New understanding of physics of M. Planck's quantum, and as consequence
new perception of quantum physics, including physics of a field,
radiation and elementary particles.

<REDACTED>, the colonel, candidate of military science, ,

  Table of contents


1. About new interpretation of the Planck’s constant and new
perception of quantum physics, including physics of a field, radiation
and elementary particles.

2. Radio and other electromagnetic waves (EMW). Principle of radio waves

3. Light and EMW of other ranges.

4. Chemistry. Falsification of the Periodic law and periodic table of
elements of D.I. Mendeleev

5. State of affairs with fundamental particles.

6. Graviton and gravitation.

7. Physics. Replacement of Newton’s classical physics by Einstein’s
general theory of relativity. About vacuum and an ether.

8.  About substitution of the general direction of scientific thought



    The matter is that from the beginning of 20 century replacement of a
paradigm of scientific thought has been made as a whole: from the true
knowledge founded on a recognition of the God and his wisdom when
creating the world, from the absolute truth recognising the God as a
world and life source, from absoluteness of Newton's space and time the
world, including scientific world, has passed to the thought up general
principle of a relativity, to universal relativism, denying both the
absolute in the form of the God, and the Absolute in the form of
physical, philosophical, world outlook and moral categories, to negation
of Absolute in all areas of sciences, outlooks, philosophies, and life
as a whole. .  

      Thin, artful and crafty transition from the Divine wisdom shown in
beauty and harmony of the world, of all laws of the universe to a
materialistic, atheistic science has skilfully been made; from an
absoluteness principle to a general relativity. Thus they had to be
engaged in distortions of real physical sense of many base physical
concepts and categories, including concepts of a matter, space, time,
weights, quantum. As the main tool of this disgusting process they have
selected mathematics and mathematical pretentiousness, that makes
physics practically disabled to be able to understand by most people,
replaces clear physical sense by huge formulas, «tensors», «identical
transformations» and different abstruse functions.

     Difficulty in an exposition and in understanding of basic processes
and concepts of "the quantum physics» also has urged me to search clear
physical sense in all this complex science, where there are tens,
hundreds names of the most outstanding physicists of the present. But, I
make bold to assert, that all processes and the world phenomena should
have enough precise physical meaning and logic. Should be something
physical in the physics? 

About new interpretation of the Planck’s constant and new perception
of quantum physics, including physics of a field, radiation and
elementary particles.

    If at once and shortly about the physics of to what I have come this
is the following: Planck's constant as the basic constant of quantum
physics as a whole is not got obviously an understanding fully! Physical
meaning of it is simple, but has enormous value for some reconsideration
of all quantum physics. The fact is that physical meaning of Planck's
constant is an energy of a photon at 1 Hz frequency, energy of one  wave
oscillation and equivalent (to this one oscillation) the minimum
particle (i.e. corpuscles).  This value is constant for the quantum
physics. Frequency of oscillations can be different from radio waves to
gamma radiation, but energy in one, in any fluctuation, is strictly
fixed.  This energy also gives elementary oscillator to an
electromagnetic wave (EMW) in one oscillation.

   Planck's constant h = 4.135 x 10-15 eV/s. Since 1 electronvolt
corresponds to mass 1.78 x 10-36 kg., then we have h = 7.36 x 10-51 kgs.
This mass can be treated, as a mass (or integrated mass) of one EMW
oscillation, which an object radiates! This is mass of individual
quantum of Planck radiated by an object. It is possible to name it
«Elementary Quantum of Planck» (EQP)!

АK-47 to aviation coupled or multi-barrelled quick-firing machine guns.
And the more is frequency, the more is rate of fire, the more of mass is
radiated within time unit, in a second namely. This is also «a subtle
matter», a pervasive matter! It also is the physical carrier of a
subtle matter!

    Increasing frequency of radiation, we move on a spectrum from radio
waves (small frequencies and, accordingly, small energy), through
visible light, x-rays to hard gamma radiation (f ca 6 x 1019 and energy
ca 0,1 MeV). I.e. already here, in interpretation of the electromagnetic
radiation, in interpretation of physics of this extremely widespread
phenomenon, we see absolutely another: «the abstract wave», namely a
stream of elementary quanta of Planck, is not emitted, but the stream of
these elementary particles does. Any quantum of EMW (big and small,
photons, etc.) and elementary particles - are a stream of these
elementary particles, a stream of elementary quanta of Planck. This is a
know-how, which is offered, but not only this.

      The physicists consider gamma radiation as more similar to a
stream of corpuscles, to a stream of particles, rather than to EMW
stream. It is clear: the reason thereof is multiplexing of an elementary
quanta stream (EQS) of Planck! Following this logic, the further
increase in frequency (shortening of wavelength) unequivocally leads to
more multiplexing of the EQS and hard wave actually turns into a
particle! But, by implication, according to initial sense, the essence
of processes, this "formation" is a wave, as a Planck's quanta stream
with different intensity, though dense or even the superdense!  Moving
further on a spectrum with frequency increase, with multiplexing of
these elementary quanta of Planck, we progressively come to new quantum
formations, to elementary particles in full spectrum, i.e. to electrons,
muons, mesons, a protons, etc..

   Here we see in this essence of quantum as moving portions of Planck's
quanta with different intensity is, most likely, quantum duality: it is
a particle or rather set of particles with certain intensity of
radiation and integrated mass and a wave as consequence of time-varying
intensity of particles (sinusoidal envelope).   The more frequency, the
more intensity of particles, and the more energy of quantum. Here the
formula of energy Е=mc2 is valid: the mass travelling at a speed of
light defines energy of quantum of any radiation, kinetic energy. For
atoms, its nucleuses and electrons composed of these particles (quanta)
too this is, probably, formula of potential energy. These reasonings
basically are true for graviton, gamma-rays, and radio & TV waves. In
other words primary substance i.e. tiniest particles of which it
consists, is radiated in an ether, in space!

   About electron. Its mass is 9.1 x 10-31 kg (energy 0.11 MeV x  1.78 x
10-36 kg). Its "equivalent"  wavelength is known -3.86 x 10-13 m.
and also equivalent frequency of EMW -7,77 x 1020 Hz. But, it is not so
much «a particle with properties of a wave», as «a wave with
properties of a particle»!!! This fundamental change of accents is
essence of the offered innovation or "know-how"!

   Proton has a mass 938.24 MeV or 1836.1 me, wavelength 2.1 x 10-16 m,
and frequency as a part of EMW is 1.42 x 1024!

 That's it because EMW, EM radiations and elementary particles have one
quantum-wave nature, these mutual transformations: both emissions and
absorption of particles happen within nuclear processes so easily  and
"peacefully"!!! These both emissions, and absorption are carried out
strictly dosated, per quantum, but "big", "massive" quantum. These big
quanta also are an essence of a photon (though it's true, it is very
tiny quantum), and electron (positron), and a particle alpha, and
neutrino, muon, and meson. Gradation of these particles quite strict and
quite defined: only these levels (according to mass) of the
organisations, and no others! These masses are known, except a photon
and neutrino, because modern physics considers, that these particles
fly, not having a mass! This is nonsense, isn't it! Any of them have
mass which can be easily calculated.

    The atom emits a photon, an electron, a positron; the neutron turns
to a proton emitting at the same time both electron and antineutrino.
This became possible and ordinary, since any elementary particle has the
same quantum-wave nature! This process goes only under schemes and
procedures provided in advance. This process is strictly regulated. So,
as well as in biology: all processes are determined by the process
program, DNA of process. If there is in the nature this program of
evolution and transformation, process is realised (under certain
conditions). If it is not provided by the Creator in advance, this will
not occur. All these fruitless and money-losing searches of "new"
particles in the LHC are profanation of the question. 

     The stablest particles, most "fundamental" have also unlimited term
of a life: photon,  neutrino,  antineutrino, electron,  positron, 
proton and antiproton. The same is true only partly for a neutron. These
programs, these «nuclear DNA» provide any evolution and mutual
transformation of particles with formation of their characteristic
properties: a charge, a spin, polarisation and many other things, i.e.
all of them.

Having examined the approach and the principle, we will address to
details. We will shortly examine full range of EMW: from radio waves up
to gamma waves. And further we will examine elementary particles and

            2. Radio waves and other EMW. Radio waves propagation

   In up-to-date physics of radio waves propagation there is no
clearness and logic because of approach in physics to process set forth
above. Any textbook assert roughly the same. As an example in textbook
of «Radio waves propagation» by V.P.Tchernyshov and D.I.Sheyman, 1973
is stated. «The substance and a field has common propertoes since they
represent various forms of existence of one matter. The electromagnetic
field  (EMF)  has energy and mass same as substance. The latter is
proved by Lebedev who has measured pressure of light» In other words
authors state, that EMF,as though, has a mass. Further, they write, that
the current in a conductor generates a variable magnetic field round
itself, and that, in turn, electric field and so on: one field generates
another, and «being self-sustained, they are advancing at a speed of
light». It would seem, all is clear and no need to reason especially
further. But further, they, as well as other authors, describe Fresnel's
zone :»each point of a front of an radiating wave is a source of a new
secondary circular wave what follows from Huygens's principle». But!
What "points" can wave front have? Authors write, that «the Basic
feature of wave process, and, in particular, electromagnetic wave, is
ability to transfer energy without carrying over substance» !  I.e. the
wave is, and the carrier does not exist! Do you think there is here no
contradiction? On the one hand, simple, clear self-sustaining radiation,
and on other hand  - as though a transmission of energy from one
material point to another? On the one hand the author asserted, that
electromagnetic field has a mass, and on the other hand it seems has
not.  So, self-sustaining or transferring?.  There is a mass or not?

