The events for Spring 2006 are listed here. You can also download an ICS of them.
CSC Elections
The Comfy Lounge, 2006-05-08, 4:30 PM: Come out and vote for the Spring 2006 executive!
Video 4 Linux Day
CSC, 2006-05-13, 1:00 PM: We don't know enough about V4L
Unix 101 and 102 Recording
CSC, 2006-05-14, 1:00 PM: Unix 101 and 102 recording
Eighteen Years in the Software Tools Business
MC 4060, 2006-05-25, 4:00 PM: Eighteen Years in the Software Tools Business at Microsoft, a talk by Rico Mariani, (BMath CS/EEE 1988)
CSC General Meeting
MC4042, 2006-06-21, 4:30 PM: Come out to discuss current & future plans/projects for the Club
Midnight Madness, Alpha Edition
MC3036, 2006-07-17, 11:59 PM: Come out to discuss current & future plans/projects for the Club
Semacode: Image recognition on mobile camera phones
MC1085, 2006-07-19, 4:30 PM: Simon Woodside, founder of Semacode, comes to discuss image what it is like to start a business and how imaging code works
Cool Stuff to do With Python
MC4041, 2006-07-20, 5:30 PM: Albert O'Connor will be introducing the joys of programming in python
Simulating multi-tasking on an embedded architecture
MC4041, 2006-07-20, 4:30 PM: Alex Tsay will look at the common hack used to simulate multi-processing in a real time embedded environment.
March of the Penguins
MC1085, 2006-07-21, 5:30 PM: The Computer Science Club will be showing March of the Penguins
Software development gets on the Cluetrain
MC 4063, 2006-07-24, 4:30pm: or How communities of interest drive modern software development.
Linux Installfest!
DC Fishbowk, 2006-07-25, 1:00pm: A part of Linux Awareness Week
Lemmings Day
MC Comfy Lounge, 2006-07-26, 3:30pm: Come out for some retro Amiga-style Lemmings gaming action!
East Side Mario, 2006-07-29, 7:00pm: Come out for the Club that Really Likes Dinner