Eu	Eu2+		25,000	288 ns (15%); 806 (83%)	440		crystalline powder; 2.5% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Ba5(PO4)3F:Ce	Ce3+	4.76	400		358		crystalline powder, 40% Ce	Zeng2006	
Ba5Si8O21:Eu	Eu2+		20,000	305 ns (17%); 852 (81%)	453; 511		crystalline powder; 1% Eu	Derenzo2011	
BaAl10MgO17:Eu	Eu2+		16,000	315 ns (8%); 1,460 (74%)	459		crystalline powder	Derenzo2011	
BaAl12O19:Eu	Eu2+		5,000	1,110 ns (36%); 15,000 (64%)	433; 460		crystalline powder; 0.5% Eu	Derenzo2011	
BaBr1.7I0.3	Eu2+		112,000	329(23%); 640(40%)	414		5% Eu2+	Gundiah2011	
BaBr2	SA	4.72	19,300 (10 us)	2,200 + slow	425; 475	5.4		Selling2007a	
BaBr2:Ce	Ce3+	4.72	5,000 (0.5 us); 10,300 (10 us)	80 (27%); 490 (22%); 2,100 (51%)	345; 370	9.8	1% Ce; 1% K	Selling2007b	
BaBr2:Ce	Ce3+		13,600 (10 us)	1,700		10	0.1% Ce; Trise = 150 ns	Selling2008	
BaBr2:Eu	Eu2+	4.72	15,700 (10 us)	585	404	11.0		Selling2007a	
BaBr2:Eu	Eu2+	4.85	58,000	267(21%); 655(55%)	414		5% Eu2+	Gundiah2011	
BaBr2:Eu	Eu2+		15,700 (10 us)	585		11	0.1% Eu	Selling2008	
BaBr2:Eu	Eu2+	4.78	49,000	35 (8%); 415 (47%); 814 (44%)	408	6.9	5% Eu	Yan2014	
BaBrCl:Eu	Eu2+	4.5	59,500	285(14%); 546(56%)	405		5% Eu	Gundiah2013	
BaBrCl:Eu	Eu2+	4.5	30,800			4.25	5% Eu	Yan2016	
BaBrI:Eu	Eu2+	5.2	81,000	297(23%); 482(77%)	413	4.8		Bourret2010	
BaBrI:Eu	Eu2+	5.2	97,000	70 (1.5%); 432 (70%); 9,500 (28.5%)	3.01 eV (42%); 2.91 eV (58%)	3.4	8% Eu2+	Bizarri2011	
BaBrI:Eu	Eu2+	5.21	89,000	313(59%); 741(15%)	413		5% Eu2+	Gundiah2011	
BaBrI:Eu	Eu2+	5.3	71,000	480	413	4.3	5% Eu	Shirwadkar2013	
BaCl2	SA	3.89	1,700 (10 us)	980 + slow	420; 475	17.4		Selling2007a	
BaCl2	SA	3.86	6,000	1.6 (72%); 34.8 (28%)	300-400			Koshimizu2009	
BaCl2:Ce	Ce3+	3.89	2,000 (0.5 us); 5,200 (10 us)	7 (6%); 190 (11%); 1,500 (83%)	349; 373	16.2	1% Ce; 1% K	Selling2007b	
BaCl2:Ce	Ce3+	3.89	3,100 (10 us)	14 (10%); 90 (40%); 1,400 (50%)		14	0.1% Ce	Selling2008	
BaCl2:Eu	Eu2+	3.89	19,400 (10 us)	390	402	8.8		Selling2007a	
BaCl2:Eu	Eu2+	3.89	19,400 (10 us)	390		8.8	0.1% Eu	Selling2008	
BaCl2:Eu	Eu2+	3.89	52,000 (10 us)	25 (15%); 138 (21%); 642 (61%)	406	3.5	5% Eu	Yan2013	
BaCl2:Eu	Eu2+	3.86	52,000	25 (15%); 138 (21%); 642 (61%)	406	3.5	5% Eu	Yan2014	
BaClBr:Eu	Eu2+	4.5	52,000			3.55	5% Eu	Bourret2012	
BaClI:Eu	Eu2+	4.6	54,000			9	5% Eu	Bourret2012	
BaF2	SX	4.88	10,000	620	310		assumes 1 photoelectron per 5 photons	Laval1983	
BaF2	CV	4.88	2,000	0.6	220		assumes 1 photoelectron per 5 photons	Laval1983	
BaF2	SX	4.88	9,950				assumes 1 photoelectron per 5 photons	Holl1988	
BaF2	CV	4.88	1,300	<1 ns	220		4.4% Ce; Luminosity 3% of NaI(Tl) with Bialkali PMT	Melcher1989	
BaF2	SX	4.88	3,900	340; 920	310		Luminosity 9% of NaI(Tl) with Bialkali PMT	Melcher1989	
BaF2	CV	4.88	1,400	0.8	195; 220		4.4% Ce; Luminosity 3% of NaI(Tl) with Bialkali PMT	VanEijk1993	
BaF2	CV	4.88		0.12 (15%); 0.78 (85%)				Derenzo2000	
BaF2	SX	4.88	11,000			11.4		Sakai1987	
BaF2:Ce	Ce3+	4.88	13,000	47; 260	320		0.2% Ce; luminosity 114% of undoped	Visser1991	
BaF2:Ce	Ce3+	4.88	2,200	50	360		Luminosity 5% of NaI(Tl) with Bialkali PMT	Melcher1989	
BaF2:Ce	Ce3+	4.88		4 (12%); 28 (78%)	342-358		35% Ce	Gektin2009	
BaFI:Eu	Eu2+	5	55,000	163 (7%); 573 (81%); 905 (6%)	405	8.5	5% Eu	Gundiah2010	
BaGdCl5:Ce	Ce3+		35,000	27 (11%); 87 (9%); 315 (17%); 1550 (19%)	363; 389		crystalline powder; 5% Ce	Derenzo2011	
BaHfO3:Ce	Ce3+	8.3	40,000	25 + slow	400		transparent ceramic	VanLoef2007	
BaI2	SA	5.15	2,600 (0.5 us); 4,600 (10 us)	590 (71%); 2,200 (29%)	550			Selling2007b	
BaI2:Ce	SA	5.15	2,600 (10 us)	610 + slow	530		0.1% Ce but only slow SA emission detected	Selling2007a	
BaI2:Ce	Ce3+	5.15	not detected				0.1% Ce	Selling2007a	
BaI2:Ce	Ce3+		4,600 (10 us0	590 (71%); 2,200 (29%)			0.1% Ce	Selling2008	
BaI2:Eu	Eu2+	5.15	3,800 (10 us)	510 + slow	425			Selling2007a	
BaI2:Eu	Eu2+	5.1	>30,000	< 1,000	420			Cherepy2008	
BaI2:Eu	Eu2+	5.1	40,000			8		Cherepy2009	
BaI2:Eu	Eu2+	5.13	22,000	317(36%); 646(42%)	426		5% Eu2+	Gundiah2011	
BaI2:Eu	Eu2+		3,800 (10 us)	510 (32%) + slow			0.1% Eu	Selling2008	
BaI2:Eu	Eu2+	5.15	38,000	513 (95%)	426	5.6	5% Eu	Yan2014	
BaKPO4:Eu	Eu2+		35,000	275 ns (31%); 645 (55%)	425		crystalline powder; 2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
BaLu2F8	CV	6.94	400	1+slow	313			VantSpijker1999a	
BaLu2F8:Ce	Ce3+	6.94	870	35 + slow	330			VantSpijker1999a	
BaMgF4	CV	4.5	1,000		190; 220			VanEijk1993	
BaP2O6:Eu	Eu2+		1,900	169 ns (38%); 795 (52%)	380;470		crystalline powder; 1% Eu	Derenzo2011	
BaSi2O5;Eu	Eu2+		30,000	2,800 ns (98%)	520		crystalline powder; 2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
BaSiO3:Eu	Eu2+		8,000	170 ns (21%); 480 (30%); 1,300 (45%)	510		crystalline powder; 0.1% Eu	Derenzo2011	
BaY2F8:Ce	Ce3+	4.97	980	46 + slow	329		9.9% Ce concentration	VantSpijker1999a	
BC-408 (plastic)			7,500					Salacka2010	
BeO	SX	2.86	6,500	18	250		15% of NaI(Tl)	Ogorodnikov1996	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	8,200					Holl1988	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13		300	480			Weber1973	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	8,080					Mares2004	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	8,500					Moszynski1997a	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13		300	485			Grabmaier1984	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	7,610					deHaas2005	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	10,600			9.05		Sakai1987	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.1		100 (12%) / 300 (79%) / 1000 (4%)	460		crystalline powder	Porter2008	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	7,200		510			Haas2008	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	7,100				luminosity = average of APD and PD values	dehaas2008	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	8,000					Salacka2010	
Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO)	Bi3+	7.13	20,000*			7.2*	* -150C, 10 us peaking time	Derenzo1984	
Bi4Si3O12 (BSO)	Bi3+	6.80	2,000	100	480	30	10,000 ph/Mev and 2,000 ns at 185K	Kobayashi1983	
Bi4Si3O12 (BSO)	Bi3+	6.80		105 ave / 3.7 (7.5%); / 28.8 (9.6%); / 116.8 (87.5%)	470	24		Harada2001	
Bi4Si3O12:Ce (BSO)	Bi3+	6.80	1,200*	86 ave / 2.8 (7.4%); / 27.1 (9.2%); / 99.8 (83.4%)	470	29	0.1% Ce; *luminosity 60% of undoped	Harada2001	
BiBaO2Br	Bi3+	6.71	2,200	100 (21%) / 300 (54%) / 700 (12%)	500		crystalline powder; luminosity 0.27 x BGO	Porter2008	
BiBaO2Cl	Bi3+	6.36	6,600	100 (2%) / 300 (41%) / 600 (23%)	491		crystalline powder; luminosity 0.81x BGO	Porter2008	
BiSrO2Cl	Bi3+	6.10	2,000	50 (28%) / 200 (35%) / 300 (14%)	431		crystalline powder; luminosity 0.24 x BGO	Porter2008	
(C6Hs(CH2)2NH3)2PbBr4	SX	2.5	10,000	9.4 + 200	437			vanEijk2008	
Ca3Ga3Si2TaO14 (CTGS)	SA		1,200	80(56%); 630(44%)	340	26		Kurosawa2014	
Ca4YO(BO3)3:Ce	Ce3+		110		390; 420		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
Ca5(PO4)3F:Ce	Ce3+	3.20	3,200		354, 412		crystalline powder, 2.5% Ce	Zeng2006	
CaBPO5:Ce	Ce3+	3.2	1,310	19.5			0.5% Ce	Pierron2003	
CaBr2:Eu	Eu2+	3.35	36,000	2,500	448	9.1	5% Eu	Grippa2013a	
CaF2:Ce	Ce3+	3.18		4 (3%); 14 (5%); 30 (92%)	318; 332		35% Ce	Gektin2009	
CaF2:Eu	Eu2+	3.18	24,000					Holl1988	
CaHfO3:Ce	Ce3+		10,000	33 ns (47%) + slow	439		crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Derenzo2011	
CaI2	SA	3.96	86,000	550	410			Hofstadter1964b	
CaI2:Eu	Eu2+	3.96	86,000	790	470			Hofstadter1964b	
CaI2:Eu	Eu2+	3.96	110,000			8		Cherepy2009	
CaI2:Tl	Tl+	3.96	42,000	1,100	420			Hofstadter1964b	
CaLaB7O13:Ce	Ce3+		220		291; 309; 330; 360		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
CaLaB7O13:Eu	Eu2+		not significant				crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
CaWO4	CX	6.1	15,000-25,000	8,000	425		Luminosity 90% of CdWO4	Zdesenko2005	
CaWO4	CX	6.1		1,400 (30%); 9,200 (70%)				Mikhailik2007	
CaWO4	CX	6.1	15,800			6.6		Moszynski2005	
CaWO4	CX	6.1	14,400			6.3	77K	Moszynski2005	
CaYBO4:Eu	Eu2+		not significant				crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
CdF2	SX	6.4	170	7.1	520;580			Jones1962	
CdF2	SA	6.6	1100	4.8 (29%); 24 (28%); 78 (43%)	420		crystalline powder	Derenzo1990	
CdS:In	In3+	4.8		<1	519		fast phosphor	Lehmann1966	
CdS:In	In3+	4.8		0.2	520		fast n-type phosphor	Derenzo2005	
CdS:In,Te	In3+, Te2- BT	4.8		3.3	630		fast n-type phosphor	Derenzo2005	
CdS:Te	Te2- BX	4.8	17,000	270+slow	640; 580			Schotanus1992	
CdWO4	SA	7.9	27,000	12,000	495			Moszynski2005	
CdWO4	CX	7.9	15,300					Holl1988	
CdWO4	CX	7.9	7,800	5,000; 20,000	480		Luminosity 18% of NaI(Tl) with Bialkali PMT	Melcher1989	
CdWO4	CX	7.9		8,900	480			Grabmaier1984	
CdWO4	CX	7.9	12,200			8.0		Sakai1987	
CdWO4	CX	7.9	15,800	13,000		8.3	300K	Klamra2012	
CdWO4	CX	7.9	14,340			8.8	77K	Klamra2012	
CeBr3	Ce3+	5.2	68,000	17	371			Shah2005	
CeBr3	Ce3+		58,000	21	360; 380	3.2	1.9% Ca+	Guss2014	
CeBr3 + 1-propanol	Ce3+		3218		365			Boatner2013	
CeBr3 + isobutanol	Ce3+		1920		360			Boatner2013	
CeBr3 + tert-butanol	Ce3+		3095		360	12.6		Boatner2013	
CeCl3	Ce3+	3.9	46,000	25 + slow	350	3.4		vanLoef2001b	
CeCl3(CH3OH)4	Ce3+		16,600	64.4 (93%); 1,660 (7%)	364	11.4		Boatner2008	
CeF3	Ce3+	6.16	2,400					Wojtowicz1994	
CeF3	Ce3+	6.16	4,400	3; 26.5				Moses1990	
CeF3	Ce3+	6.16	4,000	2; 31	310; 340			Anderson1989	
CeF3	Ce3+	6.16	4,000	27	340	20		Moses1989	
CeF3:Lu	Lu3+	6.16	8,000		290			Villora2005	
CeP5O14	Ce3+		4,000					Wojtowicz1994	
Cs2BaBr4:Eu	Eu2+	4.4	25,000 (est.)				5% Eu2+	Bourret2012	
Cs2BaCl4:Eu	Eu2+	3.75	30,000 (est.)				5% Eu2+	Bourret2012	
Cs2BaI4:Eu	Eu2+	4.5	17,000 (est.)				7% Eu2+	Bourret2012	
Cs2HfCl6	CX	3.86	54,000	4,370 (95%);  300 (5%)	400	3.3		Burger2015	
Cs2HfCl6	SA		27,500	2,200; 8,400	375; 435			Saeki2016	
Cs2HfCl6	SA	3.78	0.92 of NaI:Tl	300 (5%); 4400 (95% ) 	400	3.3		Burger2015	
Cs2LiCeBr6	Ce3+	4.18	28,000 (10 us)	86(76%); 444 (8%); 3,800(16%)	400; 418	7.4		Cheon2011	
Cs2LiCeCl6	Ce3+	3.4	22,000	101(42%); 557(35%); 2,900(23%)	385, 405	5.5		Rooh2010a	
Cs2LiGdBr6:Ce	Ce3+	4.41	25,000	73 (63%); 542 (14%); 3,900 (23%)	392; 420	8.6	1% Ce	Rooh2014a	
Cs2LiGdBr6:Ce	Ce3+	4.41	30,500	39 (43%); 587 (31%); 1,100 (26%)	392; 443		10% Ce	Rooh2014a	
Cs2LiGdCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.7	20,000	129 ns (51%); 573 ns (32%); 8.9 ms (17%) 	360; 460	5	10% Ce	Rooh2010c	
Cs2LiLaBr6:Ce (CLLB)	Ce3+	4.2	60,000		410	3.0	3.0 MeV gamma equivalentneutron	Glodo2011	
Cs2LiLaBr6:Ce (CLLB)	Ce3+	4.2	50,000	55; >270	390; 420	2.9	10% Ce3+	Shirwadkar2011	
Cs2LiLaCl6:Ce (CLLC)	Ce3+		35,000		400	3.4	3.1 MeV gamma equivalentneutron	Glodo2011	
Cs2LiLuCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.9	7,000	29.4	370; 410		0.5% Ce	Bessiere2006	
Cs2LiLuI6:Ce	Ce3+		11,000	47 (30%); 220(32%); 1,400 (38%)	435; 478	10	0.5% Ce3+; 35,500 photons/neutron	Birowosuto2008b	
Cs2LiYBr6:Ce	Ce3+	4.15	24,000	85 (39%); 2,500		7.0	1% Ce; 88,000 photons/neutron	Bessiere2004	
Cs2LiYCl6	SA	3.31	6,535 (1 us); 22,420 (10 us)	6,600	305			Combes1999	