     And in outer space? Who and to whom, and what will transfer? It's
clear only one: there is no clearness in the mechanism of waves
propagation! It seems, what has been noticed above, that EMW is a
radiation and as radiation it propagates from an external source using
and spending initial energy.  This is like a electron, proton or
neutrino flow. Since EMW is a flow of quanta of EMW, Planck's elementary
quanta flow with different intensity, with envelope in the sinusoidal
form of transferring frequency. Wave-like behavior of envelope 
determines its wave properties: reflexion, absorption (at propagation in
the medium), and superposition. These properties are shown when they
meet obstruction or surface. Therefore, radio waves go to outer space,
as a quanta flow, as flow of particles. In the air they are fading
because they interact with molecules of air. 

     In general, EMW propagation process is practically inexplicable
marvel and requires yet to be examined and understood in full. In this
connection, one author, physicist Trofimova T.I., expert in area of
radiating aerials, writes in article «ESSENCE AND THE MECHANISM OF
RADIATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES», that  «Our explanation of the
mechanism of radiation is incredibly simple: the field comes to movement
around a dipole of Hertz under force of Ampere arising between
displacement current   j in environment surrounding the aerial and
conduction current I in conductor of the aerial». «Hertzian dipole
create a field (i.e. perturbed etherThis phrase has some contradiction:
whether there is an interaction with environment  and there are
displacement currents in the environment or not and «a field, i.e. the
perturbed ether, is created by a dipole itself».!!!  Perhaps, there are
not any «displacement currents»? The question is very difficult and
basic! It seems, that these displacement currents are only assumption of
Maxwell he made to explain or to find out (through "inventing" of
virtual currents) comprehensible mechanism of radiation. Sooner it's not
so, and radiation has the same nature, as well as heat radiation in M.
Planck's experiences!

  Or, sience literature said, that «Introduction of electric
displacement and a displacement current into Maxwell's equations has
made to be possible to describe electromagnetic waves».   This phrase
is extremely important!  "Introduction" of a displacement current is not
a real existence thereof! More likely indeed! 

  Further, «Light represents electromagnetic waves propagating over
enormous distances from stars, galaxies, metagalaxies. Hence, according
to Maxwell whole outer space is filled by medium in which electric
displacements take place. In physics of the XX-th century the vector of
electric displacement D, which in equations Maxwell plays a fundamental
role, has received the new name - an electric induction. The concept of
electric displacement didn't tie in XX-th century physics, and has been
renamed. Maxwell in different places of his titles gives different names
to the world environment: so-called "vacuum", an ether, an
electromagnetic medium. Let's underline: the electromagnetic medium,
instead of an electromagnetic field - as in the physics of the XX-th
century. As electromagnetic medium Maxwell understands environment, in
which all electromagnetic processes are going on. In the XX-th century
this medium was ignored but concept of an electromagnetic field was
declared. «If the ether has a molecular structure, the grouping of
molecules should maintain the same type and a configuration of groups
should be changed slightly only during movement". Hence, the approach
based on displacement currents assumes presence of an ether in the outer
space! And if these currents do not exist?

Logical question arises: whether there should be a material carrier of
quantum energy, after all any wave is a movement of particles, isn't it?
Whether a wave can practically exist without the carrier, without
particles, which are forming the wave?  Or in other words whether a wave
can exist only in a form of external sinusoidal envelope?  After all,
both sea, and air waves have physical filling and their sinusoids are
only a visible, external part. Today's state-of-art physics do not
submit any vehicle for a whole range of EMW spectrum as though
electromagnetic field does not exist! A wave is, a field is, but they
are filled by nothing. A thin curved ribbon only propagates in air and
in outer space? Or what’s?

 The Internet and Wikipedia?  You will not find there definition of an
electromagnetic field!!!  But,  «The perturbation of an electromagnetic
field propagating in space is called as an electromagnetic wave»
«Electromagnetic field of motionless or uniformly moving charged
particles inseparably linked with these particles; at the accelerated
movement of particles the electromagnetic field "comes off" them and
begins exist independently in the form of electromagnetic waves.». Thus
the modern physics has not the physics! Field "comes off" and the end!
As you may see, that all what set forth above does not reveal essence of
the field and EMW.  Full feebleness! 

   Let's come back to M. Planck. In the special books it is said, that 
he has proved, that «oscillator of a radiating object with frequency f
interchanges of energy with an electromagnetic field not perpetually,
but as if by steps, obtaining and losing the energy by discrete
portions, by quanta, each of which is equal to product hf». 

          But, even in this statement there is a fundamental detail, as
well as in a case with Maxwell: So oscillator radiates out its energy,
or gives out its energy to medium? In it the essence: if it radiates
only, it does not need a medium , but if it exchanges - medium is
necessary!   Where is the truth? Sooner it radiates, the energy quantum
is radiated out, and does not exchange energy with environment.
Black-body radiates quanta of elementary waves of an infra-red range.
That is why the radio tubes are evacuated to avoid interference of air
with the movement of electrons and ions; Gamma quanta flows from the
anode are radiated out easily flying through vacuum.  Most likely and
EMW is formed on the aerial, but not in the environment. Most likely and
photons fly through the discharged ether of outer space, as well as
electrons fly through vacuum of a lamp from cathode to anode. Facing
glass, i.e. solid medium, photons excite atoms and electrons, and
further "move ahead" by consecutive transmission of light energy from
atom to atom depending on properties of the material. the purer glass,
the less fading, and we can say that a photon of light, "flies" through
the transparent glass or wave passes without fading.

What answer can we draw from this? The answer is: EMW propagates in the
medium or in vacuum as a particles flow, as a quanta stream, Planck's
elementary quanta! Also there are no either processes with displacement
currents, or processes of a self-maintained induction, i.e. where
electric altering field generates a magnetic field. And vice versa.
These fields, sooner, are born simultaneously in aerials, in conductors
with currents and is radiated out as flows of specific particles -
quanta with the specific characteristics. These flows excite current on
crossing conductors, i.e. induce electromotive force.

This sounds, of course, a little unusually. But, most likely, it's true!
I was trying to give some reasons for it.

  The Internet:   "Planck's discovery serves as a basis for of the
wave theory of the matter dealing with wave properties of elementary
particles and their combinations. From Maxwell's theory it is known,
that the light beam with energy Е carries an impulse p, which equal to
Е/с. If to consider light quanta as a particles, each of which has
energy hf, it is reasonable to assume, that each of them has an impulse
p, which equal to hf/c. The fundamental ratio connecting wave length L
with frequency n and a speed of light c looks like C = fL.    In 1923
post-graduate student Louis de Broglie has come out with the assumption,
that not only the light, but also any form of a matter has the  
\o "Wave–particle duality"  wave–particle duality  expressed by
equations Е=hf and p=h/L"

Yes! So! These last formulas express essence of EMW as particles having
a mass with an impulse and energy. I shall repeat: as particles!!!  But
the duality in this understanding is duality purely external, formal.
Real duality, i.e. true in the essence of processes:  both EMW and
elementary particles are a flow of tiny particles, quanta, Planck's
elementary quanta,  radiated with different intensity, with different
frequency. This different frequency imparts property of a wave to this
particles flow .

    In comparison with light photons, these Planck's quanta flow of
radio waves are extremely discharged.  Frequency range of radio waves
104 to 1011. Their energy is small because of low frequency, and makes
less than one electron volt. The aerial creates an electromagnetic field
which is radiated into space. This field is Planck's quanta flow,
forming specific electro and magnetic fields. So, whether EMW needs
intermediate medium to propagate, by such approach?  It turns out, that
answer is no!

3. Light and EMW of other ranges.

Let's talk shortly about waves, I mean electromagnetic waves. Here their

   - radio waves (frequency in Hertz - from 104 up to 1011; wavelength
in metres from 103 up to 10-2);

 - microwaves (f = from 109 up to 1011;  l = from  10-4 up to 10-6);

 - infra-red waves (f = from 1012 up to 1014;    l = ca. 7,4 x 10-7); 

 -  visible spectrum (f = from 1015 up to 1016;  l = from 7,6 x 10-7 up
to 3,8 x 10-7);   

 - ultraviolet waves (f = from 8 x 1014 up to 3 x 1016;  l = from 4 x
10-7 up to 1 x 10-7);  

 - x-rays (f = from 3 x 1016 up to 8 x 1019;   l = from 10-7 up to

- gamma rays (photons of the high energy) (f = 6 x 1019;   l = from
10-11, 10-12); 

Further, probably, threre are gravitational waves, waves of human
thoughts, waves of human prayersm, which quanta reach the addressee
instantly. It is necessary to search for them. "Ether" waves require
separate discussion, but too with reference to representation of essence
of EMW, electromagnetic fields, lines of force, photons, gamma quanta,
electrons etc. as set forth above.

