Here's an idea: if you want criticism to exist, YOU DO IT. Invent your own statistical tests. Learn how studies *really* work in fields you never worked in. Consult experts. Write to editors who ignore you. Write to authors who hate you. Fight to get heard in a melting pot of semi-sentient, window-licking, swivel-eyed, endlessly confident, feckless, bellowing, pointless, furious droogs with the computational competence of a yard sign for discount lawn maintenance and a very small but remarkably persistent hard-on for any megaphone that will legally allow their greasy mitts within 100 yards due to previous unmentionable crimes against volume and good sense.

YOU do it. Figure it out. I'll give you my code, test papers, problematic results to spot check, everything. You can have the lot. Then you, too, can enjoy the rewards - potential legal action from people so crooked they could sleep comfortably on a spiral staircase, with the morals of a praying mantis and the general opinion that science is simply a hole you dump words into until it pays you.