Dax Hutcheon
Personal Data
- Name
- Donald Aaron Dax Hutcheon
- Personal Information
- E-Mail Address
- ddhutche@csclub.uwaterloo.ca
- Phone Number
- (613) 866-1387
- Business Information
- Email Address
- dax.hutcheon@allenvanguard.com
- Phone Number
- (613) 288-5688
Special Skills
- I am a very fast learner, and I enjoy a challenge
- I have lots of experience as a software developer
- I have some experience with software installation and maintenance on various UNIX-type systems
- September 1993 - December 2000
- Computer Science Major, University of Waterloo, 4th Year
- I have taken courses in Computer Science, Applied Math, Physics,
Pure Math, Combinatorics & Optimization, Economics, Physics, History,
Music, Philosophy, Religion, Science, and English
- June 1993
- Graduated from Napanee District Secondary School with OSSD
Computer Proficiency
Programming Languages
- Work experience
- C, COBOL, Foxpro, PROTEL, Tcl/Tk
- Educational experience
- C, C++, uC++, Turing, Pascal, Modula-3, Scheme
- Informal experience
- Perl, Shell scripts, Batch files
- Brief encounters
- BASIC, Visual Basic
I have lots of experience with IBM PC AT/XT or compatible hardware,
including installation and setup of LAN cards, CD-ROMs, modems,
memory and cache upgrades
Operating Systems
- Lots of experience
- UNIX (various flavours), MS-DOS (3.3-7.0), MS-Windows (3.x,95)
- Familiarity
- Windows 98, OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp, MacOS
- Brief encounters
- DMS SOS, MVS, VMS, Netware
- I've been working in the UNIX development environment for several
years, and am quite comfortable with all the standard tools
- I've been the web-site administrator for the Computer Science Club
for several years, and have lots of experience with related
- I've had lots of experience with PC office software, and various
other PC programs - I'm very comfortable with PCs and their operation
Work Experience
- September 1999 - December 1999
Performed various development-related tasks at Nortel Networks, such as
- Debugging and refining the simulation model I had previously
- Familiarising myself with a new version of OPNet (the simulation
and modelling software)
- Passing on the details of my work to the (new) regular employees
who would be using it
- Driving the requisition process to renew necessary software
- January 1999 - April 1999
Developed an event-based simulation model with Nortel, for which I
- Was introduced to event-based modelling
- Taught myself the necessary parts of the OPNet simulation
and modelling tool
- Familiarised myself with the pertinent details of the product
I was simulating
- Produced a working model which captured the behaviour of the
system reasonably well, and served as a base for future
refinement and development
- May 1998 - August 1998
Developed and enhanced software for Nortel, which required me to
- Teach myself Tcl/Tk from two manuals and some source code
- Enhance an existing Tcl/Tk program to handle additional data
- Write a new piece of software (in C) to quickly process
well-formed data, producing statistics and a graph
- September 1997 - December 1997
Development and training work for Nortel, which involved
- 6 weeks of training, including DMS CO, SOS/Debug, PLS, and
- Tracking down and decyphering relevant system code for
possible feature development
- Updating a set of HTML files to reflect a new location on the
- Collecting old software documentation, standardizing and
updating it for future use
- January 1997 - April 1997
Did Year 2000 compliance work for Zurich Canada, which included
- Refamiliarizing myself with the mainframe operating
environment (COBOL, JCL, ISPF) on the fly
- Analyzing in-house programs to determine their function in
testing Y2K compliance
- Performing package transport and modification for testing
of Y2K compliance in vendor software
- Writing two programs to perform "time traveling" on data
to test Y2K compliance of in-house software
- May 1996 - August 1996
Developed waveform analysis software for EMR Canada, which involved
- Analyzing the final output of the two previous students, and
deciding (quickly) which one should be continued
- Teaching myself the QNX Windows API in the first two weeks on
the job.
- Debugging, modifying, and expanding on the work of the
previous students, to fulfill user requirements
- Following internal documentation requirements to facilitate
continued development by future students
- September 1995 - December 1995
Produced in-house software for CIBC, where I
- Spent two weeks taking self-training courses to learn COBOL,
- Performed several well-specified minor corrections to
existing software
- Produced three production level programs to automate and
streamline certain reporting procedures
- Installed a large software package from an outside vendor
following a well-defined procedure
Awards, Scholarships
- Distinguished Service Award (Industry Canada)
- Graduated as an Ontario Scholar
- Newburgh Academy Scholarship
- N.D.S.S. Music Award
Activities, Interests
I have been an active member of the University of Waterloo
Computer Science Club for 4 years, and have held executive
positions as President, Vice-President, Secretary, Librarian,
Office Manager, and WWW maintainer.
I enjoy particular sports, and play them on an informal basis
whenever it's convenient.
I enjoy reading (mostly fiction), and generally do so to relax
when I have time to spare.
Last updated January 31, 2000