 Today all agree, that the mass of a moving photon is more than zero,
but how much exactly? What is carrier of mass? Silence. It is clear as
day , that if there is the mass, carrier of it should be too! But, they
write and spread everywhere, that the photon has no mass! This is a
deceit!  One the one hand, they affirm, that mass of a photon is more
than zero, and on the other hand write everywhere, that it equal to
zero! It is rubbish!

    It is known, that mass of a photon is ca. 4,424 x 10-36 kg. The mass
of a photon in electron volts is  2,481 eV.  Hence, 1 eV equal to 1,78 x
10-36 kg. 

    Knowing mass of a photon and  its speed, it is easy to calculate
pressure, which flow of photons exerts upon any surface. Flow of
Planck's quanta, making a photon, as well as other EMW exerts pressure
upon a surface! And this was proved also by P.N.Lebedev's experiment! In
textbooks and books some try to interpret this effect wrongly: if
experiment showed, that the photon is a particle it is reasonable to
continue a logic chain and to define, what the mass of these particles.
According to the law of conservation of momentum, a momentum of object
is equal to a momentum of absorbed photons. Therefore object at rest
begins to move. Change of momentum of object means, according to
Newton's second law, that  force acts upon objects. These experiments
confirmed existence of a mechanical momentum of light, i.e. the light
has a mass! Since this was difficult to explain, they confined themself
to calculation an induction and Lorentz's force.  But, whence are these
phenomena in strong insulators! Again profanation! So, misters
physicists what is the carrier of mass of light according to both
Lebedev’s and photoeffect experiments??? Who can give the reasonable

Moreover! If we would examine solar elements and batterie,  where the
photoeffect is called forth by a photon giving rise to forming electrons
and "holes" in semiconductor beginning moving to poles "+" or "-", after
they received kinetic energy from a photon, we could see the process
inverse to process of light generation in lamp caused by potential

It is known, that "indivisibility", integrity and durability of the atom
as a basic "brick" of the world are assured by a perpetual exchange of
photons between electrons and a atomic nucleus. This continuous flow of
photons and its circulation, that is electromagnetic interaction, is one
of basic phenomena in the nuclear physics.  Most likely this perpetual
circulation provides stability and durability of atom as a base of
material world. And essence of atom, as it has been noted above, in the
quantum wave nature of electron, protons and neutrons..  This quantum
wave generality allows photons, and not only them, easy to fly through

     But today, everybody prefers to withhold these fundamental
phenomena and processes. I mean, that there are the photons in atom very
much. These photons jump out outside when atom undergoes external
influence. It is, perhaps, not obligatory, that electron should change
its orbit to generate photon? For a while this is not so important.  The
mass of a photon is ca. 4.424 x 10-36 kg. If we divide this value of
Planck’s elementary quantum by  h =  7.36 x 10-51 kilogram-force, then
we can see, that photon contains ca. 6 x 1014 of Planck’s elementary

    The photon of an ultra-violet range carries energy са. 124 eV,
that accord with 2.50 x 10-34 kg. This photon contains ca. 3.4 x 1016 of
Planck’s elementary quanta.

    The photon of X-rays: from 124 up to 120,000 eV, i.e. the mass is 
ca. 2.1 x 10-31 kg. This photon contains ca. 2.8 x 1019 of Planck’s
elementary quanta.

    The photon of Gamma-ray emission carries energy up to several MeV. 
By 1 MeV the mass is to be 1.78 x 10-30 kg. i.e. energy grows
proportionally to mass, penetration capability grows too. "If
G-quantum energy is more than 1.02 MeV, electron-positron pairs can be
produced in electric field of nucleus". The mass of electron and
positron is two times 9.1 x 10-31 kg, i.e. 1.82 x 10-30 kg. Hence,
indeed, gamma-quantum mass energy is more than 1.02 MeV, or if to be
precise mass of gamma-quantum is equal to formed pair of
electron-positron. It all fits! Otherwise, what these masses arise from,
if it was not available in initial components?    Who will give an
answer to the question asked above: if it was unambiguously determined,
that photon is particle having a mass, what is a carrier of this mass of
a photon??? 

    That is why transformation of gamma photons into electron&positron
is possible. Both electron and positron have a "visible" mass, a
mass of "very elementary" particles of initial gamma quanta, which
are bunched and closely packed. 

    Hence, if we are moving on frequency scale upward, electromagnetic
wave becomes more dense and obtains more and more properties of
particle. Energy of its quanta, penetration and ionization capabilities
rise. So, we can see gradual multiplexing and smooth transformation of
EMW into "spotted bulk" of electrons, mu-leptons, pi- and ka-mesons,
protons and neutrons, hyperons and antibaryons. If any EMW is particle
flux, Planck’s elementary quanta flow with different intensity,
electrons, protons, and other elementary particles are EMW too, no
travelling wave, but strong multiplexed and standing wave! This is like
solid spring: the more mass of elementary particles, the more spring is
tightening. This confirms intranuclear researches in search of quarks,
in framework of which quarks were not found out, but instead of quarks
standing waves were found. "As a result of experiments on quarks
dispersion instead of quarks standing electromagnetic waves were
observed!" Researchers from the LHC write this!.

4. Chemistry. Falsification of the Periodic law and periodic system of
elements of D.I. Mendeleev!

  What we can see in modern chemistry? It turns out, that world
official chemistry distorted basic foundation of chemical and physical
knowledge, misrepresenting even Mendeleev's Table to  substitute true
scientific paradigm of humanism, enlightenment and social advantage in
natural sciences for paradigm of permanent relativity in the form of
pseudoscientific general relativity theory…  What is now teaching in
schools and universities under the name «Periodic system of chemical
elements of D.I.Mendeleev» is a flagrant FORGERY. Last edition of
undistorted, true Mendeleev's Table was issued in 1906 in St.-Petersburg
(the textbook of "Basics of chemistry», edition VIII ). Only after 96
years of oblivion for the first time Mendeleev's original Table rises
from ashes thanks to the publication of the dissertation in Russian
Physical Thoughts Journal of Russian Physical Society…

     The main distortion of the Table is the carrying over of "zero
group» of Table in final position and full evisceration.  We would like
to underline, that such (only at first sight - harmless) manipulation is
logically explainable only as deliberate elimination of the main
methodological section of Mendeleev's ) discovery: the periodic table in
the beginning, i.e. in the top left part of the Table, should have zero
group and a zero family, where the element «Х» (as Mendeleev named -
«Newtonium») was arranged, that is a world fundamental element, the
most initial particle, and element Y («Coronium») was arranged lower. 
Moreover, being unique backbone element of the whole Table of derivative
elements, this element «Х» is argument of the whole Table of
Mendeleev. Carrying over of zero group of the Table to final position
destroys the very idea of this fundamental principle of the elements
system as Mendeleev conceived it himself .

Ð¥, which is "brick" of the whole universe.!!

By this first ("zero") column D.I. Mendeleev  joined together visible
world, the world of atoms with the fundamental principle world, with the
subtle matter of elementary fundamental particles into a whole.!!

    Mendeleev wrote: "But at the present time, when there can be no
doubt that the hydrogen group is preceded by the zero group composed of
elements of less atomic weights, it seems to me impossible to deny the
existence of elements lighter than hydrogen. . Let us first consider the
element in the first series of the zero group. It is designated by y. It
will evidently exhibit all the fundamental properties of the argon
gases.…  it is evident that coronium with a density of about 0.2
should have less density and atomic weight than hydrogen. This element
"y" is necessary to find mentally an approach to key element, that is
why which is most rapid element "Ñ…". would like to name it
preliminary  "Newtonium" - in honour of immortal Newton". 

Thus Mendeleev said not about an ether, but about the smallest particle
of a matter, as about fundamental base of a matter. 

From time immemorial other outstanding scientist - Torricelli
(1608-1647) echoes to D.I. Mendeleev: "Energy is quintessence of such
subtle nature, that cannot be in any other vessel, as only in the
innermost substance of material things".

     Reasonable and important question arises: what is the rights?
Whether there is in the nature an element, which is fundamental base of
a material world, and what is its "nature", i.e. essence. These
questions concern the very depths of basics of a material world, in the
world of elementary particles and the world of quantized spectrum EMW as
a whole from radio to gravitational waves, to waves of thoughts, to the
fundamental - X-waves. Official physics has no answers, especially in no
uncertain terms. Their answer is evasive: today physicists search for
this initial particle of the world by means of atomic accelerators and
colliders, but cannot find up to date, therefore they create particles
themself. They have not the ether, but have something like "physical
vacuum», in a form of "lowest energy state of particle fields». 

Ð¥ is already well-known M. Planck's  elementary quantum! It just forms
any EMW, it is the ground of the universe, from radio waves, through
photons of visible light, x- and gamma-rays to elementary particles:
neutrinos, electrons, protons and etc! It was already partially said

By the way, D.I. Mendeleev, as well as the vast majority of outstanding
scientists of the world, has come to a firm conclusion, that the
Universe - result of the Design and the Plan of the Creator! I He is the
genius, not like we, misters!

