Here is my collection of notes on the C library FFTW and some applications in which I need it for. Much comes from the documentation available here. The code is available here
General Notes
- To compile use the options
-lfftw3 -lm
- FFTW does not normalise so make sure to divide by N^d
- FFTW defines its own (double)complex number class which can be acccessed by
for real and complex components respectively
1D problems
- FFTW stores co-efficients in the following manner
where the N/2 co-efficient is set equal to 0 (see Spectral Methods in MATLAB). If we have real data, then we only need to store a co-efficient array of size N/2+1 since we have symmetry in the Fourier co-efficients. Thus if we wanted to compute the first derivative we would have something like
for(i=0;i<(N/2+1);i++) {
which multiples by ik. See 1d_real_fft.c
for example.
2D problems
- Creators recommend using the following for allocating a 2D matrix
using an array of pointers will cause FFTW to fail. See C FAQ for more information (understand this a bit better)
- To get around the above define macros of the form
#define ind(i,j) (i-1)*N+(j-1)
to get the correct index element. Also uses the more useful convention that matrices use indexing i,j=1,...,n
- We want to take the 2D FFT of a real matrix of size NxN. We define the complex matrix to be of size N x (N/2)+1 with the arrangement going something like