Hello accidental visitor! There's not much to see here. Just a bunch of links that I once liked or will maybe read someday..
trip checklist, forwards, Bates, Bushcraft USA, Annares Natural Health (TO, Ont), Star Tales, Permaculture Israel film library (pwd: openheart), O-share
Retreats: DIMA Mallorca; Newman Vipassana, Meshiv Nefesh, Avitality (Avital Sabag) & Zohar Zemach-Wilson, Alumot ($$$)
Spiritual: Jennifer Millar - Cellular Transformation
Sailing / Crewing Sites: Attainable Adventure Cruising (weather routing), Blue Seas (navigation), OceanPreneur: <YouTube Channel; Las Palmas Saling Guide; Ocean Noman Sailing Guide>, Noonsite, Desperate Sailors, CrewBay (UK open invite: DeepBlueSeaLife), Cruiser's Forum (many int'l but mostly US), SSCA forum, The Float Plan, Find a Crew (need premium to be useful), Sailing and Cruising Database, Ocean Crew Link ($10), Sailing Opportunities (North America), Latitude 38, Sailing Networks, The Cruising Assoication, Cruising World, sailnet, Crew File, SF sailing, Jobs on Yachts, Ocean hitchhiking tips, Cruising Wiki, CS: Capt. Marty; French: Voyage Avec Moi Bourse aux equipiers, Equipier, Sail the World, Cotweb, Alternative Wold Sailing Community, Paid: Crew Seekers Int'l, DeliveryCrew.net, free-boat.com, My Next Destinations, Squiddio, FB group, FB - Palma Yacht Crew
Windsurfing Sites: Intermediate Skills, WindFans HK
Nutrition: Vegan Mastery Program, GreenMedInfo
Recipes: Adi Shapira, Chissik
Volunteer: Habiba Community Nuweiba, International Rescue Group, AllHands, Shut up and Grow It, Projects Abroad ($$$), S/V Karaka (EU100/wk), Nepal: Tal-Oren
todo in Hong Kong: meditation and mindfullness at Lotus Pond Temple
Couch Surfing: profit dillema, criticism and review of alternatives, BeWelcome, and more alternatives
Dystopia:: Club Orlov, Clusterfuck Nation
blogs: Suitcase Wisdom / Nava Kochavi, To Not Die Stupid / Idan Landau, God's Loop / Tomer Persico, Blogica / Nimrod Avissar, 7th Eye (newsletters), Hebrew
Sailng Weather: PassageWeather (SCS, N Pacific), WindFinder (SE Asia), WeatherOnline (SCS/North (A); Taiwan Straits, (A)), BuoyWeather (Taiwan Straits), Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Tropical Storm Risk (NW Pacific), WindGuru (Hertzlia), Jordan rain radar, Windy.com-TLV
File sharing: Slingfile (2/500G, upload progress bar, download delay), WeTransfer (no size info, no save dir info), FileFactory (2G, sometimes disabled for free users), FileDropper (5G, failed), SloDive list, iWeb list,
Hong Kong:
trail maps,
enjoy hiking,
Hong Kong Adventurer
HK veggie restaurants:
Lok Cha Cafe,
Chi Lin Nunnery
HK windsurfing sites:
Windsurfing Magazine,
BoardSeeker Magazine,
Wind Fans HK,
HiWindLove (Stanley)
China Visa: Forever Bright Trading, Sunrise Int'l Travel, Ally's: 86-135-60314810
visit: Sacred Places in China
misc: Ivory computers, Digital Library Project, HighBeam Research, The Ultimate email directory, WiseBuy (consumer columns), Seattle port musician
Salamander: Wikipedia, salamander brandy, Psychedelic salamander brandy, google: alchemist salamander,
Digital Photography: digital photography tutorials from PhotoXels, Using your Digital Camera from ShourtCourses.com
Portals - Israel: Nana,
Portals - Int'l:
Ask Jeeves,
Overture (GoTo),
Invisible Web
