Grandmaster James W. DeMile

Sijo James DeMile

James W. DeMile began his martial arts career in Seattle, Washington, under the direction of Bruce Lee. He had the pleasure of assisting Bruce in developing many of the principles of the original Jeet Kune Do. It was also DeMile's privilege to appear with Bruce in his book, The Philosophical Art of Self-Defense.

One of the foremost authorities on modern Wing Chun, DeMile is listed in Bob Wall's Who's Who in the Martial Arts. He has been inducted in the Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame. He has appeared in numerous national and international magazines and publications, in the movie The Last Adventure, and on TV numerous times. He is executive producer of J.I.M. Film Productions. He is the author of the highly-acclaimed Tao of Wing Chun Do volumes 1 and 2, and the bestseller Bruce Lee's 3 and 1-Inch Power Punch. He has designed the single and multiple reflex timers, the unique Wing Chun Do dummy, and various other training devices for more creative learning. He has his master's degree in Psychology and his doctorate in Hypnotherapy.

DeMile trained the Special Forces (Green Berets) at Fort Lewis in 1985 and 86. As a law enforcement officer, (DeMile is an active Deputy Sheriff from Ottawa county, Ohio) he teaches specialized defensive tactics seminars to police departments around the world.

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