Cs2LiYCl6	CV	3.31	660	2	250			Bessiere2005a	
Cs2LiYCl6	SA	3.31	7,000 (1us); 22,00 (10 us)	7,000				Bessiere2005a	
Cs2LiYCl6	CV	3.31	1,700	4				Bessiere2004	
Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC)	Ce3+	3.31	9,565 (1 us); 18,400 (10 us)	600; 6,000	372; 400			Combes1999	
Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC)	Ce3+	3.31	21,000	35 + slow	490	6	0.5% Ce	vanLoef2005b	
Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC)	Ce3+	3.31	10,200 (1us); 21,600 (10 us)	2,800	370		0.1% Ce	Bessiere2005a	
Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC)	Ce3+	3.31	21,600			8.0	0.1% Ce; 70,000 photons/neutron	Bessiere2004	
Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC)	Ce3+	3.3				5.1	>1% Ce; neutron peak resolution 2.9% 	Glodo2008a	
Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC)	Ce3+		20,000		390	4.5	3.5 MeV gamma equivalentneutron	Glodo2011	
Cs2LiYCl6:Pr	Pr3+	3.31	10,000		315	15	0.2% Pr	vanLoef2005b	
Cs2NaCeBr6	Ce3+	4.0	25,000	140 us (94%); 880 us (6%)	380-466	6.7		Kim2009a	
Cs2NaCeBr6	Ce3+	4.25	25,000	140(94%); 800(6%)	377, 400	6.7		Kim2010	
Cs2NaCeCl6	Ce3+							Rooh2009	
Cs2NaGdBr6:Ce	Ce3+	4.18	36,800	72 (67%); 266 (22%); 698 (11%)	393; 422	5.1	10% Ce	Rooh2012	
Cs2NaGdBr6:Ce 	Ce3+	4.19	48,000	65 (48%); 193 (24%); 864 (8%); >6,000 (20%)	389; 418	3.3	4% Ce3+	Samulon2014	
Cs2NaGdCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.50	21,000	69 ns (34%); 503 ns (37%); 3,200 (29%)	378; 400 nm	4.8%	10% Ce3+	Rooh2014	
Cs2NaGdCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.52	27,000	110 (15%); 353 (18%); 1,572 (24%);>6,000 (44%)	375; 403	4.0	2% Ce3+	Samulon2014	
Cs2NaLaBr6:Ce	Ce3+		9,000 (0.5 us); 17,000 (10 us)	61 (32%) / 450 (11%) / 1,900 (57%)	382; 414	11.3	0.5% Ce	Birowosuto2006d	
Cs2NaLaBr6:Ce	Ce3+	3.93	46,000	48(18%); 205(21%); 854(23%); 4021(36%)	385; 413	3.9	4% Ce; 11 ns rise time	Gundiah2014	
Cs2NaLaCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.26	26,400	66(18%);  340(18%); 1620(45%)	373; 405	4.4	4% Ce; 16 ns rise time	Gundiah2014	
Cs2NaLuBr6:Ce	Ce3+		5,200 (0.5 us); 5,800 (10 us)	61 (65%) / 350 (35%)	389; 422	10.5	0.5% Ce	Birowosuto2006d	
Cs2NaLuCl6:Ce	Ce3+			1(1%); 55 (44%); 380(55%)				Birowosuto2009	
Cs2NaLuI6:Ce	Ce3+			30(100%)				Birowosuto2009	
Cs2NaYBr6:Ce	Ce3+		5,000 (0.5 us); 9,500 (10 us)	61 (26%) / 350 (23%) / 2,700 (51%)	385; 420	6.3	0.3% Ce	Birowosuto2006d	
Cs2ZnCl4	CV	3.35	630	1.8 (95%); 10	255; 280; 390			Yahaba2014	
Cs2ZrCl6	SA		25,100	1,500; 7,500	440; 479			Saeki2016	
Cs3CeCl6	Ce3+	3.4	19,000	50 (50%); 300 (50%)	400	8.4		Zhuravleva2011	
Cs3Gd2I9:Ce	Ce3+	4.73	2,200 (0.5 us); 2,600 (10 us)				1% Ce	Birowosuto2007b	
Cs3GdBr6:Ce	Ce3+	4.14	47,000	72 (26%); 270 (25%); 1,421 (26%); >6,000 (23%)	396;  425	4.0	4-8% Ce3+	Samulon2014	
Cs3GdCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.56	24,500	39 (7%); 129 (12%); 462 (15%); 2,110 (36%); >6,000 (30%)	382; 407	4.5	8% Ce3+	Samulon2014	
Cs3LaBr6	SA	4.55	1,600 (0.5 us); 2,100 (10 us)	250 (92%) / 2,100 (8%)	394	13.6		Birowosuto2007b	
Cs3LaBr6:Ce	Ce3+	4.55	5,800 (0.5 us); 10,400 (10 us)	46 (18%) / 270 (42%) / 2,100 (40%)	390; 425	30	0.5% Ce	Birowosuto2007b	
Cs3LaBr6:Ce	Ce3+	3.99	35,000	71 (72%); 437 (28%)	410	8	10% Ce	Wei2014	
Cs3LaBr6:Ce	Ce3+	3.82	32,500	44(17%); 1214(18%); 399(20%); 2230(31%)	393; 425	4.9	15% Ce; <0.1 ns rise time	Gundiah2014	
Cs3LaCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.27	20,000	56 (75%); 380 (25%)	400	9	20% Ce	Wei2014	
Cs3LaCl6:Ce	Ce3+	3.36	16,000	79(32%); 291(33%); 1243(28%)	383; 415	8.6	8% Ce; 13 ns rise time	Gundiah2014	
Cs3Lu2I9	SA	4.82	4,000 (0.5 us); 6,600 (10 us)	770	390; 608	19.2		Birowosuto2007b	
Cs3Lu2I9:Ce	Ce3+	4.82	13,600 (0.5 us; 22,800 (10 us)	18 (2%); 42 (6%) / 120 (40%); 510 (52%)		9	2% Ce	Birowosuto2007b	
Cs3LuI6	SA	4.78	1,200 (0.5 us); 1,400 (10 us)		390; 608			Birowosuto2007b	
Cs3LuI6:Ce	Ce3+	4.78	1,400 (0.5 us); 1,500 (10 us)		429; 471		0.5% Ce	Birowosuto2007b	
CsBa2Br5:Eu	Eu2+	4.5	50,000 (est.)				2% Eu	Bourret2012	
CsBa2Br5:Eu	Eu2+	4.48	92,000	378 (6%); 1260 (67%)	435		2% Eu2+	Borade2011	
CsBa2I5:Eu	Eu2+	5	97,000	48 (1%); 383 (26%); 1,500 (68%); 9,900 (25%)	435	3.8	7% Eu	Bourret2009a	
CsBa2I5:Eu	Eu2+	4.9	102,000	384 (10%); 1,200 (58%); 14,000 (32%)	2.85 eV (45%); / 2.7 eV (19%); 2.66 eV (36%)	2.55	4% Eu	Bizarri2011	
CsBa2I5:Eu	Eu2+	5.0	80,000	900	430	3.9	3% Eu	Shirwadkar2013	
CsBa2I5:Eu	Eu2+	4.9	80,000	350	434	2.3%	5% Eu	Alekhin2014	
CsBa2I5:In	In3+	4.5	35,000	32(2%); 162(8%); 1980(43%)	540	7.1	0.2% In	Gascon2014	
CsBa2I5:Na	Na+	4.5	33,500	39(7%); 183(36%); 995(37%)	430	7.9	1.0% Na	Gascon2014	
CsBa2I5:Tl	Tl+	4.5	40,000	28(1%); 414(42%); 1241(24%)	500	7.1	0.08% Tl	Gascon2014	
CsBa2I5:Yb	Yb2+	4.9	54,000	870	414	5.7	1% Yb2+	Rowe2013	
CsBr	CV	4.4	20	0.07	250			VanEijk1993	
CsCaBr3:Eu	Eu2+		28,000	145(0.43%); 6,097(89.8%); 28,000(9.8%)	447	9.3	8% Eu	Grippa2013b	
CsCaCl3	CV	2.9	1,400	< 1	250; 305			VanEijk1993	
CsCaCl3:Eu	Eu2+	3.00	18,000	5,050	450	8.9		Zhuravleva2012	
CsCaI3:Eu	Eu2+	4.06	38,500	1,720	450	8.0		Zhuravleva2012	
CsCaI3:Eu	Eu2+		30,000-22,000 (size dependent)	2100-3900 (size dependent)	455	4.5 - 13 (size dependent)	3%Eu in melt	Lindsey2015a	
CsCe2Br7:Ce	Ce3+	4.0	35,562	78 (52.0%); 316 (31.6%); 1723(16.4%)	390; 420; 475	7		Wu2015	
CsCe2Cl7	Ce3+	3.6	26,000	50 (52%); 210 (47%)	385	7.5		Zhuravleva2011	
CsCe2Cl7:Ce	Ce3+	3.6	19,470	66 (87.3%); 351 (12.7%)		12		Wu2015	
CsCl	CV	4.0	900	0.9	240; 270			VanEijk1993	
