Here you will find a wide variety of audio and video recordings of past CSC and other university-related talks. Some of these files are very large, and we do not recommend attempting to stream them. Most of these should be available upon request at the Computer Science Club office to be burnt to CD or DVD should you so choose.Gregor Richards:
Netplay in EmulatorsFatema, Charlie:
Unix 102 Spring 2017Fatema Boxwala:
ALT-TAB - Manic PXE Dream ServersPrabhakar, Fatema, Filzah, Swetha:
Feminism in STEM - a 101 PanelElana Hashman:
Bringing OOP Best Practices to the World of Functional ProgrammingRichard Mann:
Open Source Computer Sound MeasurementSteve Bourque and Mike Patterson:
Network Infrastructure talkJoanne McKinley, Carol Kilner, Harshal Jethwa, Dan Collens:
CSC and WiCS Career PanelJohn Stix, Francisco Dominguez:
Back to Back Talks: Culture Turnaround and Software Defined NetworksAlfe Clemencio:
Starting a VN Indie Game Company as a UW StudentCory Doctorow:
Cory Doctorow - The War on General Purpose ComputingAnna Lubiw:
Algorithms for Shortest PathsRichard Mann:
Infra Sound is All Around UsKannan Vijayan:
Runtime Type Inference in Dynamic LanguagesMurphy Berzish:
SAT and SMT solversTheo Belaire:
Racket's Magical MatchAlex Tsay:
Distributed File SystemsAvery Pennarun:
Google Fiber: Speed is HardBill Cook:
In Pursuit of the Travelling SalesmanWesley Tarle:
Building a Mobile Platform for Android and iOSBill Cowan:
Multi-processor Real-time SystemsEhsan Akhgari:
How Browsers WorkKatie Hyatt:
General Purpose Computing on Graphics CardsDr. Shai Ben-David:
Machine learning vs human learning: will scientists become obsoleteDr. Chris Eliasmith:
How to build a brain: From single neurons to cognitionIan Seyler, Return to Infinity:
BareMetal OSPeter Barfuss:
A Brief Introduction to Video EncodingJeff Potter:
Cooking for GeeksGerald Jay Sussman:
The Art of the PropagatorGerald Jay Sussman:
Why Programming is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly Understood and Sloppily Formulated IdeasPrabhakar Ragde:
A brief history of CS curriculum at UWSam Pasupalak:
The Future of Robotics and Automated SystemsDr. Geoff Hinton:
Deep Learning With Multiplicative InteractionsPaul Lutus:
Wilderness ProgrammingDr. Nick Harvey:
The Best Algorithms are Randomized AlgorithmsDr. John Watrous:
QIP=PSPACENathaniel Sherry:
An Introduction to Vector Graphics Libraries with CairoBrennan Taylor:
Software Transactional Memory and HaskellDr. Raymond Laflemme and Various:
Programming Quantum ComputersDr. Prabhakar Ragde:
Functional Lexing and ParsingDr. Craig Kaplan:
Rapid Prototyping and Mathematical ArtAndrei Barbu:
More Haskell functional programming funAndrei Barbu:
Why you should care about functional programming with HaskellIan Goldberg:
Off-the-Record Messaging: Useful Security and Privacy for IMDr. Ann Cavoukian:
Privacy by DesignDr. Bjarne Stroustrup:
C++0x - An OverviewPMClub Various Members:
PMAMC&OC SASMS - Spring 2007Richard M. Stallman:
Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer NetworksDr. Michael Terry:
Usability in the WildRalph Stanton:
Ralph Stanton 40th Anniversary of Math Faculty TalkRichard M. Stallman:
The Free Software Movement and GNULinux Operating System, a talk by Richard Stallman at UCSDThe Prof:
Introduction to 3-d GraphicsLarry Smith:
UW Software Start-ups: What Worked and What Did NotStefanus Du Toit:
Riding The Multi-core RevolutionAlex Ionescu:
ReactOS - An Open Source OS Platform for LearningBill Gates:
1989 Bill Gates Talk on MicrosoftDr. Gord Cormack:
Spam Filters: Do they work and Can you prove itSimon Law:
Software development gets on the CluetrainSimon Woodside:
Semacode - Image recognition on mobile camera phonesEric LaForest:
Eric LaForest: Next Generation Stack ComputingLarry Smith:
Larry Smith: Creating Killer ApplicationsLarry Smith:
Larry Smith: Computing's Next Great EmpiresRico Mariani:
Rico Mariani: Eighteen Years in the Software Tools Business