People Involved

The number of people involved varied dramatically throughout the term, and the depth of different people's involvement in the group also varied dramatically. Attendance at the meetings and people's involvement at the meetings wasn't recorded too carefully, so it was difficult to sort out who did what. Therefore, in compiling this list, I tried to err on the side on including more people in the group than accidentally excluding someone who might've contributed in some unrecorded way. Names are listed in no particular order.

Technical Leads / Software Achitects etc.

Helped design and specify key parts of the project.

Mark Visser
Kevin Moule


Ran meetings, handled the web page, etc.

Ming-Yee Iu

Code Contributers

Actually did some coding.

Kristofor Wiklund


Attended at least one meeting and did not explicitly "quit" the group.

Shingo Yuki
Brian Pearson
Kevin Moule
Bryan Krawetz
Ming-Yee Iu
Leon Zheng
Kristofor Wiklund
Eran Guendelman
Mark Visser
Derek McDougall
Elliott Noel
Mark Nieweglowski
Bramnes Fung
Ying Huang
Tomas Bender
Jimmy Chan
Khalyl Khan
Aman Sawrup
Mohammed Abouzour
Paul VanderSpek
Victor Leung
Albert Chuang
Dave Hutchinson
Hoc Huynh
Tim Bendicion
Andy Poon
Soroosh Yazdani
Viet-Trung Luu
Tai-Yu Chen
Lawrence Li
Ahmadullah Asad
John Yuen
Karl Zryski
Joey Liao
Tomasz Konefal
Christopher Wan
Benny Ho


Last updated May 4, 1998.
Maintained by Ming-Yee Iu