CsF	CV	4.64	1,900	2-4	390			Moszynski1983	
CsF	CV	4.1	2,000	2.9	390			VanEijk1993	
CsGd(PO3)4:Ce	Ce3+	4.07	24,400		336, 358		crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Zhong2009	
CsGd2F7:Ce	Ce3+	5.5	7,300	20 + 3,000	325		20% Ce	Schaart1995	
CsGd2F7:Ce	Ce3+	5.5	6,000	~30 (18%) + 3,000	340	13.5	10% Ce	Dorenbos1993	
CsGd2F7:Pr	Pr3+	5.5	d-f not observed				2% Pr	Dorenbos1993	
CsI	SX	4.51				16.7		Sakai1987	
CsI:CO3	SA	4.51	39,000	1,760	410; 500	8.35	0.1% CO3	Ha2009	
CsI:Eu	Eu2+	4.51	19,100					Holl1988	
CsI:In	In+	4.51	27,000 (12 us)	1,900	545	9.5		Gridin2013	
CsI:Na	Na+	4.51	38,000					Holl1988	
CsI:Na	Na+	4.51	49,000					deHaas2005	
CsI:Na	Na+	4.51	43,000			7.4		Sakai1987	
CsI:Na	Na+	4.51	49,000		425			Haas2008	
CsI:Na	Na+	4.51	46,000				luminosity = average of APD and PD values	dehaas2008	
CsI:Tl	Tl+	4.51	55,000					Holl1988	
CsI:Tl	Tl+	4.51	61,000					Moszynski1997a	
CsI:Tl	Tl+	4.51		980	530			Grabmaier1984	
CsI:Tl	Tl+	4.51	56,000					deHaas2005	
CsI:Tl	Tl+	4.51	56,000			5.7		Sakai1987	
CsI:Tl	Tl+	4.51	57,000		560			Haas2008	
CsI:Tl	Tl+	4.51	56,000				luminosity = average of APD and PD values	dehaas2008	
CsLuP2O7:Ce	Ce3+	4.49	8,000	4.4 (14.1%); 19.8(85.9%)	393		crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Yuan2007	
CsSrBr3:Eu	Eu2+	3.8	40,000 (est.)				3% Eu2+	Bourret2012	
CsSrBr3:Eu	Eu2+		31,300	2,500	442	9	5% Eu	Cherginets2014	
CsSrCl3:Ce	Ce3+		8600	3.8 (23%); 57 (23%); 626 (54%)	360-385	7.2	0.5% Ce	Fujimoto2017a	
CsSrCl3:Eu	Eu2+		33,400	2,700	448	11.5	5% Eu	Cherginets2014	
CsSrI3:Eu	Eu2+		65,000			5.9	8% Eu2+	Yang2011	
CsY2F7:Ce	Ce3+		1,400	32	333		5% Ce	Schaart1995	
CsYP2O7:Ce	Ce3+	3.57	8,000	5.2 (16.9%); 22.2(83.1%)	393		crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Yuan2007	
Ga2O3	SA		15,000	8; 977	380			Yanagida2016	
(Gd-Y)3Al5O12:Ce (GYAG)	Ce3+	6	11,000	90 + >1,000	550	8	ceramic; 0.5% Ce	Yanagida2007	
Gd2Si2O7:Ce (GPS)	Ce3+	5.5	30,000-40,000	46	372;  394	6	luminosity 2.5 x GSO, 5 x BGO	Kawamura2007	
Gd2SiO5:Ce (GSO)	Ce3+	6.71	12,500	56; 600	430	7.0		Melcher1996	
Gd2SiO5:Ce (GSO)	Ce3+	6.71	2,800			7.8		Sakai1987	
Gd2SiO5:Ce (GSO)	Ce3+	6.71	7,400			9.2		Balcerzyk2000b	
Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce	Ce3+		42,217	52.8(73%); 282(27%			survey of 23 members of (Lu,Gd)3 (Ga,Al)5 O12:Ce family	Kamada2011	
Gd3Al3Ga2O12:Ce	Ce3+		45,931	221 (100%)			survey of 23 members of (Lu,Gd)3 (Ga,Al)5 O12:Ce family	Kamada2011	
Gd3Sc2Al3O12:Ce (GSAG)	Ce3+		7,500			10.8	ceramic, 3% Ce	Cherepy2009	
Gd3Y3Al10O24:Ce (GYAG)	Ce3+		16,500			11.2	ceramic, 3% Ce	Cherepy2009	
GdAlO3:Ce	Ce3+	7.5	9,000	30; 180	335; 358		0.75% Ce	Dorenbos1995b	
GdB3O6:Ce	Gd3+		200		311		crystalline powder; Ce3+ to Gd3+ transfer	Knitel2000	
GdBO3:Ce	Ce3+	6.3	10,000		385; 415		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
GdBr3	Ce3+	4.55	28,000 (0.5 us); 44,000 (10 us)	20 (26%) / 212 (65%) / 13,500 (9%)	460		2% Ce	vanLoef2001a	
GdCl3:Ce	Ce3+	4.54	38,000		350; 370		1% Ce	Grippa2010	
GdI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.2	89,000	33	563		2% Ce	Glodo2008	
GdI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.2	44,000	45 (70%); 250 (24%); 2,000 (6%)	560	4.7	1% Ce; 42,000 ph/MeV at 600 K	Birowosuto2008a	
GdNb0.2Ta0.8O4	SA	8.37	2,600	12(100%)	450		luminosity 13 x PbWO4	Voloshyna2014	
GdOBr:Ce	Ce3+		89% of ZnS:Ag	60	405, 440		phosphor, 1% Ce	Buchanan1981	
GdOBr:Ce	Ce3+	6.82	34,000*	30 (100%); 10 risetime	405; 445		* 0.49 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
GdOCl:Ce	Ce3+		75% of ZnS:Ag	36	365, 410		phosphor, 1% Ce	Buchanan1981	
GdOCl:Ce	Ce3+	6.66	17,000*	25 (63%); 76 (27%); 6 risetime	400		* 0.25 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Eagleman2011	
GdOF:Ce	Ce3+	7.69	not observed				crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
GdOI:Ce	Ce3+	6.85	7,000*	23 (67%)	440; 470		* 0.10 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 2% Ce	Eagleman2011	
HfF4	SA	7.1	300	29	350		crystalline powder	Derenzo1990	
HfO2	SA	9.68	31,000	9.500	480		crystalline powder; 2.5% Eu, 1% Y	LeLuyer2008	
K2BaI4:Eu	Eu2+		63,000	720 (67%);  3,100 (33%)	448	2.9	7% Eu2+	Stand2016	
K2CeBr5	Ce3+	2.9	50,000			6.3	10% Ce	Hawrami2008	
K2CeCl5	Ce3+	2.9	30,000		370	5.8		Roy2007	
K2LaBr5:Ce	Ce3+	3.9	40,000 (10 us)	50	359; 391		10% Ce	vanLoef2005	
K2LaCl5	SX	2.89	900	3,700	400		10% Ce	VantSpijker1999b	
K2LaCl5:Ce	Ce3+	2.89	49,300; 22,600 (0.5 us)	 80 + slow	347; 372		10% Ce	VantSpijker1999b	
K2LaCl5:Ce	Ce3+	2.9	23,000 (0.5 us); 30,000 (10 us)		344; 372		10% Ce	vanLoef2005	
K2LaI5:Ce	Ce3+	4.4	53,000 (0.5 us); 55,000 (10 us)	24	401; 439		10% Ce	vanLoef2005	
K2LaI5:Ce	Ce3+	4.4	29,000		340; 380	5.1	10% Ce; 50% in 115 ns	vantSpijker1995	
K2LiYBr6:Ce	Ce3+		10,400	30 (1%); 250 (30%); 1,900 (69%)	385; 420	22	1% Ce3+: 37,000 photons/neutron	Birowosuto2008b	
K2YF5	CV	3.6	300	1.3	170			VanEijk1993	
K2YF5:Pr	Pr3+	3.1	6.900	20 (5%); + slow	240		2% Pr	Dorenbos1993	
K3Lu(PO4)2:Ce	Ce3+	3.9	26,500	34 (81%); 1200 (19%)	390	17	1% Ce	Wisniewski2004	
KBa2I5:Eu	Eu2+	4.52	90,000	910 (81%);   4,900 (19%)	444	2.4	4% Eu2+	Stand2016	
KCaF3	CV	3.0	1,400	< 2	140-190			VanEijk1993	
KCaI3:Eu	Eu2+	3.81	72,000	1060	465	3	3% Eu2+	Lindsey2015	
KGd(PO3)4:Ce	Ce3+	3.52	14,100		325, 345		crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Zhong2009	
KI:Tl	Tl+	3.1	9,700					Holl1988	
KLu2F7	CV	7,5	270	< 2	165			VanEijk1993	
KLuF4	CV	5.2	170	1.3	170-200			VanEijk1993	