         5. About a state of affairs with fundamental particles.

  The state is catastrophic. Distortion of the truth, absurdity and
arbitrariness - so state looks like! The state of affairs with genetics
is the same: for over 100 years they have been unsuccessfully  questing
for evolution, i.e. what cannot exist under genetics Laws, under
heredity Laws, and here they search for what cannot be under fundamental
laws of physics!!! For example, Higgs boson! It  seems so that is simply
extreme nonsense! Conscience and intellect have abandoned this world,
this area of a science became absolutely contractual science.

    For example, electron. It is a unique particle. If electron
according to today's representations is an indivisible particle, how it
arises from a strong photon? We all know, that electron arises (together
with a positron), but if it is indivisible, how it arises??? Today they
say, that electron appears actually from nothing and at once in the form
of a particle! Initial "material", i.e. photon, has no weight? Who can
explain where in this case electron and positron take a weight? Say me
please academicians and doctors! 

 Similarly, where and how disappears weights of electron and a positron
during annihilation? It was, wasn't it? Was. So, where is it now? Where
the real weight has got to? Official books do not explain it! They write
any rubbish since there is no understanding of true processes. There are
no physicists in the modern physics. It for a long time have thrown out,
and have replaced ersatz and fakes, costume jewellery. Today their world
of elementary particles is the world of virtual particles and phantoms,
the world of short-term artefacts without prototypes in the nature. This
is the world of dangerous GMO instead of natural products. 

  Such representation, in particular, of electron, in the form of very
dense set of quanta Х, the offered model well explains also the wave
nature of electron: it consists of particles, of Planck's elementary
quanta, but they are packed very densely. Moving on an orbit, electron
is being a little bit unpacked, getting spreaded, stretched and moves as
a wave of "structured sequence Х-particles», actually in the form of
strong photon! It can be spreaded only in the case, that electron is
sequence of particles with different intensity.

 That's such view of electron is described by the Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle, which connects uncertainty of values of
coordinate Ñ… and conjugated with it components pÑ… of momentum p? I.e.
here the object  is considered still as a particle having both
coordinate and momentum, but not quite certain, i.e. spreaded away. That
is why today electron is depicted on spherical or elliptic orbit. In so
doing this principle is not clear: what the observer needs to know where
is now electron for? What for? This is also vanity. We need to know only
an orbit.!

   Most often, especially in the simplified statements of principles of
quantum mechanics, an uncertainty relations are interpreted as
restriction on experimentally achievable accuracy of measurement of
characteristics of the quantum objects caused by inadequacy standard
devices to the purposes of quantum measurements. (This confusing
interpretation reflects complexity of understanding how to measure
quantum: whether this is a wave, whether this is a particle?)

Ñ…, representing a wave package with the wave numbers within the range
of Dk are fair to the same basic ratio.

Ð¥ in the modern physics from the word go, as well as there is no M.
Planck's elementary quantum! They are like a piece of physical flotsam
for a long time, not being understood depth of their thoughts yet in the
beginning of 20 centuries have dumped, therefore till now physicist
devote their research to what, that was found out for a long time!
Whether it is paradox!

   Electron is, in a way, top particle of EMW range as a whole: from
radio to gamma waves, and further, probably, to gravitational waves.
Electron represents Planck's most strongly packed quanta, that
transforms it into a particle with mass 9.1 x 10-31 kg, orbit radius 2.8
x 10-15, and a wave equivalent, with wavelength 3.86 x 10-13 m.

If to continue this logic further, we can see after electron a lot of
particles. We can see perpetual consolidation of waves, transformation
EMW into "point" masses: neutrino, electron, mu-lepton, pi- and k-meson,
proton and neutron, hyperon and antibaryon.

          We may say, that any elementary particles supplement, continue
EMW spectrum. Hence, key particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks
(if they really are)) and those particles, which provide density of
atomic nucleus by a regular and strong mutual stream, a mutual exchange
of photons, peons, k-mesons and gluons (if the latter really exists),
consist of dense EMW.

   Certain wavelength (and frequency) can correspond to each of these

- neutrino (It is considered, that energy of neutrino is not less than
0.28 eV , that gives weight in 5 x 10-37 kg., i.e. this makes about five
hundred thousandth of electron mass, what is close to weight of a
photon, but, probably, 10 times less weight of a photon). It is no mere
chance, great de Broglie has created so-called «neutrino theory of
light» as Dirac particles of which the photon consists, de Broglie
considered neutrino.

 -  photons, mass 4.0 x 10-36 kg,                                      
- electrons, mass 9.1 x 10-31 kg.,

 -  muons, mass 206.7 me;                                               
 - peons, mass 273.2 me;

  - k-meson, mass 966 me;                                               
            - protons, mass 1836.1 me;

  - neutrons, mass 1838.6 me;                                           
          -hyperons, mass ca. 2340.0 me.

It is calculated, that wavelength of electron is 3.86 x 10-13, of a
pi-meson is 1.46 x 10-15; of a proton is 2.1 x 10-16 m.e.  

Thus whole EMW spectrum, whole electromagnetic field range and any
elementary particle set froth above has the same basic element -
Planck's elementary quantum. They differ only in packing density of
these elementary quanta, in power and intensity of a flow, in amplitude,
and other specific characteristics of structurization (spin, charge).
I.e. here we see transition from quantity (flow frequency) to quality of
quantum, gradual transition from a wave to a particle.

  Quarks. «Quarks are point particles up to scale about 0.5·10−19 m,
that approximately in 20 thousand times less than size of a proton».
Thus the proton is again empty stadium, as well as atom? It is only
emptiness, both literally and figuratively.

 The Internet. "this implyies that the model of quarks is not
definitive, but some intermediate theory of a hadron structure. On the
other hand, experiment showed quarks as point (less than 10-18 )
unstructured formations inside of hadron though hadron has radius of an
order of 10-15 m. In this case what should fill the space inside of
hadron and whether it should be supposed as almost completely empty? It
is supposed, that quarks should be surrounded by clouds of virtual
quark-antiquark pairs, the same concerns gluons, thereby idea of quark
and gluon vacuum are introduced. It turns out, that hadrons are filled
substantially by unobservable obviously virtual particles. Such picture
unequivocally contradicts concept of infinite divisibility or fractal
theory which predicate that everyone hadron can correspond to image
models on each level of a matter, including a level of stars!"

е +. After decay electron flying off, and a proton remains as a set of
n1 and е +. Further it is similar.

 Hence, despite huge expenses for elementary particle physics, for LHC
and synchrophasotrons, physicists fail  to understand plainly
arrangement of atom world till now. Both at the first and now, they fill
all by "virtual" particles. They are capable only to think up
artificial, virtual patterns, models which very badly explain an essence
of atom design.

  Protomatter of modern physics - Higgs boson is, most likely, purest
fiction, swindle of the century, since real protomatter is Planck's
elementary quantum!

Quarks in hadrons are kept by the specific forces generated by exchanges
special particles without mass - gluons, which are also carriers of
light (their number is equal to 8). According to theories with
spontaneous disturbance of continuous symmetry group Goldstone bosons
are bosons with zero weight and zero spin.

 We can see again: there are particles both gluons and bosons without
mass. It is a deceit! It is lie! Where is physics?

  Here the example of a train of thought and logic or what is more
likely full absence threreof. Gordon L. Kane, Ph.D.  physics expert on
particle physics, the professor of physics of University of Michigan,
Weisskopf prize winner.

     He studies ways of check and expansion of Standard model of
particle physics. Kane is engaged in Higgs fields and supersymmetric
expansion of Standard model, and also comparison theoretical and
experimental cosmology data.    In 1687 Isaak Newton wrote in well-known
"Principia": "mass is the measure of substance which is proportional
to density and volume".  Such basic definition quite suited scientists
within two centuries.  Modern view on mass is much more complex than
Newton's definition and is based on Standard model. In basis of this
model is mathematical function which is called Lagrangian and describes
interaction of various particles. According to the theory, elementary
particles get mass (?), interacting with the Higgs quantum field
saturating whole Universe. Value m calculated using Lagrangian  ideally
suits for a mass value in any physics equations without an exception.
Unlike protons and neutrons such elementary particles as quarks and
electrons are indivisible. Whence they take rest mass is the key riddle
of an origin of a mass. According to the modern physics theory mass of
fundamental particles is a result of its interaction with Higgs field.
But why this field is present everywhere at the Universe? Why on an
universe scales its field intensity is not equal to zero, like an
electromagnetic field? What is Higgs field? Higgs field is a quantum
field. Here there is nothing to surprise: any elementary particle is
quantum of corresponding quantum fields. The electromagnetic field is
quantum field too, and an elementary particle of it is a photon. So
Higgs field is no more mysterious, than electron and light for all that
it has three special features. Feynman diagrams represent interaction
between Higgs boson and other particlesThe diagram shows emission or
absorption of Higgs boson by a particle of type of a quark or electron.
Scientists could find out Higgs bosons which should be at least 120
times heavier than a proton, (for example, by means of  Large
Electron-Positron collider (LEPC) in CERN). However there was not a
succes to register till now. All data will well be accorded with the
theory only if some interactions of particles with lightest Higgs boson
and if it is not heavier than 200 of masses of a proton. However till
now we cannot say how much types of  Higgs fields exist. Though the
Standard model demands, that all masses of elementary particles have
been caused only by one Higgs field, time has come to replace it with
better theory. The key applicants for a role of the latter are the
extensions of Standard model known as Supersymmetric standard model
(SSM). Under these extensions each particle of Standard model has
so-called superpartner (which is not found as yet) with closely similar

