Subject: [ANN] EmacsConf 2020 schedule, poster, watching and participating
Gcc: nnimap+gnu:INBOX
From: Amin Bandali <>
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Hello fellow Emacsians!

* Schedule

On behalf of the EmacsConf 2020 organizers team, I'm very happy and to
announce the schedule for EmacsConf 2020, available from
<>.  We have worked with each speaker
to try and schedule the talks in a way that works reasonably well for as
many speakers as possible with respect to each speaker's availability.
But even so, there may be potential changes in the weeks leading up to
the conference, or even during the conference itself (like last year).
Please keep this in mind when looking over the deceivingly granular time
slot minutes (a side-effect of our automated schedule generation :-)).

* Poster

Paul Sutton has created an awesome poster for EmacsConf 2020 that you
could share with others to help spread the word about the conference!
Please see <> for links to various
formats the poster is available in, along with the source ODG file.
Paul has kindly licensed this poster under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license,
and you are more than welcome to modify/change it or even use it under
the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 free culture license as a basis for a
poster for your own event.  Thanks for the cool poster, Paul!

* Watching

On November 28 and 29 you will be able to watch the livestreams via
<>, which also has details on how to watch the
streams using media players that support streaming (like mpv and VLC).

* Participating

The <> page of the EmacsConf website contains
detailed information about the EmacsConf IRC channels on the freenode
network, and instructions for connecting and participating.  You can
join using your favourite IRC client, or using the EmacsConf instance of
The Lounge web IRC client at <> via your

                                 * * *

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me
directly or message me (bandali) on the freenode IRC network.