KLuP2O7:Ce	Ce3+	3.87	16,000	6.3 (14.9%); 27.2(85.1%)	394		crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Yuan2007	
KMgF3	CV	3.2	1,400	1.3	140-190			VanEijk1993	
KSr2Br5:Eu	Eu2+	3.98	75,000	1076	427	3.5	5% Eu2+	Stand2015a	
KSr2I5:Eu	Eu2+	4.39	94,000	990	445	2.4	4% Eu2+	Stand2015b	
KSr2I5:Eu	Eu2+	4.39	94,000	990 (89%);  5,000 (11%)	452	2.4		Stand2013	
KSr2I5:Eu	Eu2+	4.39	95,300	890	445	2.8	4% Eu2+	Stand2016	
KYF4	CV	3.6	1,000	1.9	170			VanEijk1993	
KYP2O7:Ce	Ce3+	3.11	10,000	6.7 (22.6%); 23.2(77.4%)	380		crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Yuan2007	
La2Hf2O7:Ti	Ti4+	7.9	13,000	10,000	475		transparent ceramic; 2% Ti4+	Ji2005	
La2O2S:Ce	Ce3+	5.82	Not detected					Yen1996	
La2O3:Ce	Ce3+	6.6	Not detected					Yen1996	
La2O3:Ce	Ce3+	6.6	Not detected					vanderKolk2007	
LaAlO3:Ce	Ce3+	6.5	Not detected					vanderKolk2007	
LaB3O6:Ce	Ce3+	4.2	7,700		300; 320		crystalline powder; 0.05% Ce	Knitel2000	
LaBO3:Bi	Bi3+	5.2		800	365			Blasse1968	
LaBO3:Ce	Ce3+	5.2	600		355; 380		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
LaBr(3-x)I(x):Ce	Ce3+	5.47	42,000(0.5 us); 45,000(10 us)	31(70%); 244(30%)	400; 434	4.1	all entries for x = 0.75 and 5% Ce	Birowosuto2008	
LaBr(3-x)I(x):Ce	Ce3+	5.51	55,000(0.5 us); 58,000(10 us)	28	472; 500	14.6	all entries for x = 1.5 and 5% Ce	Birowosuto2008	
LaBr(3-x)I(x):Ce	Ce3+	5.60	22,000(0.5us); 22,000(10 us)	12	460; 510	35.9	all entries for x = 2.25 and 5% Ce	Birowosuto2008	
LaBr2:Pr	Pr3+	5.1	74,500	11,000		3.2	1% Pr3	Glodo2006	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	61,000	30	356; 387	2.9	0.5% Ce	vanLoef2002	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	73,000			2.7-3.2	sizes 5-76 mm; 5% Ce	Menge2007	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	74,000		375		10% Ce	Haas2008	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	75,000				5% Ce; luminosity = average of APD and PD values	dehaas2008	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	68,600					Salacka2010	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	78,000	~17 + slower		2.0	Sr2+ and Ca2+ co-doping	Alekhin2013	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1		rise time 9 ns ; decay time 26 ns			0.5% Ce3+	Glodo2005a	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1		rise time 0.2 ns ; decay time 17 ns			20% Ce3+	Glodo2005a	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	64,000	16			5% Ce	Bizarri2007	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1	56,000	30			0.2% Ce	Bizarri2007	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1		26 (9 ns rise time)			0.5% Ce	Glodo2004	
LaBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.1		17 (<0.5 ns rise time)			5% Ce	Glodo2004	
LaCeF6	Ce3+		4,500					Wojtowicz1994	
LaCl3	SX	3.8	34,000	3,480	400			vanLoef2001b	
LaCl3:Ce	Ce3+	3.8	49,000	25 + slow	330; 352	3.1	10% Ce	vanLoef2001b	
LaCl3:Ce	Ce3+	3.8	48,000		350		5% Ce	Haas2008	
LaCl3:Ce	Ce3+	3.8	50,000				10% Ce; luminosity = average of APD and PD values	dehaas2008	
LaCl3:Ce	Ce3+	3.8	40,900					Salacka2010	
LaF3:Ce	Ce3+	5.9	2,200	3; 26.5	290; 340		10% Ce	Moses1990	
LaF3:Nd	Nd3+	5.94	2,000	6.3	173		0.03% Nd	Schotanus1988	
LaF3:Nd	Nd3+	5.94	270		173		10.6% Nd	Dorenbos1996	
LaI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.6	200-300	1-2	452; 502		luminosity 16,000 photons/MeV at 100K	Bessiere2005b	
LaMgB5O10:Ce	Ce3+		1,300		310; 317		crystalline powder; 0.05% Ce	Knitel2000	
LaNb5O14	SA		750	3,000 (73%)	445		crystalline powder	Derenzo2011	
LaNbO4	SA		11,000	2,900 (71%)	436		crystalline powder	Derenzo2011	
LaOBr:Ce	Ce3+		38% of ZnS:Ag	38	460		phosphor, 1% Ce	Buchanan1981	
LaOBr:Ce	Ce3+	6.17	3,000*	1 (11%); 4 (26%); 13 (35%)	425		* 0.04 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
LaOCl:Bi	Bi3+			1,600	345			Blasse1968	
LaOCl:Ce	Ce3+		4.3% of ZnS:Ag	100	435		phosphor, 1% Ce	Buchanan1981	
LaOCl:Ce	Ce3+	5.45	<700*	17 (15%); 106 (16%); 836 (15%)	420		* <0.01 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 2% Ce	Eagleman2011	
LaOF:Ce	Ce3+	6.03	not observed				crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
LaOI:Ce	Ce3+	5.91	7,500*	24 (86%)	470		* 0.11 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
LaSCl:Ce	Ce3+		650	5.5 ns (11%); 25 (51%); 102 (28%)	460		crystalline powder; 10% Ce	Derenzo2011	
LaScO3:Ce	Ce3+		900	2.2 ns (63%); 7.3 (19%)	444		crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Derenzo2011	
Li12LuGd(BO3)6	Ce3+			60(28%);  313(14%); 30,000 (58%) 	400	19%		Fawad2014	
Li2CaSiO4:Ce	Ce3+	2.9	7,800	27.0			0.5% Ce	Pierron2003	
Li2NaYBr6:Ce	Ce3+		12,400	30 (3%); 560 (11%); 2,600 (86%)	383; 413	10	1% Ce3+: 37,000 photons/neutron	Birowosuto2008b	
Li3TaO4	SA		30,000	6,100 (67%)	398		crystalline powder	Derenzo2011	
Li3YCl6:Ce	Ce3+	2.45	3305 (1 us); 6185 (10 us)	250; 2,300	360; 385			Combes1999	
Li6Gd(BO3)3:Ce	Ce3+		14,000		385; 415		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
Li6Y(BO3)3:Ce	Ce3+		1,200		388; 419		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
LiBaF3	CV	5.2	1,400	0.8	190; 230			VanEijk1993	
LiBaF3	SX	5.24	1,600	6,000	300			Knitel1996	
LiBaF3	CV	5.24	1,200	0.8	187; 225			Knitel1996	
LiCa2I5	Eu2+		90,000	1416 (gamma exc.); 156 1370 (neutron)	472	5.6		Soundara-Pandian2016	
LiCaAlF6:Ce	Ce3+	3.0		50	280		6 ns rise time	Getkin2003	
LiCaPO4:Ce	Ce3+	2.9	5,900	25.5			0.5% Ce	Pierron2003	
LiGd(PO3)4:Ce	Ce3+	3.54	2,600		310, 329		crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Zhong2009	