This is some sort of type of schizophrenia! How electron can emit and
absorb Higgs boson being 1836 times less than proton and 220 thousand
times less than Higgs boson (which is 120 times heavier than a proton)?
This is the same as, for example, electron has absorbed or has given
birth to atom similar to atom of tin or antimony! Or the photon has
absorbed atom! Today this is proprietary method of world physics!  In
former times it was considered, that the big and complex thing consists
of small and more simple one. Today all on the contrary: the small thing
consists of big things! It is all incorrectly! Actually they have
constructed this expensive toy CERN to dream up and to confuse the world
absolutely. All elements they have received are artifacts created at
huge speeds extremely shortly living elements (10-11 s) which do not
exist and never existed in the Universe! These all are casual designs,
lifeless and absolutely senseless experiments. The same affairs are with
quarks. They are hypothetical. They do not exist in the nature. As quite
right the physicist V.A.Tchernogorova wrote in the book of "Riddles of
Microcosm» (1973), that modern physicists  «do not search, but try to
create all new particles». In the end of the book she writes: whether
it is possible to identify quark form of a matter with protomatter? Or
to consider, that quarks, in turn, consist of heavier particles? But, in
this case the very elementary particle would have infinite weight»!    

   Whether it is absurdity? But, on this way of full absurdity CERN
searchs today for this Higgs boson, which is obvious fake. It cannot
exist by definition! In this connection, this sensation, that new
magnate and "philanthropist" of a science Yury Milner "will hand over
the greatest in the world award for achievements in fundamental physics
in 2013 to British physicist Stephen Hawking and group of CERN
scientists under the direction of which at LHC new elementary particle,
which is Higgs boson according to many signs(?), was found out". It
seems so, that Y. Milner 's fund is created and financed under shadow
schemes specially by those who wishes to boost by means of money rating
of this nonsense started at the LHC, which cost is more than 10 billion
$! Not by means of proofs which are not exist and can not be, but by
means of money! Derisive and unscrupulous attempts!

     If earlier, about 50 years ago, in the USSR was more or less
independent physics, including elementary particles physics, today, as
well as in genetics, all is common, universal: both thoughts, and the
scientific press, both estimations, and awards. If earlier all
elementary particles have been strictly systematised according to mass,
from a photon to antihyperon (2586 me) / the Small Soviet encyclopaedia
/ today they do not have systematization at all! It is full
arbitrariness! Whether it is crisis, isn't it? Whether this is

      How the mass can be «result of interaction»? How a mass can be
got? Mass is most fundamental, most important property of a matter! The
mass is inherent in a matter initially. There is no matter without mass.
Now, there is no mass, it was cancelled and replaced with mathematical
abstract nonsense - a «Lagrangian» monster! This lagrangian also is
substitution of real physical quantity for its mathematical, abstract
expression. There is magnetic lagrangian too and a heap of others. As
well as by Einstein: only tensors instead of physics.

     How «Higgs field» exists in vacuum Universe? What physical nature
of this field? Clearly, that all this is not physics, not a real
processes. This is not the theory! This is a madhouse. This was written
by well-known physicist in a delirium!

HIGGS MECHANISM is a mechanism of emergence of gauge field mass owing to
spontaneous broken symmetry!!! How the mass can emerge? What means it
physically? In what kind it appears? From what it arises? Who will

Einstein's energy formula, (by the way, this is the formula of great J.
J. Thompson) i.e.  product of a mass and square of the speed is
interpreted not correctly: it means only that the mass at such speed has
such energy. And all! And to interpret it as a direct equivalent of mass
and energy is not correct, since it turns out, that energy can exist
separately from mass! Therefore, it is obvious: if something has energy,
"something" means has also mass! I.e. the equivalent of mass should not
substitute or cancel the mass itself! But today well-known Einstein's
(more correctly of great D.D. Thompson) formula is interpreted so!

Ð¥, Planck's all elementary quanta. The photon has a mass. And neutrino
has a mass! But in your in tables neutrino has no mass, as well as a
photon has no mass too! And if neutrino has no mass, what then rushes on
open space of the Universe? There is no mass, but movement is! This is
another nonsense. It is deemed, that neutrino energy is not less, than
0.28 eV, what corresponds to mass nearby 5 x 10-37 kg.

By the way, hundred billions these particles fall on each square
centimetre of a surface of the Earth every second! This is unlimited and
free energy source! It is probable, that N. Tesla used it already when
he showed public how electric car motor work?    

 Hence, the law of conservation of energy is the mass conservation law!
After all, Planck has deduced his constant investigating thermal
radiation of the black body. I.e. heat irradiation is a  photon
emission, thermal, infra-red photons mass radiation. After all each
photon, including and heat photon, carries mass ca. 4 x 10-36 kg. That
all is easy to verify if to measure mass of a bulb before switching on
an after switching off, and thus to calculate, how much light and heat
photons the bulb has given out for a certain time interval and then to
correlate it with the consumed energy.

HIGGS FIELDS in the quantum theory are hypothetical scalar fields
co-operating with gauge fields without breach of gauge symmetry of field
equations; they are offered by P. Higgs in 1964. It is supposed, that in
the basic (lowest) power state which corresponds to physical vacuum, the
average X. n. is not zero, that leads to spontaneous breach of gauge
symmetry of described system states (see Spontaneous breach of
symmetry). Thus the particles corresponding to gauge fields can get the
mass. Interaction with X. n. can serve also as the mechanism of
formation of mass  of leptons and quarks.

That all is delusion-like fantasy! Masses do not arise from nothing and
do not disappear to nowhere. They only are transformed, change the
structure. But all scientists are silent. They all are indulging in this
outrageous breach of all limits, as well as in biology they all indulge
in evolutionism lie and marasmus. They all have not their own opinion,
conscience, they have nod believed in God already for a long time.

 About such scientists the ingenious poet and the romanticist of 20
century V.V. Vysotsky also sang: «Though all of you are chemists and
there is no fear of God in you! That's it, absence of any morals,
absolute dishonesty and inspirituality, negation of the obvious facts of
the wisest, most complicated world arrangement, belief in a case, in
fluctuation, in bifurcation and herds of monkeys - also allows them to
make such obscenity.

 Besides. Today nuclear science physicists of the world have found for
themselves one entertainment: they are trying to receive, and sometimes
receive, superheavy elements which are not present in Mendeleev's Table.
Physicists synthesised for the first time 117th element of the
Mendeleev's table and could authentically have recorded six events of a
birth of atomic nucleus of 117th element, and have filled thus till now
empty place in Mendeleev's table between 116th and 118th elements, -as
the head of experiment academician Jury Oganesyan said. Jury Oganesyan,
the academician: the Hypothesis of island of stability has been put
forward still in the late sixties. - attempts to receive superheavy
elements in many large laboratories of the world were unsuccessful. - in
Dubna, in the beginning of 2000th years, experiments on synthesis of
superheavy elements have begun, and they have really been received. The
hypothesis became a reality. We have reached stability island, where
time of a life of particles really sharply increases (about one
seconds), i.e. stability is so strongly raised, that it is possible even
to study chemical properties of these elements.   All that promotes
development of knowledge of an atomic nucleus structure. This opens a
way to create elements-long-livers.

 The knowledge expands borders of scientific knowledge concerning the
further existence of a material world. Synthesis of 117th element has no
applied value yet.

 Most likely, this area has no applied value as a whole. It is clear
initially, that the more mass, the less stability of a nucleus. There
are no preconditions for that «stability islet» has any physical
basis. But researches are being done, that won't get us nowhere . This
next deadlock direction. But, who has chosen it? Who is to profit from
it? Just for fun, so to say?

    By the way, about Bose matter. Wikipedia: In 2000 group of Harward
university scientists has managed to bring the light  to "a full stop»,
having directed it on Bose - Einstein rubidium condensate. Until
recently the least officially registered spped of light was hardly more
than 60 km/h - through sodium at temperature −272 °C. In 2010 for the
first time it has been received Bose - Einstein  a condensate of
photons.  How it is all to understand? At you, as well as at Einstein,
the spped of light is invariable! The same is with key constant of
relativity theory. This is a basic of your universe! As it turned out,
it can be finished to zero, and photons can be collected in a box! But,
photon does not have a mass! Under your books! You are simply lost. All
turns over upside down. All floats. All is scattered. You did not change
speed of light. No! You have changed speed of a photon movement, as
particle. In general, to read it is simply a shame. One absurdity is
imposed on another. An absurdity interference. And these waves have
overflowed the world.

    Thus, D.I.Mendeleev's ingenious prediction about a zero column in
his table, about a spectrum of elementary particles, since a world
fundamental principle - particles Х and to transitive element Y as
which it is possible to understand electron or a proton, has completely
found confirmation! He has understood it even before opening of the
first elementary particle - electron when at all there was no
representation how the atom is arranged. It testifies to his genius,
about his understanding of a world arrangement, about his huge
intuition. And those who has not brought in a science a thousandths of
that D.I.Mendeleev has made, today threw out this basic and major
methodological column from his table being people of primitive thinking
and at full absence of conscience, they only also can distort, forge,
fabricate fables, and using protection of dark, but rich "mighty of this
world", persistently to extend this stuff all over scientific world.

