To get the three voices of the SID I had to mute the sample playback by patching the SID file, because JSIDPlay does not offer muting of the sample playback. 
This one was bit of a dog because the SID file contains at least three players, one for the intro, one for main, and one for the rest, which where relocated at run time.

The intro and main tunes has low-pass and band-pass filter enabled. Resonance is at minimum on the intro and about 20% on the main tune.
These settings and the cut-off frequency never change, and makes little to no difference to the sound compared to filters off. 

Since one sample is 4-bit, two samples is stored in one byte. The sample playing code plays the high nibble first, then the low one.
Self modifying and duplicate code blocks is used to speed things up.

Sample playing code for the intro tune:
This can play samples at two volumes, full and half. Half volume throws away one bit, making it a 3bit playback instead of 4. 

2133   85 E3      STA $E3       // Store accumulator, other registers is not used

* Alternate between code path for high or low nibble
2135   A5 E4      LDA $E4
2137   D0 27      BNE $2160

* Code path for high nibble
2139   AD xl xh   LDA $xhxl     // Read a new sample byte from RAM at address $xhxl. This address is modified by line 216F and 2174 
213c   C9 1F      CMP #$1F // Compare with end-of-sample marker $1F
213e   D0 0C      BNE $214C // = Branch if Not Equal

2140   A9 00      LDA #$00 // Equal, turn of sample playback
2142   8D 0E DD   STA $DD0E
2145   A9 38      LDA #$38      // and set volume to base line (half of full)
2147   8D 18 D4   STA $D418
214a   D0 2B      BNE $2177 // Relative jump to common code path

214c   8D 61 21   STA $2161     // Store sample byte for later use by the low nibble code path
214f   4A         LSR A  // shift high nibble to low nibble
2150   4A         LSR A
2151   4A         LSR A
2152   4A         LSR A
2153   EA / 4A    NOP / LSR A   // This is NOP for full volume or LSR A (shift right, divide by 2) for half volume. This is modified by the music player.
2154   18         CLC
2155   69 3v      ADC #$3v      // Add filter enable bits and volume offset v (0 for full volume or 4 for half volume. This is modified by the music player.
2157   8D 18 D4   STA $D418     // PLay sample!
215a   A9 01      LDA #$01      // Set nibble selector to low nibble
215c   85 E4      STA $E4
215e   D0 17      BNE $2177     // Relative jump to common code path

* Code path for low nibble
2160   A9 sw      LDA #$sw // Get sample byte saved by the high nibble code path
2162   29 0F      AND #$0F // Strip off the high nibble
2164   EA / 4A    NOP / LSR A   // This is NOP for full volume or LSR A (shift right, divide by 2) for half volume. This is modified by the music player.
2165   18         CLC
2166   69 3v      ADC #$3v      // Add filter enable bits and volume offset v (0 for full volume or 4 for half volume. This is modified by the music player.
2168   8D 18 D4   STA $D418     // Play sample!
216b   A9 00      LDA #$00      // Set nibble selector to high nibble
216d   85 E4      STA $E4

216f   EE 3A 21   INC $213A     // Modify data field of instruction at $2139: Increase 16bit address by one.
2172   D0 03      BNE $2177
2174   EE 3B 21   INC $213B

* Common code path
2177   AD 0D DD   LDA $DD0D // Clear interrupt flag
217a   A5 E3      LDA $E3       // Restore accumulator
217c   40         RTI           // Exit NMI interrupt service

Sample playback code for the main tune:
This one is similar to the intro one, but can play samples with three different volumes, full, 1/2, and 1/4.
Full volume is never used, thus wasting 1 or 2 bits of the 4-bit samples.
This one also resides in page zero, a 256 byte RAM area normally used for storing data for faster access. This speeds it up a bit.
It contains one completely unnecessary instruction! Can you find it? :)

00a0   D8         CLD
00a1   85 0B      STA $0B
00a3   AD xl xh   LDA $xhxl
00a6   C9 1F      CMP #$1F
00a8   D0 0C      BNE $00B6

00aa   A9 00      LDA #$00
00ac   8D 0E DD   STA $DD0E
00af   A9 38      LDA #$38
00b1   8D 18 D4   STA $D418
00b4   D0 2A      BNE $00E0

00b6   24 0A      BIT $0A
00b8   30 12      BMI $00CC

00ba   4A         LSR A
00bb   4A         LSR A
00bc   4A         LSR A
00bd   4A         LSR A
00be   EA / 4A    NOP / LSR A
00bf   EA / 4A    NOP / LSR A
00c0   18         CLC
00c1   69 3v      ADC #$3v
00c3   8D 18 27   STA $D418
00c6   A9 80      LDA #$80
00c8   85 0A      STA $0A
00ca   D0 14      BNE $00E0

00cc   29 0F      AND #$0F
00ce   EA / 4A    NOP / LSR A
00cf   EA / 4A    NOP / LSR A
00d0   18         CLC
00d1   69 3v      ADC #$3v
00d3   8D 18 27   STA $D418
00d6   A9 00      LDA #$00
00d8   85 0A      STA $0A

00da   E6 A4      INC $A4
00dc   D0 02      BNE $00E0
00de   E6 A5      INC $A5

00e0   AD 0D DD   LDA $DD0D
00e3   A5 0B      LDA $0B
00e5   40         RTI