This is your life, Zen Tofu!

No Borders, Ottawa, July, 1995.

We were a fledgling team, and it showed. We went through this tournament with a perfect 0-6 record. However, in the this tournament, the seeds of Zen Tofu were planted. The two streams of co-op got together and figured things out. Although the team had never played together before, that would soon change, and from the forge of travail, Zen Tofu would be born.

Canadian University Ultimate Championships, Carleton, 1995

Record: 1-6
McGill B 14-12 loss
Ottawa U 15-3 loss
UBC 15-4 loss
Carleton 15-4 loss
Guelph 15-10 loss
Algonquin 13-11 WIN
McGill B 13-10 loss

The highlights of this tournament were stellar performances against McGill, Guelph, UBC, and Carleton. We didn't win many games, but our spirit and heart showed, and we won many new friends. This tournament also featured our first win as a team. It wasn't a pretty win, especially considering that the other team only had six players, one of which was half-drunk. But it was our first win, nonetheless. We finished 10th out of a field of 12 teams. Thus began our quest for recognition and respect.

Victory at home, Fall 1995

In the Fall term, we won a major victory for ultimate here in the University of Waterloo. The Campus Recreation department officially ran a co-rec league. A whopping 22 teams registered, and although most of them were new to the sport, we knew that ultimate had a hold on the University population, and it would take some time before it would let go...

Maintained by Calvin Li