LiGdCl4		3.70	36,000		310; 340; 360		crystalline powder	Porter2009	
LiGdCl4:Ce	Ce3+	3.70	64,600	33	345; 365		crystalline powder; 20 % Ce	Porter2009	
LiI:Eu	Eu2+	4.08	15,000		475	7.5		Syntfeld2005	
LiI:Eu	Eu2+	4.08		1,200				Murray1958	
LiInSe2			4,400	31(49%); 143(51%)			yellow crystal form	Wiggins2015	
LiInSe2			not observed				red crystal form	Wiggins2015	
LiLuF4:Ce	Ce3+		3,600	320	310; 335			Yanagida2011	
LiSr2Br5	Eu2+		32,000	1418 (gamma exc.); 1261 (neutron)	407; 476	6.1		Soundara-Pandian2016	
LiSr2I5	Eu2+		60,000	1330 (gamma exc.); 1262 (neutron)	493; 417 (size dependent)	3.5	3% Eu	Soundara-Pandian2016	
LiYSiO4:Bi	Bi3+				350			Blasse1968	
(Lu,Y)2SiO5:Ce (LYSO)	Ce3+	7.1	27,000		425			Haas2008	
Lu(2-2x)Gd(2x)SiO5:Ce (LGSO)	Ce3+		20,000			12.4	x = 0.037 in crystal	Balcerzyk2000b	
Lu(x)Gd(1-x)I3:Ce	Ce3+		78,400	29	540		x= 0.7; 2% Ce	Glodo2008	
Lu(x)Y(1-x)I3:Ce	Ce3+		68,100	28	522		x= 0.7; 2% Ce	Glodo2008	
Lu1.8Y0.2SiO5:Ce (LYSO)	Ce3+	7.1	34,000	41 + slow	397			Pidol2004	
Lu2.25Y0.75Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.2	33,000			4.4		Drozdowski2014	
Lu2O3:Ce	Ce3+	9.52	Not detected					Yen1996	
Lu2O3:Ce	Ce3+	9.5	Not detected					vanderKolk2007	
Lu2S3:Ce	Ce3+	6.25	28,000	32	592			VantSpijker1998	
Lu2Si2O7:Ce (LPS)	Ce3+	6.2	23,000	30	380			Pauwels2000	
Lu2Si2O7:Ce (LPS)	Ce3+	6.2	26,000	38	378			Pidol2004	
Lu2Si2O7:Ce (LPS)	Ce3+	6.2	9,600				0.25% Ce	Cutler2009	
Lu2SiO5:Ce	Ce3+	7.4	28,000				luminosity = average of APD and PD values	dehaas2008	
Lu2SiO5:Ce (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4	33,000	40	420			Melcher1992	
Lu2SiO5:Ce (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4	27,300					Moszynski1997a	
Lu2SiO5:Ce (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4	27,000	40	420	7.9		Melcher1996	
Lu2SiO5:Ce (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4		7 (1%); 38.8 (99%)			risetime: < 50 ps (88%); 350 ps (12%)	Derenzo2000	
Lu2SiO5:Ce (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4	29,000		425			Haas2008	
Lu2SiO5:Ce (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4	26,000			8.4		Balcerzyk2000b	
Lu2SiO5:Ce (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4	22,200				0.02% Ce	Cutler2009	
Lu2SiO5:Ce,Ca	Ce3+	7.4	38,800	36.7	420	7.7	0.1% Ce3+, 0.1% Ca2+	Spurrier2008	
Lu2SiO5:Ce/Ca (LSO)	Ce3+	7.4	25,400				0.1% Ce; 0.1% Ca	Cutler2009	
Lu2SiO5:Pr	Pr3+	7.4	2,200 + slow	26	247			Nikl2006	
Lu2SiO5:Pr,Ca	Pr3+	7.4		6.9 (66%); 23.2 (34%) + slow			0.2% Pr3+, 0.1% Ca	Yang2009	
Lu3Al5O12:Ce (LuAG)	Ce3+	6.7	12,500					Mares2004	
Lu3Al5O12:Ce (LuAG)	Ce3+	6.7	5,606		510			Lempicki1995	
Lu3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.7	17,000	21	310		0.14 % Pr	Ogino2006	
Lu3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.7	16,000	26	308		0.25% Pr	Nikl2005	
Lu3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.7	20,000	20 (68%); 455 (32%)			0.25% Pr	Ogino2006a	
Lu3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.7	16,000	17.2 (30%); 53 (16%); 1,590 (54%)	310	5.0		Swiderski2009	
Lu3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.7	12,400				1% Pr	Cutler2009	
Lu3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.7	19,000	20	310	4.6		Drozdowski2008	
LuAlO3:Ce (LuAP)	Ce3+	8.34	11,400	16.5; 74	365		0.105% Ce	Moszynski1997b	
LuAlO3:Ce (LuAP)	Ce3+	8.36	9,600	11; 28; 835	390			Moses1995	
LuAlO3:Ce (LuAP)	Ce3+	8.34	11,300					Moszynski1997a	
LuAlO3:Ce (LuAP)	Ce3+	8.34	20,500	17.9	365			Lempicki1995	
LuBO3:Ce (Calcite)	Ce3+	6.8	10,800 (0.5 us); 12,000 (10 us)				5% Ce	Zhang1999	
LuBO3:Ce (vaderite)	Ce3+	7.4	3,000 (0.5 us); 3,900 (10 us)				5% Ce	Zhang1999	
LuBO3:Pr (Calcite)	Pr3+	6.8	4,200 (0.5 us); 7,300 (10 us)				1% Pr	Zhang1999	
LuBO3:Pr (vaderite)	Pr3+	7.4	4,200 (0.5 us); 7,300 (10 us)				1% Pr	Zhang1999	
LuBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.2	26,000	32 + slow			0.76% Ce	vanLoef2003	
LuCl3:Ce	Ce3+	4.0	6,600	46 + slow			0.45% Ce	vanLoef2003	
LuF3:Ce	Ce3+	8.3	8,000	28	310			Birowosuto2009	
LuI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.6	50,000	31 (69%); 400 (15%); 3,000 (16%) + slow	475; 520			Glodo2005	
LuI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.6	50,000	23-31	474		decay time depends on Ce3+ concentration	Shah2004	
LuI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.6	76,000 (0.5 us; 98,000 (10 us)	complex	540		5% Ce	Birowosuto2006a	
LuI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.68	76,000 (0.5 us; 98,000 (10 us)	complex	540	3.3	5% Ce	Birowosuto2006c	
LuI3:Ce	Ce3+	5.6	115,000	28	522		2% Ce	Glodo2008	
LuOBr:Ce	Ce3+	7.6			403, 432			Rabatin1982	
LuOBr:Ce	Ce3+	7.58	7,000*	25 (56%); 73 (10%)	405; 445		* 0.10 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Eagleman2011	
LuOCl:Ce	Ce3+	7.2					weak x-ray luminescence reported	Rabatin1982	
LuOCl:Ce	Ce3+	7.16	5,500*	377 (16%); 1,512 (77%)	380		* 0.08 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Eagleman2011	
LuOF:Ce	Ce3+		not observed				crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
LuOI:Ce	Ce3+	7.71	700*	23 (82%); 73 (10%)	430; 480		* 0.01 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Eagleman2011	
LuPO4:Ce	Ce3+	6.53	17,200	25	360			Lempicki1993	
LuScBO3:Ce	Ce3+		4,200	31	370			Yanagida2011	
MgSr2Si2O7:Eu	Eu2+		4,000	186 ns (50%); 435 (31%)	465		crystalline powder; 2% Eu	Derenzo2011	
Na2Gd2B2O7:Ce	Ce3+		6,000	36 ns (50%); 66 (42%)	447; 478		crystalline powder; 2 % Ce	Derenzo2011	
