Subject: [exec] BOT Housekeeping

Hi all,

Welcome to the (early) start of another term! I am looking forward to working with you all this term, but there are a few housekeeping needs that must be done first.

First, MathSoc requires a copy of all MathSoc club constitutions, so if you could each reply with your respective club constitutions as soon as possible, that would be greatly appreciated.

Secondly, we would like to follow-up with the inquiries about which of you are interested in having in-person activities this fall. A few notes on this topic:

- All in-person events must be held outdoors in bookable spaces on campus - see below
- Must submit event form 3 weeks in advance to WUSA
- Must receive approval from WUSA - WUSA has right to cancel event if Provincial rules change
- Max. 25 ppl outdoor event 
- No food or drink to be served/exchanged - personal drinks allowed only
- Only UW Undergraduate students can attend - no outside guest speakers
- Encourage on-line events - to be inclusive of those who cannot attend in-person
- Each club room has a max occupancy of one (1) individual, except for CSC which has a max occupancy of two (2) individuals

Bookable spaces include: BMH green, DC quad, M3 green, Arts quad, Grad House green, ML green, MC fountain area, CPH/DWE green 
Clubs that are interested in in-person activities must indicate so, and will be sent a MathSoc Safety Plan to be signed, confirming acknowledgement, and that you will adhere to the requirements and protocols put in place.

Please reply with your interests for in-person events as well as your club's constitution as soon as possible!

Lastly, a kind ask to complete WUSA's Equity Survey, as well as encourage club members to take it.

Jasmine Chan (She/Her)
Vice President Internal | Mathematics Society | Fall 2021