Personal: CSC (me), Zim (ZAC 35), Discount Bank (visa) (LA / JP), PostIL, Sabach pix, Marina, Mensa, Mt. Karkom, Matrix implications
check often: Shomrei Hagan (News), Chava Veadam, EcoOcean, Ecological house in Kerem Maharal, Adamama, Beofen TV (meetings),
Misc cool stuff: The Meatrix, chain mail cartoon
Surf: What the bleep do we know???, free security software from AuditMyPC, patch management procedures and software
hiking + nature trips: Moish Maoz, Chug Elad, Groopy bike club, Mapa Guide, Tagliot climbing school + hiking, MotoTracks
open-source firewall: google srch MozTips: firewall and browser issues
Entertainment: Haifa Cinemateque, Martef 10, Tel Aviv today, Bracha Goleshet, HaBama (today, tomorrow, after tomorrow)
Dictionaries: The Free Dictionary, Dictionary.com, YourDictionary.com (WTD - archive), Webster Dictionary, Tiscali dictionaries: computers, English, and Difficult words;
Utilities: Weather forecast, Israel Yellow Pages (144), emap, Homeless, IOL, National Geographic Map Machine, Expedia, Tel Aviv, song lyrics, WordFast, Tooz
OSDN: Slashdot: news for geeks, SourceForge sw development site, MediaBuilder web tools / animations / greetings,
Underground: Salon Mazal / haifa, crop circles, free speech TV, Queer Hana, IndyMedia Israel, Free Masons
XP Power Toys: Microsoft Power Toys Kelly's Korner Doug's WinXP tips
Environment: falach guide (local copy), Green Pages, Ministry of the Environment (interactive map), The Green Wave, harmful food
Misc: Knowldedge-On-Line!!!; CIB; MP3.com, car animations, Israel sailing union
Bikes: Israel Motorcycle Club, Benny Biker; Bike parts: Bike Bandit, World of Power Sports;
Spiritual: Vilina, SoulEclipse, Lara's book and Reuniting.info: Peace Between the Sheets, New Acropolis, (Israel), The Shaman's Vision, Swami Vivekanada Saraswati, Rafik, Vipassana,
Mysticism: Sorcery - Carmit's Pot
Mathematics: SOS Math (DEs), C-XSC, Miscellaneous Mathematical Utilities; Code: C++ Calculus, C++ Classes
Pix: Sinai + Negev, Turkey pix from yahoo groups, Majik fairy;
storage for my junk: storage 2000 - Givat Chen Avia - Kibbutz Harel
Computers: SpamBouncer, Multi-Lingual Web PagesDrugs: 420.com, Ale Yarok (forum; newsletter) links, nana drug forum, joint, Hoffman, Huxley, Leary
Interest: The Hungry Site (donate free food) Hofesh, State Comptroller, Areshet, Whittaker, Green Wheelers,
Read: Project Gutenberg, Bibliomania (Dorian Gray, Tale of 2 cities, Oliver Twist)
Book Searches: Abe Books, AddAll, Amazon, Book Finder ISBNdb,
Humor: Nonsense, uComics, Calvin & Hobbes, The Fusco Brothers, Garfield
Entertainment:Travel: Tour Jerusalem, Chug Elad, Travel Discounts, Lirot Olamot, Daka 90;
News: Haaretz, Channel 2, Globes, New York Times; The Onion
Best Sites: Yahoo's best of the web, Astounding Websites Webbie World,
Personal: Dr. David Passig, Yoav Ben-Dov - Free Israel, Avner Strauss
Searching: BA Project, SeachEngine Watch
Cool pages: photo2.htm Nir Materasso;
Articles: Object-Oriented FAQ, jeeves, ASP (local), T1, SMS, Outlook forms, C#
Misc: reviews, t-mailer, IT Headline, Shmuze, Hofesh, Azarius psychoactive shop, Maccabi
Jobs: Dice.com, JobInfo.co.il, JobMaster.co.il
My pages : CSC index, My maritime links, PC, misc downloaded stuff, art, bikes, bookmark, business, cheapair, computer, links, sex, tao, template, test, Toronto, travel, trip list, . .