I am a senior data scientist in Berlin
- Plato ~ March 2025 - Present
- Delivery Hero ~ January 2022 - February 2025
- Deutsche Bank ~ July 2019 - December 2021
- Goethe Univeristy - PostDoc (June 2018 - June 2019)
- Goethe University - PhD Physics (Sept. 2014 - June 2018)
- University of Waterloo - M.Math Applied Mathematics (Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2013)
- University of Waterloo - B.Sc. Honours Mathematical Physics (Sept. 2007 - Dec. 2011)
I am no longer in academics so the best way to contact me is via LinkedIn
My research page for the Relastro Group in Frankfurt
My PhD supervisor was Luciano Rezzolla
My Masters area of research was in scientific computation, specifically computational fluid dynamics.
My Masters supervisor was Michael Waite.
Masters Thesis: Short-wave vortex instability in stratified flow
Some Research Papers
- M. Alford, L. Bovard, M. Hanauske, L. Rezzolla, K. Schwenzer, On the importance of viscous dissipation and heat conduction in binary neutron-star mergers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 041101 (2018) (arXiv)
- L. Bovard, D. Martin, F. Guercilena, A. Arcones, L. Rezzolla, O. Korobkin, On r-process nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron starmergers, Phys. Rev. D 96, 124005 (2017) (arXiv)
- M. Meiers, L. Bovard, R. Mann, Charged Randall-Sundrum black holes in Higher Dimensions, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 35, 2 2017 (arXiv)
- L. Bovard, L. Rezzolla, On the use of tracer particles in simulations of binary neutron stars, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 34, 21 2017 (arXiv)
- M. Hanauske, K. Takami, L. Bovard, L. Rezzolla. JA. Font, F. Galeazzi, H. Stoecker, Rotational properties of hypermassive neutron stars from binary mergers, Phys. Rev. D 96, 043004 (2017) (arXiv)
- M. De Laurentis, O. Porth, L. Bovard, B. Ahmedov, A. Abdujabbarov, Constraining alternative theories of gravity using GW150914 and GW151226, Phys. Rev. D 94, 124038, (2016) (arXiv)
- L. Bovard, M.L. Waite, Short-wave vortex instability in stratified flow. Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids Volume 55 2015 (arXiv)
To do
- Write documents about assembly and C
- Learn more about Riemann solvers (see here for example)
- Learn more about parallel programming (MPI, OpenMP, pthreads, GPU computing) ~ work in progress, see this and this
- Get better at Brainfuck, Haskell
- Understand compilers and assembly
- Contribute to the Linux Kernel (Here and here)
- Understand spectral methods at a deeper level ~ complete? depends on "deeper level". Should read Boyd's book and bug Marek for notes
- FFTW documentation and examples C and (soon, Fortran)
- vim tips
- how to make file
- how to git and github
- fortran codes
- herpy-derpy things
- latex stuff
- bash scripts
- netcdf
Algorithms and Online Judges
I enjoy programming contests and related algorithms.
My current research uses python for data analysis and C & C++ for the underlying evolution code. My Master's research was in Matlab and Fortran, but I use C and C++ for everything else. I also enjoy tinkering around with Python and Scheme. Someday I want to learn Haskell.
- Github ~ for my projects, my research code, my mathematical explorations
- Bitbucket ~ for my projects, my research code, my mathematical explorations part 2
Undergraduate Papers
During my undergraduate days I wrote some papers on some various things for class projects. It is not complete as there are a few others I wrote but cannot find. The dates are wrong since I recompiled the tex at some later date.
- Bohmian Mechanics ~ A paper I wrote for a course in quantum foundations
- An Introduction to the Path Integral Approach to Quantum Mechanics ~ A paper I wrote for a 3rd year course in quantum mechanics
- General Relativity Beyond (3+1) ~ A paper I wrote for a graduate course in advanced general relativity
I am a very big of the Bard. I've seen most of his plays. A list is available here.
I also enjoy playing musical instruments. I currently own:
- Fender Acoustic CD100-CE (left handed)
- Fender Stratocaster (left handed)
- Epiphone SG (left handed)
- Denver DC44NL (left handed)
- Gibson Epiphone Mandolin MM-30E/A (right handed)
- Mahalo UK-221E (right handed)