NaBaPO4:Eu	Eu2+		20,000	355 ns (32%); 885 (64%)	450; 610		crystalline powder; 0.5% Eu	Derenzo2011	
NaGd(PO3)4:Ce	Ce3+	3.62	21,000	12.4	313; 332		crystalline powder, 2.5% Ce	Zhong2007	
NaGd(PO3)4:Ce	Ce3+	3.62	11,100		314, 333		crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Zhong2009	
NaGdCl4		3.44	2,400		305; 345; 365		crystalline powder	Porter2009	
NaGdCl4:Ce	Ce3+	3.44	39,400	26	350; 370		crystalline powder; 20% Ce	Porter2009	
NaI:Tl	Tl+	3.67	45,000		415	7.1		Sakai1987	
NaI:Tl	Tl+	3.67	43,000					Holl1988	
NaI:Tl	Tl+	3.67			415			Grabmaier1984	
NaI:Tl	Tl+	3.67				5.6		Persyk1978	
NaI:Tl	Tl+	3.67	44,000		415			Haas2008	
NaI:Tl	Tl+	3.67	45,000				luminosity = average of APD and PD values	dehaas2008	
NaI:Tl, Eu	Tl+, Eu2+	3.67	44,000			6.3		Shiran2010	
NaI:Tl, Eu, Ca	Tl+, Eu2+	3.67	52,000			4.9	0.1% Tl+, 0.1% Eu2+, 0.2% Ca2+	Khodyuk2015	
NaI:Tl,Ca	co-doping Tl, Ca		34,000 ± 1,800	173 ± 12 (94%); 830 ± 230 (6%)	418	5.4	0.03±0.01%Tl  0.21±0.03%Ca (at. % in the melt, with respect to Na+) Improved non-proportionality	Yang2015	
NaI:Tl,Sr	co-doping Tl, Sr		26,000 ± 3,100	172±10 (92%); 860±160 (8%)	414	5.3	0.05±0.02%Tl  0.11±0.01%Sr (at. % in the melt, with respect to Na+) Improved non-proportionality	Yang2015	
NaI(pure)	SX	3.67	80,000	60 ns			77K, 14% FWHM for 122 keV gammas	Persyk1980	
NaI(pure)	SX	3.67				3.8	77K, 50,000 ns peaking time	Moszynski2008	
NaLaSiO4:Ce	Ce3+		5,000	26 ns (32%) + slow	405		crystalline powder; 5% Ce	Derenzo2011	
NaLuP2O7:Ce	Ce3+	4.11	6,000	5.5 (17.7%); 20.4(82.3%)	370		crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Yuan2007	
PbCl2	Pb2+	5.9	230	2.9 (41%); 20 (32%); 179 (27%)	500		crystalline powder	Derenzo1990	
PbCl2:Gd	Gd3+	5.9		1,350; 6,200		25.6	0.1% Gd; 173K	Kim2008	
PbCO3	Pb2+	6.6	760	5.6; 27; 155	475		Luminosity 16,000 photons/MeV at -40C	Moses1990	
PbCO3	Pb2+	6.6	680	2.0 (22%); 15 (69%); 92 (9%)	432; 465		11,900 photons/MeV at -120C	Moses1991	
PbFCl	Pb2+	7.11	1,700	4; 35	392; 420			Chen2004	
PbFCl	K+	7.11		360	550			Yang2014	
PbI2	d-a	6.16	40,000	10% in first ns	520		14K; native defect donor-acceptor recombination	Derenzo2013	
PbSO4	Pb2+	6.4	4,900	1.8; 19; 95; 425	335		Luminosity 68,500 photons/MeV at -145C	Moses1992	
PbSO4	Pb2+	6.4	10,000	1.85; 14.5; 125-150	340; 380			Zadneprovski2004	
PbSO4	Pb2+	6.4		7.2 (21%); 35 (32%); 104 (39%); 656 (5.5%)		35		Zhang1994	
PbWO4	CX	8.28	200	6	420		QRT	Annenkov2002	
PbWO4	CX	8.2	300	2.5 (25%); 11 (29%); 98 (46%)	490		crystalline powder	Derenzo1990	
PbWO4:Pr	Pr3+	8.2	250	2,000	480, 620, 640		1% Pr	Nikl2008	
Polyvinylcarbazole (PVK) + diphenylanthracene (DPA) + bismuth tryphenyl	organic		12,000	15	420	9	PVK with DPA fluor loaded with 40% bismuth triphenyl by weight	Rupert2012	
Polyvinylcarbazole (PVK) + diphenylanthracene (DPA) + bismuth tryphenyl	organic		30,000	12,000	500	7	PVK with Ir-complexes fluor loaded with 40% bismuth triphenyl by weight	Rupert2012	
PrBr3:Ce	Ce3+	5.3	21,000	8 + 22	365; 395		20% Ce	Birowosuto2006b	
PrF3	Pr3+	6.3		510	394			Villora2005	
Rb2CeBr5	Ce3+	4.26	34,000	56.1 (98.8%); 329.9 (1.2%)	390.5	6.9		Kim2009	
Rb2LiCeBr6	Ce3+	4.6	33,000	55 (87%); 284 (13%)	390	6.3		Rooh2010b	
Rb2LiCeCl6	Ce3+	3.10	23,100	71 (85%); 405 (15%)	370	7.9		Rooh2012	
Rb2LiLaBr6:Ce	Ce3+		33,000	26 (5%); 310 (37%); 1,100 (58%)	363; 387	4.8	1% Ce3+: 54,000 photons/neutron	Birowosuto2008b	
Rb2LiYBr6:Ce	Ce3+	3.82	23,000	42 (3%); 140 (23%); 1,600 (74%)	385; 420	4.7	0.5% Ce	Birowosuto2007a	
Rb2LiYBr6:Ce	Ce3+		23,000	42 (3%); 140 (23%); 1,600 (74%)	381; 414	4.7	0.5% Ce3+; 83,000 photons/neutron	Birowosuto2008b	
Rb2LiYI6:Ce	Ce3+			71(53%); 400(31%); 1,400 (16%)				Birowosuto2009	
Rb2LiYI6:Ce	Ce3+		11,000	71 (31%); 400 53%); 1,400 (16%)	435; 480	28	0.5% Ce3+; 37,000 photons/neutron	Birowosuto2008b	
RbCl	CV	2.8	1		190			VanEijk1993	
RbF	CV	3.6	1700	1.3	203; 234			VanEijk1993	
RbGd2Br7:Ce	Ce3+	4.8	56,000	45	430			Shah2002	
RbGd2Br7:Ce	Ce3+	4.8	56,000	43	410	4.1	9.8% Ce	GuillotNoel1999b	
RbGd2Br7:Ce	Ce3+	4.7	55,000	60	420	3.8	5% Ce3+	Dorenbos1997	
RbLuP2O7:Ce	Ce3+	4.20	1,300	6.3 (23.2%); 24.0(76.8%)	393		crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Yuan2007	
RbYP2O7:Ce	Ce3+	3.27	7,000	8.8 (14.8%); 27.8(85.2%)	393		crystalline powder; 0.5% Ce	Yuan2007	
Sc2O3	SA	3.83	7,700	38; 217	350	22	crystal	Fukabori2012	
ScBO3:Bi	Bi3+	3.5			300			Blasse1968	
ScBO3:Ce	Ce3+	3.5	6,500		385; 420		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
Sr5(PO4)3F:Ce	Ce3+	4.17	340		342		crystalline powder, 25% Ce	Zeng2006	
SrAl2O4:Ce	Ce3+		3,900	30	380		1% Ce3+	Nakauchi2016	
SrBr2:Eu	Eu2+	4.25	25,000			8		Cherepy2009	
SrBrI:Eu	Eu2+	4.9	47,000 (est.)				5% Eu2+	Bourret2012	
SrClI:Eu	Eu2+	4.1	70,000 (est.)				5% Eu2+	Bourret2012	
SrF2:Ce	Ce3+	4.3		4 (24%); 30 (76%)	340-350		35% Ce	Gektin2009	
SrHfO3:Ce	Ce3+	6.7	40,000	42 + slow	410		transparent ceramic	VanLoef2007	
SrI2	SA	4.55	38,000		560	6.7		Cherepy2009	
SrI2	SA	4.55		106; 511	560	5.28		Sturm2011a	
SrI2:Ce/Na	Ce3+	4.59	16,000	27 (25%); 450 (75%)	404; 435	6.4	0.5% Ce/Na	vanloef2009	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.6	90,000	1,200	435	3.7		Cherepy2008	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.6	40,000		430			Hofstadter1968	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.59	120,000	1,200	435	3.0	5% Eu	vanloef2009	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.55	115,000	1,200	435	2.8	6% Eu	Cherepy2009	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.55		620 (0.5% Eu); 1650 (10% Eu)	429 (0.5% Eu); 436 (10% Eu)		crystals < 1 cm^3	Glodo2010	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.55	90,000			2.68		Sturm2011	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.55	104,000	1,100	432	2.62	2.5% Eu2+	Rowe2013	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+	4.55		123; 3,488	430	2.85		Sturm2011a	
