* Title

Jami and how it empowers users

* Session type

- [X] Presentation (45 minutes)
- [ ] Panel / Discussion (45 minutes)
- [ ] Workshop (90 minutes)

Panels and presentations are 45 minutes, including questions.
Workshops are 90 minutes.

* Summary

Jami is free software for universal communication which respects the
freedoms and privacy of its users.  Jami is an official GNU package
with a main goal of providing a framework for virtual communications,
along with a series of end-user applications for audio/video calling
and conferencing, text messaging, and file transfer.

This talk gives an introduction to Jami and how it empowers users.  We
will give a brief overview of Jami's unique architecture and features,
and how they work to put the users in control of their communications
and respect their freedoms and privacy.  We will talk about recent
development news from Jami, highlighting the latest and upcoming
features, and how you could help make Jami even better.

* Abstract

Jami is free software for universal communication which respects the
freedoms and privacy of its users.  Jami, an official GNU package,
aims to address the need for a free/libre 'real-time voice and video
chat' application, classified by the Free Software Foundation as a
high-priority project.

Jami is a truly distributed peer-to-peer communication framework,
built upon free protocols and standards such as DHT, SIP, TURN, and
UPnP.  The use of these distributed protocols enables Jami users to
communicate with each other directly when they are on the same local
network, even if the network is isolated from the internet.
TODO: explain more.

In this talk, we will introduce Jami, its distinctive features, and
how they help Jami empower users.  We will give an overview of Jami's
unique architecture and features, and how they work to put the users
in control of their communications and respect their freedoms and
privacy.  We will provide updates from the Jami team about recent
developments in the Jami ecosystem, highlighting the latest and
upcoming features, and how you could help make Jami even better.

* Biography

Amin Bandali is a free software activist, GNU maintainer, Savannah
hacker/admin, and a volunteer webmaster for the GNU project.  In
relation to Jami, Amin is a GNU maintainer for Jami, and a free
software consultant at Savoir-faire Linux, where he gets to work on
various aspects of Jami including hacking on the jami-gnome client,
working with the maintainers of Jami packages in various GNU/Linux
distributions such as Debian and Trisquel to help keep up-to-date the
version of Jami available in their official repositories, and
generally serving as a community liaison between the Jami core
development team and the wider free software community around Jami.
Outside work, Amin is a GNU Emacs diehard who uses Emacs for just
about evry imaginable computing task (as evidenced by him maintaining
the ERC IRC client built into GNU Emacs), and organizes the EmacsConf
conference with help from wonderful co-organizers and volunteers.