Philip Enrique Lim, Jr.
Reflections on a Plethora of Ideas
My perception of things change with time. Well, they even change
by the day. So, my writings here reflect my moods and thoughts at
that particular moment. My philosophies may have changed since.
Come to think of it, most of my writings here were done during
my teenage years, so, it'll likely manifest immature thoughts along with
poor grammar. You had been warned.
The select writings below are included here not because they're special,
but because they happen to be stored in a disk that I happen to have during
the time I was playing with this web page. I will include some of my more
meaningful writings, as soon as I could locate the disks in which they are
----- below are some of my ancient writings -----
- Some ideas and thoughts that have stood out.
- On my last trip to Florida, I met an alligator.
- I studied in Taiwan for a summer. Now that I
look back, it wasn't such a bad experience. I didn't think the same way a
few years back, however.
- A kinda extreme view of poverty which made
full sense to me, though now that I read parts of it, I get the feeling I
was too "optimistic" in my writing.
----- below are some of my more recent writings -----
- My graduate thesis: "Real-time in a
Concurrent, Object-Oriented Programming Environment" (in PDF format).
- A brief commentary, as well as excerpts from a piece of writing that
has struck a chord deep within me,
that echoes the need for Christian unity. John
Paul II's letter, Ut Unum Sint.
- An article I wrote on understanding various branches of Christianity.
- "Object-Oriented Real-Time
Concurrency" -- A technical paper to be published at OOPSLA
(Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications), October
2000 (also to be presented in the ACM conference in Minneapolis) (In
PDF Format)
- A commentary and exposition on the Gospel of John. This is a lengthy
document, which may become a book someday. This is still a work in
progress. (In PDF Format)
My hobbies.
Photos of
Go back to my home page.
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