  6. Graviton and gravitation

   Since to growth of EMW frequency there is also an increase in their
energy, that, probably, energy of gravitational waves, at their
frequency hardly more 1019 should be approximately 10 times more of
gamma rays energy. Most likely, it should be really big energy since it
have to keep, as on a rope, huge masses of planets about the sun, and on
the earth to keep being all there. It is serious energy! But, today this
question is confused so, that nothing at all can be understood.
Absolutely anything! This is physics of 21 century! They do not know
anything: neither their frequency, nor energy, neither speed of
distribution, nor sources, physical sense of gravitation! Whether it is
a shame! Whether it is the special policy of absurdity.  So matters
stand in "the fundamental physics».

 Today it's all is reduced to an absurdity: gradation of elementary
particles, their sense and concept of "mass" of a body and essenсe of
gravitation about which Newton spoke in detail and clearly! But, they
have thrown out also Newton with his clear and simple LAW of
gravitation!!! They simply outraged upon great Newton and his clear and
functioning law of gravitation!

It is obvious, that the gravitation nature is similar to force of a
prayer, when many sacred, in particular great orthodox St. Seraphim of
Sarov was soaring over the earth during his act of praying. There are
very much similar facts, it is impossible to deny its, if, of course, a
scientist wishes to be impartial. These facts clearly testify, that the
nature of a gravitational field, field of gravitation forces has the
same physical nature, as well as the prayer, i.e. subtle nature. Once
this phenomenon is not understood yet it is possible to give a number of
weighty arguments and logic reasons concerning gravitation!

The approach and the logic of reasonings, as it seems to me, should be
as follows.  

On the one hand, gravitation should be such fundamental, widespread,
mass, obvious property of a matter, as the light. The sun and other hot
sources (fire, a filament i.e. in an extreme state of substance) emit 
large quantity of light. Gravitation is inherent in bodies in a usual
state. Why light photons provide Universe illumination? Because atom has
a enormous number of light photons, providing electromagnetic
interaction between electrons and nucleus.  They already initially are
in atom, and it is necessary to entice them from there. It makes through
excitation of atoms, including and nuclear reactions. 

As analogy to light, it is possible to assume, that gravitational waves,
these particles their carriers should be in atom and carry out there any
regular, important job, for example, providing strong interaction and
deduction of nucleons together and the main thing, they should be
long-living, as well as photons! It only protons or its pairs or
electron-positron pairs. About it further.

   On the other hand, it is necessary to apply a method of analogies to
true search and to try to present gravitation, in the form of actually
unique suitable analogue - magnetic interaction of subjects. The essence
of magnetic interaction is a presence in atoms of elementary magnetic
dipoles possessing magnetic the moment (product of a magnetic charge on
distance between poles). Magnetic dipoles are structured in the magnetic
domains divided by domain walls. In an external magnetic field there is
a synchronisation of domains of a subject so, that its domains turn in a
direction opposite to an external field and the subject is drawn to an
external magnet. I.e. in magnets domains have been synchronised at
manufacturing, and in a subject at its entering into a magnet magnetic
field. Thus, it is represented, that magnetic power lines are an essence
the structured streams magnetic Х particles (quanta) of certain
intensity, i.e. have material filling, have the carrier. And, besides,
the important characteristic of the magnetic phenomena is possibility
magnetic polarity reversal bodies, i.e. its trigger character. It is
important and consequently, as in gravitation this phenomenon is also
the gravitational moments of bodies too can and should, as the trigger,
to vary, i.e. not to be drawn, and to make a start, that is connected
with objectively observable phenomena of antigravitation.

 It seems so, as in a case with gravitation in bodies, in weights should
be, are obliged simply (!) Gravitational dipoles, and m. And
gravitational domains which are synchronised by an external
gravitational field and are directed to it in "antiphase": domains of
atoms of the Earth are synchronised by the Sun gravitational field, and
domains of subjects on the earth are synchronised by a field of the
Earth. Clearly, that time the sun and the earth are drawn, these streams
and fields are opposite on a sign, is visible for the reason that
stronger field of the Sun so focuses a field of the Earth. It as the
magnet focuses magnetic domains of that metal subject which to it have
brought. I.e. unlike a stream of photons, gravitation has polarity,
that, m. It is connected with spin nucleus radiating them. And stronger
field so forces them to orient. Similarly, the Earth focuses backs of
nucleus of subjects on it and consequently they are drawn, instead of
make a start. Frequency of gravitational waves them is not measured till
now by a science, and not understood too! Probably, the big energy is
necessary for a mutual attraction of the sun and the planets which are
on huge distances.

 In this plan big interest represents property quadrupole moments of
nucleus. On modern representations, "features quadrupole moments of
nucleus have formed the basis for the rotational model of not spherical
nucleus offered by American physicist L.J. Rainwater, (1950) and
developed in w of the Danish physicist of O. Bora and American physicist
B. Mottelson. According to this model, the nucleus represents elliptic
rotations. Its big (a1) and small (a2) semiaxes are expressed through
deformation parametre b nucleus by ratio). For rotational model of not
spherical nucleus the scheme similar to quantization of movement of a
two-nuclear molecule with identical spinless by nucleus is accepted: the
rotary moment of nucleus of such molecule concerning its centre of
gravity is always perpendicular to symmetry axes (a line connecting
nucleuses). In connection with occurrence of physically allocated
direction - symmetry axes ellipsoid, the projection of the moment of
rotation of each of particles to this axis is saved. Essential line of
rotational model of not spherical nucleus - a combination of rotation of
all nucleus, as whole, with movement of separate nucleons in not
spherical potential field. Thus it is supposed, that rotation of all
nucleus (i.e. not spherical potential hole) occurs slowly enough rather
to speed of movement of nucleons ». It creates "the moment of a
nucleus inertia".

Interaction quadrupole moment of a nucleus with electric field of a
crystal or molecule leads to occurrence various on energy of nucleus
states corresponding to different orientations nuclear a back concerning
symmetry axes a crystal or molecules . The number resolved nuclear
orientations is defined nuclear magnetic momentum connected with spin of
a nucleus, and it is equal 2I+1, where I - spin quantum number of a
nucleus. The lowest on energy level responds such orientation of a
nucleus, at which positive charge in oblate or prolate nucleus places
close to most density of negative charge in an electronic environment of
this nucleus. Resonant absorption of electromagnetic field energy caused
by quantum transitions between the levels of energy connected with
nuclear orientations, called nuclear quadrupole resonance.   Perhaps,
this property of nucleus with the directed rotary moment, with certain
orientation of nucleus gravitational dipoles, with certain frequency of
rotation, and, accordingly, also represent radiations. This radiation
also creates gravitational potential and gravitational radiation. If
this orientation under the influence of an external gravitational field
(with his electromagnetic nature) can change the direction then this
model can quite suit under the description of the mechanism of
gravitation. It is necessary to calculate frequency of this radiation
only. Time in the nature of effects of antigravitation is not enough,
practically is not present, it is necessary to assume, that this
spectrum of frequencies to be out of known, and, fastest, above known
frequencies and, fastest, to be for scale radiation. Positively that all
conditions in this model as it is represented, are observed! And on the
earth areas are known, in particular in Crimea, where there is an
antigravitation and cars get uphill without engine. Here there, in
depth, fastest, these moments, this orientation of nucleus, has a
direction opposite to "regular". It is necessary to measure simply there
these polarized waves of gravitation, but, on what frequencies?

 Further. If to adhere to that logic, that gravitation are streams of
already known particles from long-living particles except photons is
only electrons and protons. I.e. the list of applicants is smallest, if,
of course, gravitation is based on them. (But, maybe, and most likely,
it is new long-living elementary particles, type of strong photons?).
Thus at once it is clear, that the gravitation nature too
electromagnetic since other physical processes in the nature are not
present, and all mechanical moments in atoms are all the same reduced to
the electromagnetic..  

С60". Probably, that the fireball also represents only a huge cluster
in diameter of 10 sm and more from electron- positron plasmas. Most
likely this is specific, on special the structured form powerful scale
of quantum, gravitation quantum» (From section «Quantum heat power

But, it is not clear, whether change of a direction of a gravitational
field is a necessary condition in this model? And how to mark this
radiation, what its frequency? Also there is it in principle? Or it is
an erroneous way?

е + conceals in itself still huge riddles and the huge latent reserves.
But, to whom it is necessary today?   

But, there are also others, even more worthy "candidates" for a role
graviton-proton pairs! The author E.V. Serga speaks about it in
«Uniform theory of vacuum and substance» He said a lot of interesting!
He considers "nuclear pairs "proton-proton" are radiators and
receivers of quanta of gravitational energy. The distance λg between
gravitational poles in position of static balance is defined as
fundamental length. It is analogue Compton lengths of a wave λ = h⁄m.
At absorption and radiation of quanta of gravitational energy there is a
distance change between gravitational poles and, accordingly, energy of
a gravitational field of nuclear pair. Thus, gravitational poles of
nuclear pairs make fluctuations concerning position of static balance».

