Hello Club Executives,

My name is Nikunj and I'll be the VPF for MathSoc for the Fall 2021 term. I look forward to working with you over the next few months.

I am sending this email as an introduction and to highlight certain things that you should know. In addition to reading this email, please also see the club checklist attached below for a summary of deliverables this term.

The club's meeting will be held virtually sometime between September 17 - September 19. Please fill out this when2meet (https://www.when2meet.com/?12834902-EurJB) with what time works best for your club representative. I would also ask you to fill out the following Google form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0ptgOpJV-NsIQT9msrUa1tUK6n33HdTGoXUH47nstdP9Exg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0) with the name of the person attending and the club they are representing.

There are a few documents that are attached that will need to be filled out in the next few weeks. The HARD deadline to fill these out is September 21st, 2021 (after our clubs meeting). However, it would be much appreciated if you could fill them out as soon as possible.

Signing Authority Document here. (Fill out the club name and the names of 2 executives that will have signing authority on the cheque request forms. Convert the document into a PDF file and send it to the VPF mail id.) 

Budgets (The link to the view only version of the budget is here. Please make a copy and fill out the budget for your club for the Fall 2021 term)

Club Finances Audit (Given the situation we are in, it is most imperative that we keep track of all our expenses and understand where the money is going. We expect clubs to do the same internally. Therefore, I am asking you to provide a detailed summary of your revenue and expenses for the Spring 2021 term)

If your club is interested in hosting any BOT events, please let me know as soon as you can and do not forget to register your event on the MathSoc website. You will also need to submit an event form to WUSA 14 days prior to the event. On top of that, please be sure to include the amount of funding you are requesting for this event as well as details on what the funding will be used for.

Finally, the Budget Approval Meeting is scheduled for the weekend of May 25-26th mostly. The exact timings and details will be shared later. 

I hope this email finds you well. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have or to assist you in any way that I can. 

Thanks so much and good luck this term!