SrI2:Eu	Eu2+		90,000			2.7		Sturm2011b	
SrI2:Yb	Yb2+	4.6	38,400	710; 77,000	418; 446	12.5	0.5% Yb	Alekhin2014a	
SrI2:Yb	Yb2+	4.55	56,000	610	414	4.35	0.5% Yb2+	Rowe2013	
Ta2Zn3O8	SA	7.1		1,130	385		crystalline powder	Rack1998	
ThBr4	SX	5.8			405			Krupa1979	
ThCl4	SX	4.6			345			Krupa1979	
Tl2GdCl5	Ce3+	5.10	53,000 ± 5,000	32 (76%); 271 (10%); 1600(14%)	389	~5	5% Ce in melt	Khan2018	
Tl2HfCl6	SA		24,200 (2x1x1 mm)	288, 6340	450-470	17.7		Fujimoto2018	
Tl2LaCl5	Ce3+	5.31	76,000 (8x6x<1mm)	36 (89%); 217(6%); 1500 (11%)	383	3.4	3% Ce	Hawrami2017	
Tl2LiYCl6:Ce	Ce3+	4.58	28,000 (1.5 us), 30,000 (4 us), 30,500 (6 us) 	69 (3%); 459 (84%); 1400 (23%)	430	4.8	1% Ce	Kim2016	
Tl2LiYCl6:Ce	Ce3+	4.5	26,000	57 (3%); 431 (64%); 1055 (33%)	435	4.2	3% Ce	Hawrami2016	
Tl2ZrCl6	SA		50,800 (2x1x1 mm)	696, 2360	450-470	5.6		Fujimoto2018	
TlCaCl3	Intrinsic	3.77	30,600 ± 3,060	317 (44%); 727 (56%)	425	5		Khan2017	
TlCdCl3	Tl	5.31	2,200 (1us)	2.6 (~8%) 45 (~47%)  170 (~45%)	450	n/a	Zeff = 68.7	Fujimoto2017	
TlCl(Be,I)		7.0	1,000	200	465	42		Rosette1970	
TlSr2Br5	Tl+	6.03	37600 ± 3700 (6x6x5 mm3 sample)	390 (66%); 1900 (34%)	441	2.4% (2x2x1 mm3); 2.7% (5x8x13 mm3)		Rooh2017	
TlSr2I5	Intrinsic	5.3	31,000	151 (33%); 605(309); 3000(28%)	528	8.5		Kim2018	
TlSr2I5	Eu3+	5.3	70,000	535 (27%); 3300 (73%)	463	4.2	3% Eu	Kim2018	
Y2O3	SX	5.04	15,480	28	370		36% of NaI:Tl	Ogorodnikov1996	
Y2O3	SA	5.04	9,300	34; 107	350	18.4		Fukabori2010	
Y2O3:Bi	Bi3+	5.0			410			Blasse1968	
Y2O3:Ce	Ce3+	5.0	Not detected					Yen1996	
Y2O3:Ce	Ce3+	5.0	Not detected					vanderKolk2007	
Y2SiO5:Ce (YSO)	Ce3+	4.45	9,200	42	420	9.0		Melcher1996	
Y2SiO5:Ce (YSO)	Ce3+	4.45	24,000			9.4		Balcerzyk2000b	
Y2SiO5:Ce (YSO)	Ce3+	4.45	23,400				0.10% Ce	Cutler2009	
Y2SiO5:Ce/Ca (YSO)	Ce3+	4.45	21,200				0.10% Ce; 0.10% Ca	Cutler2009	
Y2WO6:Bi	Bi3+			1,600	515			Blasse1968	
Y3Al5O12:Ce (YAG)	SX	4.55	11,610	100	260		27% of NaI:Tl	Ogorodnikov1996	
Y3Al5O12:Ce (YAG)	Ce3+	4.55	16,700					Moszynski1997a	
Y3Al5O12:Ce (YAG)	Ce3+	4.55				3.5		Selim2007	
Y3Al5O12:Ce (YAG)	Ce3+	4.55		119 + slow	300; 550		crystal; 0.1% Ce	Mihokova2007	
Y3Al5O12:Ce (YAG)	Ce3+	4.55		85 + slow	550		ceramic; 0.5% Ce	Mihokova2007	
Y3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	6.7	16,000	14	320		0.25% Pr	Ogino2006	
Y3Al5O12:Pr	Pr3+	4.55	8,000	18 (80%) + slow	300-400			Dorenbos1993	
YAl3B4O12:Bi	Bi3+	3.7			290			Blasse1968	
YAl3B4O12:Ce	Ce3+	3.7	5,700		344; 367		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
YAlO3:Ce (YAP)	Ce3+	5.35	16,200	27	347			Baryshevsky1991	
YAlO3:Ce (YAP)	Ce3+	5.35	21,600					Mares2004	
YAlO3:Ce (YAP)	Ce3+	5.35	18,000					Moszynski1997a	
YAlO3:Ce (YAP)	Ce3+	5.35	20,100	24.2	365			Lempicki1995	
YAlO3:Ce (YAP)	Ce3+	5.35	15,900					deHaas2005	
YAlO3:Ce (YAP)	Ce3+	5.35		26 (90%); 67 (10%)			risetime: 240 ps	Derenzo2000	
YAlO3:Ce (YAP)	Ce3+	5.35				4.4		Kapusta1999	
YBa3B9O18	SA	3.9	1400	27	400			He2007	
YBO3:Bi	Bi3+	4.5		1,000	328			Blasse1968	
YBO3:Ce	Ce3+	4.5	10,000		390; 415		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
YBr3:Ce	Ce3+		20,000	36 (79%); 450 (21%)	422		1% Ce	Cherginets2012	
YCl3:Ce	Ce3+		4,500		390; 410		1% Ce	cherginets2009	
YCl3:Ce	Ce3+	2.67	8,700	37 (86%); 640 (14%)	383		1% Ce	Cherginets2012	
YGd2Ga3Al2O12:Ce	Ce3+		44,000	56.9( 66%); 236 (34%)		8.2	1% Ce	Kamada2011a	
YI3:Ce	Ce3+	4.6	98,600	34	549		2% Ce	Glodo2008	
YMgB5O10:Ce	Ce3+		330		305		crystalline powder	Knitel2000	
YNb0.2Ta0.8O4	SA	7.16		320(38%); 2,430(62%)	440		luminosity 6 x YTaO4	Voloshyna2014	
YNbO4:Bi	Bi3+				465			Blasse1968	
YOBr:Ce	Ce3+		61% of ZnS:Ag	65	405, 440		phosphor, 1% Ce	Buchanan1981	
YOBr:Ce	Ce3+	5.06	10,000*	25 (76%); 59 (17%)	400; 445		* 0.15 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
YOCl:Bi	Bi3+			1,400	400			Blasse1968	
YOCl:Ce	Ce3+		52% of ZnS:Ag	34	365, 405		phosphor, 1% Ce	Buchanan1981	
YOCl:Ce	Ce3+	4.64	3,500*	20 (83%)	380		* 0.05 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Eagleman2011	
YOF:Bi	Bi3+				330			Blasse1968	
YOF:Ce	Ce3+	5.23	not observed				crystalline powder	Eagleman2011	
YOI:Ce	Ce3+	5.42	5,000*	23 (85%)	430; 480		* 0.07 x LaBr3:Ce; crystalline powder; 1% Ce	Eagleman2011	
YPO4:Bi	Bi3+			700	342			Blasse1968	
YVO4:Bi	Bi3+			4,500	559			Blasse1968	
Zn3Ta2O8	SA		30,000	270 (18%); 1,060 (80%)	385		crystalline powder	Derenzo2011	
ZnO:Ga	Ga3+	5.7		0.36 (35%); 0.82 (65%)			fast n-type phosphor, risetime < 40 ps	Derenzo2000	
ZnO:Ga	Ga3+	5.7		<1	385		fast n-type phosphor	Lehmann1966	
ZnO:Ga/H	Ga3+	5.7	9,700	0.8	389		crystalline powder; luminosity 54% of YAlO3:Ce	Bourret2009	
ZnSe:O		5.42	71,500	4,000; 12,000	595	7.4	luminosity = 1.277 CsI:Tl	Kim2007	
ZnSe:Te	Te2- BX	5.42	55,000	50,000	645	13.2		Schotanus1992	
ZnSe:Te	Te2- BX	5.42	28,300		610	5.4		Balcerzyk2002	
ZnWO4	CX	7.85	9,300	20,000				Holl1988	
ZnWO4	CX	7.85		21,800	480			Grabmaier1984	
ZnWO4	CX	7.85		700; 7,000; 25,000		8.5		Nagornaya2009	
ZnWO4	CX	7.85		1,000; 4,000; 25,000		10.7		Kraus2009	
ZnWO4	CX	7.85	7,170	24,000		11.1	300K	Klamra2012	
ZnWO4	CX	7.85	8,460			9.3	77K	Klamra2012