 Thought, of course, is interesting. But, whether there are such pairs
in nucleus? Atomic physicists do not write about it. Can them and is not
present in a reality, in atoms in their usual state in relation to
position of static balance ».

    It is amazing, that today, in 21 century, possessing huge data,
techniques, accelerators, scientists- physicists have found till now
neither gravitons, nor their source, to the physics of process. It
suggests all, what is it becomes specially. Specially the question does
not dare, the necessary experiments, including on antigravitation are
not put. High road of physics goes to other way. What for? Yes in order
that we have never found out, how the world is actually wisely arranged,
than space is really filled. And to live more conveniently, more
precisely to live.. 

The modern official international physics cannot record gravitational
waves on the earth, the earths proceeding from a gravitational field,
and try to catch them from space. And on the earth they are not present,
whether that? And objects, especially massive than that, do not radiate?
And on what frequencies they it are going to do? And on what frequencies
the modern physics searches for gravitation? Here, in pioneer Weber’s
experiment the aerial was aluminium cylinder of 2 m length and 1 m
diameter suspended on steel wires; resonant frequency of the aerial made
1660 Hz! This is probably not enough! And here project LIGO in which
they measure gravitation on frequencies of an order only 200 Hz!  

    Well, is it reasonable to make, in advance doomed to failure,
experiments? Einstein made a mistake in this question! Same it is
obvious. He does not have UFO, there is no antigravitation. Equally, as
they are not present and at Russian, (and American and European) the
official physics. For this physics, since times of atheists of
Bolsheviks, there are either no levitation, or miracles, there is no
also a huge assembly of Russian Christian sacred, there is no St.
Seraphim of Sarov, either Sergiy of Radonezh or A. Svirsky, Spiridon
Trimifutsky, S. Vyretsky, sacred monks of Kiev-Pechersky Monastery,
Sacred Patriarchs since times of a baptizing of Russia by sacred prince
Vladimir! There is not the Christianity, not Jesus Christ, there is no
all centuries-old layer of Russian Christian European and orthodox
Russian culture do not exist, anything. Is not present either churches,
or monasteries. And what is? There is a poor materialistic outlook,
there are corpulent herds of monkeys which have captivated all world,
and not only scientific and which as cannot turn to the person generous
western grants and trips to Europe and America to colleagues on atheism,
and set of mutual projects, and handshake of hands, awards and
symposiums etc., etc. It, and has, precisely as great satirist A.
Raikin: «You respect me, I respect you. I and you both are respectable
people»! And they have enough of it! It simply shame! The shame is no
time great sacred Russia which was kept away on worry and desecration to
the western rich persons, enemies of Christianity, to freemasons and to
Jews. And today it is given to Islamites for desecration.

GRAVITATIONAL WAVES are not caught. In Germany near Hanover here a
seventh year works huge interferometer - the device under name GEO600.
On scales it concedes scandalous hadron collider only a little. By means
of interferometer physicists have intention to catch so-called
gravitational waves - what should exist if to believe conclusions of the
theory of a relativity of Einstein. They - such ripples of a fabric of
space-time which are obliged to arise from any cataclysms in the
Universe like explosions of supernova. Like circles on water from a
pebble. But, if there is no filling, the ripples whence undertake? If
the lake has dried up and there is no water, waves whence undertake?

     Wikipedia. NEW! One of advantages of the loop quantum gravity
theory is naturalness which gives explanation of standard model of
physics of elementary particles. According to this theory, space and
time consist of discrete parts. These small quantum spaces are connected
by certain way with each other so on small time scales and lengths they
create motley, discrete structure of space, and on the big scales
smoothly pass in continuous smooth space-time ». No! Without tears this
delirium to read not probably! From what discrete cells your fabric
"space and time" is weaved? Whence they? What is it? you for a long
time, have cancelled an ether, you have cancelled space and Universe
filling! It is empty under your textbooks!!! And they, these physicists
teach us to the physics! They contradict to themself continually,
stumble on each step, as a blind horse. Unless it a shame? This is a
motley picture» of lies.

  Or still the newest area: SUPERGRAVITATION – supersymmetric
gravitation theory, i.e. The theory of gravitation of Einstein for such
system of material fields, for a k-plenty takes place invariancy
concerning transformations idle time (N = 1) or expanded (N > 1)
supersymmetry. Popular in the physics of high energy supersymmetric
phenomenological models contain С as the important component helping,
in particular, to carry out spontaneous breach of supersymmetry. At
last, theory С possesses internal beauty (?) and is closely connected
with the theory of superstrings.

Paradox! Not having understood with gravitation, they already undertook
supergravitation. It is  really a lot of beauty in chatter. The sense is
not present, and the beauty is. And so is in all. Also it is a shame
both it is sad. And it is opposite.

7. Physics. Replacement of Newton’s classical physics by Einstein’s
general theory of relativity. About vacuum and an ether.


Question of an ether the extremely difficult. The first. The previous
reasonings show, that all radiations do not demand for the distribution
of environment. And particles easy fly in space, as in vacuum. The
second. The analysis of whole EMW spectrum and particles has shown, that
EMW range comes to an end on gamma radiation and by increase of
frequency radiation turns to dense mass of electron. It is possible to
assume only, what is quite probable, for support of the extremely
necessary continuous processes of interconversions in atoms and nucleus
of all atoms in the Universe, in space there is as though an unlimited
reserve of "spare parts" in a form of electrons, or "electron-positron"
pairs, or??? The key thing as it to find out and prove?


In the XX-th century idea that the vacuum consists of electron was
advanced by Dirac: "I will try to describe new representation about
physical vacuum. According to these new representations, the vacuum is
not emptiness in which is nothing. It is filled by enormous quantity of
electrons, being in a status with negative energy which can be
considered as a certain ocean".

     Theories of an ether adhered such geniuses of a science as
N.Kozyrev, N.Tesla which experiences already hundred years nobody, to
repeat, and to understand that not in a status! The citation from N.
Tesla's lecture to electrical engineering students at Columbia college
on May, 20th, 1891 lecture «the Nature keeps infinite energy in the
Universe. The eternal receiver and the transmitter of this infinite
energy - an ether. A recognition of existence of an ether, as well as
functions which it carries out - one of the major results of modern
scientific researches». 

 Newton gave to an ether important, backbone value. He as has
ingeniously formulated the universal gravitation law, having defined,
that the source of gravitation and its physical sense is connected only
with weight of bodies. Einstein removed an ether out of the nature of
the phenomena, and in gravitation has left in pure mathematical
scholasticism and abstraction, having replaced Newton's clear physical
concepts on «the bent space», the truth, without any filling. And
speed of gravitational waves is not defined, but limited, as well as
speed of all other waves, a speed of light. I.e. He does not have
"physics" in "physics" of all most important phenomena - electromagnetic
waves and their propagation and gravitation.

  About last experiences at Large Hadron Collider! They have recorded
speed of neutrino which is more than speed of light! But, since it pulls
down the official physics and Einstein's theory these results announced
at once suspicious and erroneous. As it turned out, that charwoman
touched a socket by mop! There was not one, but thousand experiences!
Whether it is a shame! Here, such science in the world and such
scientists. And about mathematics Einstein in gravitation better and not
to begin. And his thought, that the space is bent. You ponder upon this
phrase! Space which has no neither fillings, nor the physical nature he
has curved! How the space vacuum can be curved, if it is absolute
degenerated and absolutely empty? How it is possible to bend what is not
present, what has no what physical filling, has no neither density, nor
environments??? It is purely virtual. There is no even an ether. It is
the pure scholasticism, purely speculative construction, mathematics
without sense. 

«Einstein’s vacuum - empty, without a matter, the space-time
possessing elastic properties. In 1915 Albert Einstein has deduced the
equations describing gravitational interactions through curvature of
space of events. It means, that the massive body curves space-time round
itself. For there are two objective realities - space-time that the
continuum and a matter shows. Presence of a matter in an existential
continuum curves it. If a matter was not, such existential continuum
would be pseudo-Euclidean space" It is an example, even the sample,
pure scholasticism and demagogy. To "mystification of a century» with
A. Einstein the set of scientific jobs is devoted direct exposure and on
them there is no sense to stop. 

In the official physics it is considered, that «it is similar, and for
other particles it is possible to enter representation about vacuum as
about the lowest power status of fields of these particles (?) . By
consideration of co-operating fields by the vacuum name the lowest power
status of all system of this field. It is fair and for other physical
fields: interaction in the quantum theory of a field - result of an
exchange in quanta of a field ». Extremely vaguely. To understand it is
impossible. I.e. they naming space empty, vacuum, there and then say,
that there is weeding, there are» fields of particles », there an
exchange in" field quanta »! Whether this slyness? Whether it is
falsity? And who, at last, from all cohort of physicists of the world
will explain, what such"field"? The paradox turns out: the field is, and
its material carriers do not exist! I.e. the field exists out of the
carrier, without the carrier?! That's it in it, in this open and
unattractive slyness an essence modern, and in many respects corrupt
physics. Today there is no physical sense and logic. Today is physics
any more paradoxes, and the physicist of absurdities. And the reason is
simple: They have thrown out for a long time the most important,
strongest, most accessible tool of knowledge of the world on a dustbin -
they have thrown out logic! And logic - this science about consistency
of judgements and if "scientist", has specially thrown out this tool and
has any world designs in the form of absurd constructions, type of
vacuum without vacuum, energy without carriers, a matter without a
matter, creation without ideas and thoughts, only powerful streams and
bifurcations and fluctuations as a unique perennial spring of all
process of a universe. 

