The events for Winter 2018 are listed here. You can also download an ICS of them.
Winter 2018 Elections
MC Comfy, 2018-01-15, 5:00pm: The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Winter 2018 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and IMAPd (fridge and snack runs) will be appointed.
Code Party 0
STC 0040, 2018-01-25, 6:00pm: Our first code party of the term! Food is sandwiches, constitution amendments are a go, and Dr. Morton will be talking there! It'll be fun.
Technical Interview Prep
QNC 1502, 2018-02-07, 5:30pm: Our first workshop of the term! Fatema and Arshia will be heading a workshop on how to prepare for technical interviews. Got technical interviews? Come out!
Programming for the 22nd Century
MC Comfy, 2018-03-12, 6:00pm: We are bringing an out-of-town speaker, John "maddog" Hall, to come speak! Come to this event, where he will be talking about changes in programming paradigms since the invention of C, and the discussion event tomorrow.
Discussion with maddog
MC Comfy, 2018-03-13, 6:00pm: We'll be having a discussion session with maddog, an out-of-town speaker from the LPI. Food will be provided, as well as good company. Come out!
Prof Talk with Richard Mann
MC 4059, 2018-03-22, 6:00pm: Professor Richard Mann will be giving a talk on black-box testing of audio gear. Come out to see fancy audio gear, learn more about his Advanced Topics course in Computational Sound, and eat free food! Click through for his abstract.
Uncode Party with WiCS
QNC 2502, 2018-03-26, 7:00pm: We are having a joint Code Party with Women in Computer Science (WiCS). This time, it's an Uncode Party, where you try to find the worst solutions possible to programming problems that we will provide.
Alt-Tab: W18
MC 4020, 2018-03-28, 6:00pm: CSC will be hosting our termly Alt-Tab event, the Computer Science version of Short Attention Span Math Seminars (SASMS) hosted by that math club down the hall. It will be a night full of friendly talks.