Computer Science version:
Philip Enrique Lim, Jr.
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada;
Master of Mathematics in Computer Science
Area of specialization and research work on extending
and implementing real-time support in a concurrent
object-oriented programming language.
Thesis title: "Real-Time in a Concurrent, Object-Oriented
Programming Environment"
Coursework taken include:
- Parallel Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Wireless Distributed Computing
- Cognitive Science and Cognitive Modelling (an
Artificial Intelligence course)
- Formal Languages and Number Theory
Research interests include:
- Real-time computing
- Real-time scheduling theory
- Programming language support for real-time constructs
- Operating Systems (Real-time operating systems)
- Concurrency and concurrent programming
Seattle University, Seattle, WA, USA;
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science,
Minor in Mathematics
Graduated Cum Laude with a 3.9/4.0 Comp. Sci. GPA (99% average)
Completed college with two degrees in three years
Senior areas of study in Computer Science include:
- Artificial Intelligence (concentration on
genetic algorithms and various neural networks)
- Database Design (study of various database
models and their implementation)
- Image Processing
Area of specialization and interest in Humanities include:
- Technology: impact on humanity and the environment
- Environmental Studies
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Cultural Studies
- Human behavior (particularly nonverbal human behavior)
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA;
Miscellaneous classes in Physics, Computer Engineering,
Japanese language, Psychology, and Business
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA;
Complete Inorganic Chemistry sequence (full year prog.)
Work Experience (computer related):
Independent System Analyst and Consultant
Involved in the analysis, design, and implementation of various
key technologies involving E-Commerce, databases, and
computer security. Defined system requirements and
launched various cross-platform installations in various
environments and customer-sites.
Microsoft Corporation, Public-Key Security, Windows 2000
One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA;
Involved with the Secure-Channel Unit, which is responsible
for various internet security protocols such as the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS), and
Private Communication Technology (PCT). Designed and
implemented SSL, TLS, and PCT HTTP clients/servers, as well
as various applications that utilize the above security
protocols. Worked on key components of the public-key
security infrastructure that is the basis of security for
the Windows Server enterprise.
University of Waterloo, Department of Computer Science
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada;
Research assistant - involved in the design and development
of real-time extensions in a concurrent, object-oriented
programming language (uC++, a concurrent dialect of C++).
Teaching assistant in senior level undergraduate courses in
(Business) Systems Analysis, Distributed Systems, and
Software Engineering.
Microsoft Corporation, Publisher Group
One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA;
Wrote a "smart-monkey" test-program for Microsoft Publisher
Language Familiarity:
English - fluent
French - basic speaking/comprehension
Fookien (Chinese) - basic speaking, very basic reading/writing
Japanese - very basic speaking
Mandarin (Chinese) - basic speaking, very basic reading/writing
Spanish - basic speaking/comprehension
Tagalog (Filipino) - intermediate speaking/comprehension
Computer Experience:
Operating Systems / Environment Experience -
MS/PC-DOS, Unix (Xenix, Umax, AIX, SunOS, Solaris,
OSF1, Linux), Macintosh Operating System, VMS, OS/2,
Microsoft Windows Environment (including Win2K, NT, Win98,
Win3.x), Unix system administration (mainly with Linux)
Programming Language Experience -
C, C++, uC++, Modula-2/3, Pascal, Fortran, Lisp, Prolog,
Ada, Basic (incl. Visual Basic), dBase III+/IV Language,
Intel 80x86 Assembly, Motorola 68000 Series Assembly,
National Semiconductor 32000 Series Assembly, Latex,
Machine Experience -
Intel 80x86 Computer Family, Apple Macintosh Family,
Digital Equipment Corp.'s VAX Family, Encore Multimax,
IBM RS/6000, Sun Sparcs, Digital Equipment Corp.'s Alpha
Applications Software Experience -
Wide variety of experience, especially on Unix, PC/MS-
DOS, MS-Windows, OS/2, and Macintosh applications, from
spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3;
database software such as dBase II/III/III+/IV (Foxpro)
and Paradox, Access, (also experience with SQL); desktop
publishing such as Aldus PageMaker; wordprocessing with
Microsoft Word and WordPerfect; CASE tools, to mathematics
software such as Matlab, Mathcad, and Maple.
Honors/Achievements/Major Publications:
Institute of Computer Research / National Research Council
Scholarship throughout Masters program ("given to exceptional
PhD and to outstanding MMath students")
Cum Laude of undergraduate class (in both B.A. Humanities
and B.S. Computer Science); completed undergraduate studies
(two degrees) in three years
Full University Presidential Scholarship (throughout
undergraduate studies)
Consecutively on the President's and Dean's Honor List
throughout university studies
Presidential Award from Pres. George Bush for "Superb Academic
Fitness and Excellence"
Technical Publication: "Object-Oriented Real-Time Concurrency",
to be published in OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming,
Systems, Languages & Applications), October 2000 (also to be
presented in the ACM conference in Minneapolis, 2000)
Extra-Curricular Activities (and immediate past activities):
Volunteer work with Union Gospel Mission, Habitat for
Humanity, various Food Banks, ...
Volunteer counselor with peer-counselling network and telephone
crisis hotline
Volunteer work with Washington Toxics Coalition (an
environmental organization)
Volunteer work with Greenery Rehabilitation Center
(counselling patients)
Volunteer work with Gatszer Elementary School (mentor &
Chief Returning Officer for the Graduate Students Association
of the University of Waterloo
Member of the Computer Science Club of the University of
Waterloo, a chapter of the ACM (Association for Computing
HAM Radio Operator (License with the Federal Communications
Commission in the US, Technician level/class operator),
callsign KC7FHY
In the process of obtaining instructor certification for
Wing Chun Do Kung-fu under James DeMile (a student of
the late Bruce Lee)
Hobbies include basketball, baseball, tennis, table tennis,
running, cycling, skiing, hiking, swimming, soccer,
promenading, chatting, and travelling