The news for Winter 2020 is listed here.
2020-04-15, n3parikh:
The University has closed all campus buildings, so the club office is now closed until further notice.
Have a safe Spring term, and hopefully we'll see you back in the office soon!
2020-01-15, n3parikh:
Winter 2020 elections have concluded. Here are your executives for the term.
- President: Richard Shi (r27shi)
- Vice President: Anastassia Gaikovaia (agaikova)
- Treasurer: Alex Tomala (actomala)
- Secretary/Assistant Vice President: Neil Parikh (n3parikh)
- Sysadmin: Amin Bandali (abandali)
- Office Manager: Alexander Zvorygin (azvorygi)
- Librarian: Anastassia Gaikovaia (agaikova)
- IMAPD: Richard Shi (r27shi)