James DeMile demonstrates the Floating Punch from a mere 3 inches

From the Introduction of the book, Bruce Lee's 1 and 3-Inch Power Punch:

To my knowledge, I am one of the few people to whom Bruce Lee ever
taught the Power Punch, not because it is difficult to do, but
simply because Bruce wanted to keep it an exclusive
technique. Although I agreed with him at the time, I now feel that
the techniques should be taught to all those who wish to develop
their striking power without having to dedicate themselves to the
martial arts.

It is my contention that although the Power Punch, also referred to
as the Floating Punch, fits in well and complements a student of the
martial arts, it can be learned and executed by the average
individual wanting only to effectively strike an opponent if it
should become necessary. My experiences have shown me that in any
physical encounter it is more often how well you can strike rather
than how many martial arts techniques you know that will determine
the winner.

I am not showing this technique to shortcut what a person may need
for self defense; I am simply offering it as a primary tool to help
the individual gain confidence in his personal capabilities.

Please read carefully all the instructions and understand the
principles of each move before going on to the next step.  Your
success or failure in learning this strike will depend not only on
how well you can do the physical and mental exercises, but on how
well you understand the over-all principles that make this a dynamic
and unique technique.

When practicing the Floating Punch, never strike a person
directly. Always place something firm (such as a large phone book)
between you and the point you are going to strike.

This punch immobilizes your opponent with a single strike. It is a
deadly punch. Never use it in sparring matches.  If the jaw is hit,
the cerebral cortex will shift in its fluid with tremendous impact,
knocking out your opponent and, because of the shock, possibly
causing brain damage. Also the snapping action of the head may break
the neck. If the area of the solar plexus is hit, the lungs will
collapse with possible internal hemorrhaging. If the heart is hit,
the heart valves may be broken, causing instant death. If the
kidneys are hit, the kidney function may be destroyed.

Only when absolute confidence and control of this punch is attained
can you actually strike an individual without protection in
between. Then use only a small portion of your striking power in
order to show the effectiveness of this blow.  Usually when I strike
in demonstrations, I strike to the left of the heart in the general
area of the solar plexus so that the individual can feel his lungs
collapse slightly. Never demonstrate this technique on anyone with
any type of lung or heart problem.

James Demile