Subject: EmacsConf 2020 updates & notes/tips on preparing your talk
Gcc: nnimap+gnu:INBOX
From: Amin Bandali <>
Organization: GNU
--text follows this line--
Hi there,

The EmacsConf 2020 organizers team has put together a 'prepare' page
with notes and tips useful for preparing your EmacsConf 2020 talk, which
you can read at <>.

The page touches on important topics such as our guidelines for conduct,
names of various free/libre software programs you could for prerecording
your talks and the desired formats/encodings for them, and details about
scheduling tech-checks for those of you who would like to have live Q&A
and/or deliver a live presentation.

Please take some time to read through the page, and if you will be doing
live Q&A and/or presentation, please email one of the volunteers listed
on the table of contacts there to schedule a short tech-check to run
through the checklist listed at the bottom of that same page with you to
help make sure things *could* work smoothly :-).  It will also be a good
opportunity of becoming familiar with the BBB interface which you would
be using if you'd like to have a live Q&A and/or presentation.

Over the last few weeks, myself and especially my fellow organizers have
also been working hard on putting together a schedule for the conference
days, which we are on track to publish on time by November 7, as listed
on the EmacsConf 2020 CFP page.

We are still working on hashing out the details of the live calls with
the speakers, as well as audience questions.  We will send followup
emails as we figure things out. :-)

In the mean time, please don't hesitate to write to me if you have any
questions, suggestions, or concerns about any of the above or anything