Question: so an ether exists or not? These questions so are difficult,
and so are basic, that demand the most serious substantiations and
proofs. And opinion of authorities important, but it cannot replace
proofs! Arguments are necessary!

It is possible to argue and so: the world ether, the world of thoughts
of the person, consciousness processes, processes of cogitative activity
of a shower of the person is all phenomena of one nature. If to start
with this message it is possible to come to the following.

     I have written too in new article about genomes, as about program
products. I mentioned there also of Efim Arsentevich Liberman's works
Doctor of Biology, candidate of physics and mathematics science
(Institute of information transfer problems of the Russian Academy of
Sciences), the winner of the State award of the USSR who has shown
presence at the person of the quantum wave computer, and about similar
works of German biophysics Fritz-Albert Popp. In this area professor
P.P. Garyaev works also.  E.A. Liberman's these ingenious ideas have
been excellent confirmed by award in 2012 of the Nobel Prize of physics
to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland for "breaking experiment
methods which have made possible to measure of separate quantum systems
and manage them". Researches of professor Stuart Hameroff from branch
of anesthesiology and psychology of Arizona University, the director of
the Center of studying of consciousness have proved, that the human
brain is a quantum computer, and our consciousness is its software, and
soul is the information which has been saved up at quantum level. The
quantum information cannot be destroyed, and after body is dead this
information merges into the Universe. S. Hameroff and his colleague,
Roger Penrose, well-known British physicist and mathematician of the
Oxford, have developed «the quantum theory of consciousness». They
specified also carriers of this consciousness which are located inside
neutron albuminous microtubules which have had earlier role of
"armature". Namely these tubules also accumulate and process the
information! This is a break!

All mentioned testifies only one: each person has a computer working on
quantum principles, i.e. on states of quanta «0» and «1», as well as
any computer. 

 Quanta or elementary quanta, or a quantum state of any particle
consisting of quanta of Planck. On quanta as carriers of unit of the
information, also our brain works: all the images long at cogitative
activity are formed for the bill of their coding by special programs of
zero and units in a brain or in a soul. Straining thoughts, trying
something to present in a head, we start programs of formation of images
from zero and units which programming product, in turn, is, i.e. long
process of training, since diapers. On a binary code, probably, memory
is arranged also. On this principle the soul of the person which stores
all information on the person in the form of a binary, quantum matrix
also is arranged. Yes! As monkeys here also does not smell as thought
and memory elements, in any way is not located in a head, in a brain. 

 We too can count up approximate structure of a person soul, as sets of
these elementary data carriers, but already using own image of
Planck’s elementary quanta. The weight of of a person soul is ca. 20
gramme. Then, if soul and memory carriers, i.e. carriers of unit of the
information (element base) is Planck’s quantum will make 2 x 1048
units (divide 20 x 10-3 kg by 7.36 x 10-51 kg). 

If for memory unit, for a data carrier to take neutrino, that, knowing
its mass (ca. 5 x 10 – 37 kg.), their general number will make an
order 4 x 1034 units.

   If to take as a data carrier formation of type of a light photon
their general number will make ca. 5 x 1033 units (mph = 4 on 10-36 kg).
I.e., this huge number, quite sufficient for support of all
possibilities of the person and on cogitative activity, and on memory.

Then, what can be "ether"? Yes, and for what it is necessary? Quite
probably, what is it the education similar to an essence of soul of the
person, i.e. the certain, huge, dimensionless set of any educations from
Planck’s elementary quantum type either "standing" photons, or units
of the smaller or big sizes. But, its purpose is not absolutely clear.
Here, if to speak about Paradise or the Hell here purpose is obvious:
this place of a final haven of souls of deceased people where and to be
created the Supreme on justice the Divine Court over people! Probably,
this and that place where the Creator forms souls for all live on a
planet the Earth, for their investment in the born person, that and
provides further to the person and his/her development, including and in
a womb of mother, both all his/her spiritual and sincere properties and

Relativistic concept in the physics, most likely, is not well-founded.
The world is arranged according to another, classical principles of
Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton about absoluteness of space and time.
The world has in the basis of the God of the Creator (instead of Higgs
boson), the Creator of all real, all «visible and invisible», and
materialistic concepts of a universe are simply ridiculous and suit,
unless, for hominids, macaques and a chimpanzee, i.e. for atheists.

8.  About substitution strong the world of the general direction of
scientific thought

They have replaced:

 - in the physics - clear, classical physics of Newton and Maxwell on
relativistic physics Einstein in which there is no world ether and all
the speed long are limited by a velocity of light;

 - in chemistry - a basic, classical Periodic table and D.I.
Mendeleev's Law on counterfeit, having excluded a zero column with
protoelement Х, as with base, bare, basic, pervasive  element;

 - in biology - live and absolutely invariable from the date of
Creation the flora and fauna world, created by the God on constantly
changing, self-appeared and constantly evolving without the reasons and
mechanisms, at will of a simple case the world of Darwin; classical,
fundamental genetics and biologists on completely false both absurd
evolutionary genetics and biology;

 - in philosophy - the philosophical concepts based on true and
firmness of principles of a universe with the Divine basis, moral
principles, principles of morals and the behaviour given to the people
by the God in Revelations, on relative "trues", on principles of a
pragmatism, expediency which everyone living can get from the
feeble-minded brains itself.

  - in culture - the true, traditional culture showing and reflecting
all difficultly passed beauty and harmony of this divine world, beauty
and a height of the person and his/her feelings, bringing up calling
people to kindness, to mercy, compassion on pity fakes, abstraction,
absurdity, on so-called "modern art", this meeting of nasty thing,
blasphemy, immorality and inspirituality, leaders of the person in the
world of platitude, a pornography, defect and degradation. They have
changed, more precisely, have changed all true human values: kindness,
mercy, compassion, tolerance, mutual aid, honouring and respect of
parents in a family, value and firmness of a family, as bases of all
life of mankind, as places of education of children to true and the
truth, families, as small church on false, such, as vital success,
career, material welfare, pride, rigidity and even cruelty, an immense
pursuit of pleasures, consumership, disrespect for seniors. From here
instead of family protection there was a protection of the rights (?) of
the child, millions abortions - murders. One is necessary to them on a
planet only «gold billion»!

 - in world outlook - all correct attitude of the person based on
understanding by him/her of peculiar and affinity to the Father - to the
founder, to the God-creator, with a hope on it both favour and the help,
with fear about Terrible court and the future life that cleared up and
supported in people the main quality of the person – his/her
conscience and morals - on atheism and blasphemy, cave materialism,
dishonesty, immorality, inspirituality and immorality. The true meaning
of the life of the person - to live on precepts Divine to remain the
person reasonable, safely to go on court Divine and to get Kingdom of
Heaven, have changed for an impetuous pursuit of illusive well-being and
reception of a maximum of vicious pleasures. The person with his/her
special role in the world, founded on a role of the zealous owner of a
planet about what great Russian orthodox scientist M.V. Lomonosov wrote,
on an impetuous predator and the blighter of the nature, the blighter of
the own house!

  Both these changes and substitutions they have managed to drag
worldwide, to introduce and in Russia, setting the fashion and an
orientation to all directions of the scientific researches, all
directions of ideology and culture, using, practically unlimited
financial possibilities and attachment and weakness of the person to all
world, to glory and pleasures. They have got a false idea, that can
cancel the Founder of the world, the God of the Creator! These over rich
madmen, the financial lords of the world confidently conduct mankind in
a precipice, approaching day of the Apocalypse.

Fools! You are the first who become a victim of the Apocalypse, you are
the first who will go on Court Divine, you the first will be condemned,
and your gold bags cannot help you! Yes! Money has eclipsed for a long
time it reason!

Fruits of this vile replacement and substitution each person of a planet
not simply sees today, but also an interior feels every day and each
hour, choking in this atmosphere of rotting, defect, corruption and


1. It is shown, that a quantum being as the basic category of wave and
nuclear processes, processes in quantum physics of a field it is not
understood by modern physics. It is shown, that the quantum is the
structured stream of elementary quanta of Planck, elementary particles
«Х» D.I. Mendeleev, who has ingeniously foreseen their presence and
an essence.

2. All material world also consists of Planck's these elementary quanta,
including all EMW, electromagnetic fields and elementary particles,
since neutrino, electron etc. Hence, EMW nature, electromagnetic field
and elementary particles is treated today by official physics not
correctly. Accents are put not there. And it is essential.

3. All modern physics goes on a false way, an absurdity and deceit way
to treatment of fundamental concepts and categories, such as quantum,
weight, energy, a matter, gravitation. Instead of successes in the
nuclear physics it is observed distortions, false treatments, artificial
designing of virtual elements and principles of functioning of a nucleus
and atom. There is, a weight it not primary and main property of a
matter, and it can already be got, as sausage in shop.









 and accident of occurring processes, and absence in them of the Divine
Plan and His foresight.

 On January, 20th, 2013 A.D. Moscow, Russia.