- classes - soldier - weak melee damage attack - tankiness: high - spell: defensive - self-shield - armor buff - regen - berserker - strong melee damage attack - tankiness: medium - spell: melee dps or steroid - AS or AD steroid - no spell, but guinsoo effect - heavy single-target strike - black mage - weak ranged damage attack - tankiness: low - spell: powerful ranged dps - strong single-target nuke - weaker aoe damage - poison - white mage - melee or ranged healing ability - tankiness: low - spell: some kind of healing or support ability - single-target full heal - weaker aoe heal - auto-life - regen - stat buff - archer - strong ranged damage attack - tankiness: low - spell: some kind of dps or steroid - some kind of enemy debuffer? hexer? - attributes - light - regen effect - dark - increased spell effect - fire - extra attack damage - water - increased mana regen - ice - increased armor - wind - increased attack range - patterns: - frontline (N berserkers/soldiers in a row) - x + N*y bonus armor for the units - yin and yang (light and dark attributes in horizontally mirrored positions) - +50% spell effect - holy trinity (3 white mages in a group) - +100% healing power - circle of life (all 6 attributes in a circle) - all units in the circle get all attribute bonuses