Hello accidental visitor! There's not much to see here. Just a bunch of links that I once liked or will maybe read someday..

trip checklist, forwards, Bates, Bushcraft USA, Annares Natural Health (TO, Ont), Star Tales, Permaculture Israel film library (pwd: openheart), O-share

Retreats: DIMA Mallorca; Newman Vipassana, Meshiv Nefesh, Avitality (Avital Sabag) & Zohar Zemach-Wilson, Alumot ($$$)

Spiritual: Jennifer Millar - Cellular Transformation

Sailing / Crewing Sites: Attainable Adventure Cruising (weather routing), Blue Seas (navigation), OceanPreneur: <YouTube Channel; Las Palmas Saling Guide; Ocean Noman Sailing Guide>, Noonsite, Desperate Sailors, CrewBay (UK open invite: DeepBlueSeaLife), Cruiser's Forum (many int'l but mostly US), SSCA forum, The Float Plan, Find a Crew (need premium to be useful), Sailing and Cruising Database, Ocean Crew Link ($10), Sailing Opportunities (North America), Latitude 38, Sailing Networks, The Cruising Assoication, Cruising World, sailnet, Crew File, SF sailing, Jobs on Yachts, Ocean hitchhiking tips, Cruising Wiki, CS: Capt. Marty; French: Voyage Avec Moi Bourse aux equipiers, Equipier, Sail the World, Cotweb, Alternative Wold Sailing Community, Paid: Crew Seekers Int'l, DeliveryCrew.net, free-boat.com, My Next Destinations, Squiddio, FB group, FB - Palma Yacht Crew

Windsurfing Sites: Intermediate Skills, WindFans HK

Nutrition: Vegan Mastery Program, GreenMedInfo

Recipes: Adi Shapira, Chissik

Volunteer: Habiba Community Nuweiba, International Rescue Group, AllHands, Shut up and Grow It, Projects Abroad ($$$), S/V Karaka (EU100/wk), Nepal: Tal-Oren

todo in Hong Kong: meditation and mindfullness at Lotus Pond Temple

Couch Surfing: profit dillema, criticism and review of alternatives, BeWelcome, and more alternatives

Dystopia:: Club Orlov, Clusterfuck Nation

blogs: Suitcase Wisdom / Nava Kochavi, To Not Die Stupid / Idan Landau, God's Loop / Tomer Persico, Blogica / Nimrod Avissar, 7th Eye (newsletters), Hebrew

Sailng Weather: PassageWeather (SCS, N Pacific), WindFinder (SE Asia), WeatherOnline (SCS/North (A); Taiwan Straits, (A)), BuoyWeather (Taiwan Straits), Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Tropical Storm Risk (NW Pacific), WindGuru (Hertzlia), Jordan rain radar, Windy.com-TLV

File sharing: Slingfile (2/500G, upload progress bar, download delay), WeTransfer (no size info, no save dir info), FileFactory (2G, sometimes disabled for free users), FileDropper (5G, failed), SloDive list, iWeb list,

Hong Kong: CentaMap, YPMap, trail maps, enjoy hiking, Hong Kong Adventurer
HK veggie restaurants: Lok Cha Cafe, Chi Lin Nunnery
HK windsurfing sites: Windsurfing Magazine, BoardSeeker Magazine, Wind Fans HK, HiWindLove (Stanley)

China Visa: Forever Bright Trading, Sunrise Int'l Travel, Ally's: 86-135-60314810

visit: Sacred Places in China

misc: Ivory computers, Digital Library Project, HighBeam Research, The Ultimate email directory, WiseBuy (consumer columns), Seattle port musician

Salamander: Wikipedia, salamander brandy, Psychedelic salamander brandy, google: alchemist salamander,

Digital Photography: digital photography tutorials from PhotoXels, Using your Digital Camera from ShourtCourses.com

Portals - Israel: Nana, Walla, IOL, Tapuz, Zooloo, Optimum, start, 2wheels2u, MainPortals
Portals - Int'l: dmoz, Google, Ask Jeeves, DogPile, InfoPlease, searching.net, Overture (GoTo), Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, Invisible Web

Personal: CSC (me), Zim (ZAC 35), Discount Bank (visa) (LA / JP), PostIL, Sabach pix, Marina, Mensa, Mt. Karkom, Matrix implications

check often: Shomrei Hagan (News), Chava Veadam, EcoOcean, Ecological house in Kerem Maharal, Adamama, Beofen TV (meetings),

Misc cool stuff: The Meatrix, chain mail cartoon

Surf: What the bleep do we know???, free security software from AuditMyPC, patch management procedures and software

hiking + nature trips: Moish Maoz, Chug Elad, Groopy bike club, Mapa Guide, Tagliot climbing school + hiking, MotoTracks

open-source firewall: google srch MozTips: firewall and browser issues

Entertainment: Haifa Cinemateque, Martef 10, Tel Aviv today, Bracha Goleshet, HaBama (today, tomorrow, after tomorrow)

Dictionaries: The Free Dictionary, Dictionary.com, YourDictionary.com (WTD - archive), Webster Dictionary, Tiscali dictionaries: computers, English, and Difficult words;

Utilities: Weather forecast, Israel Yellow Pages (144), emap, Homeless, IOL, National Geographic Map Machine, Expedia, Tel Aviv, song lyrics, WordFast, Tooz

OSDN: Slashdot: news for geeks, SourceForge sw development site, MediaBuilder web tools / animations / greetings,

Underground: Salon Mazal / haifa, crop circles, free speech TV, Queer Hana, IndyMedia Israel, Free Masons

XP Power Toys: Microsoft Power Toys Kelly's Korner Doug's WinXP tips

Environment: falach guide (local copy), Green Pages, Ministry of the Environment (interactive map), The Green Wave, harmful food

Misc: Knowldedge-On-Line!!!; CIB; MP3.com, car animations, Israel sailing union

Bikes: Israel Motorcycle Club, Benny Biker; Bike parts: Bike Bandit, World of Power Sports;

Spiritual: Vilina, SoulEclipse, Lara's book and Reuniting.info: Peace Between the Sheets, New Acropolis, (Israel), The Shaman's Vision, Swami Vivekanada Saraswati, Rafik, Vipassana,

Mysticism: Sorcery - Carmit's Pot

Mathematics: SOS Math (DEs), C-XSC, Miscellaneous Mathematical Utilities; Code: C++ Calculus, C++ Classes

Pix: Sinai + Negev, Turkey pix from yahoo groups, Majik fairy;

storage for my junk: storage 2000 - Givat Chen Avia - Kibbutz Harel

Computers: SpamBouncer, Multi-Lingual Web Pages
  • Support: Computer Hope Tech Support Alert, Tech Support Guy, Help2Go
  • Tutorials: Tutorial Reports (wireless+), PHP tutorial, HP Online Classes, Bashan Hebrew Utilities, Stanford SoM tutorials, CBT, MSDN Online Web Workshop, HTML Jalfrezi (forms from NCSA, Webcom), WebMonkey tutorials (DHTML, CSS, JavaScript), Java, TrainingTools.com, MultiMedia Workshop, Class Framework Discussions, HTML 4.01 spec, HTML 4.01 reference from W3 Web-building tutorials
  • Hacking: T-1000, Asta-la-Vista, DeluxNetwork, Cohen & Assoc
  • Developer Aids: C++ corner (Win32, web book), Code Guru, Code Project (forum search), CWS Apps (Internet Software), MSDN, Microsoft Developer Network Library, PC Support Advisor, DevGuru (HTML or JavaScript), CSS Properties, JavaScript Events & Properties, WebReference.com, DevEdge JavaScript guide & ref (local)
  • Link Checkers: Dr. Watson
  • Networking: Putty, ssh/ssl on ftp
  • dictionaries: Webopedia, High-Tech Dictionary, jargon file
  • Encyclopedia: Wikipedia
  • Download Sites: SoftPedia, TuCows
  • Download: MySchedule, Outlook Reminders Napigator, Ad-aware
  • FAQs: archive, archive, archive, faq launcher, faq launcher
  • Hardware: PC Guide (BIOS settings) (Build A PC), BIOS 101
  • CD / DVD: CD Freaks (Media FAQ), multiple sessions
  • web development: Color Scheme Designer

  • whatis.com

    Drugs: 420.com, Ale Yarok (forum; newsletter) links, nana drug forum, joint, Hoffman, Huxley, Leary

    Interest: The Hungry Site  (donate free food) Hofesh, State Comptroller, Areshet, Whittaker, Green Wheelers,

    Read: Project Gutenberg, Bibliomania (Dorian Gray, Tale of 2 cities, Oliver Twist)

    Book Searches: Abe Books, AddAll, Amazon, Book Finder ISBNdb,

    Humor: Nonsense, uComics, Calvin & Hobbes, The Fusco Brothers, Garfield

  • General: theseus, Achbar Ha'ir, Pnai Plus
  • Movies: Seret.co.il, TicketNet
  • Theaters: tmuna, tzavta, Bet Lessin, Habima, Hakameri
  • TV: Tevel guide, Pnai Plus, IOL Channel 2 ,
  • Travel: Tour Jerusalem, Chug Elad, Travel Discounts, Lirot Olamot, Daka 90;

    News: Haaretz, Channel 2, Globes, New York Times; The Onion

    Best Sites: Yahoo's best of the web, Astounding Websites Webbie World,

    Personal: Dr. David Passig, Yoav Ben-Dov - Free Israel, Avner Strauss

    Searching: BA Project, SeachEngine Watch

    Cool pages: photo2.htm Nir Materasso;

    Articles: Object-Oriented FAQ, jeeves, ASP (local), T1, SMS, Outlook forms, C#

    Misc: reviews, t-mailer, IT Headline, Shmuze, Hofesh, Azarius psychoactive shop, Maccabi

    Jobs: Dice.com, JobInfo.co.il, JobMaster.co.il

    My pages : CSC index, My maritime links, PC, misc downloaded stuff, art, bikes, bookmark, business, cheapair, computer, links, sex, tao, template, test, Toronto, travel, trip list, . .