Student Programming Project


The Student Software Development Group was founded for these reasons:
  1. To expose students to the entire software development cycle, from conception, through design, to implementation of a piece of software
  2. To provide students with the opportunity to learn independently about areas of computer science which they are interested in
  3. To enable students to explore areas of computer science which are too vast to study independently
  4. To allow students to program in an informal environment, free from the pressures of deadlines and marks
  5. To provide students with more challenging, more creative, less trivial, and more realistic programming tasks than those assigned as part of computer science courses
  6. To foster greater collaboration and camaraderie between computer science students
  7. To encourage senior computer science students to share their knowledge and expertise with junior students
  8. (And hopefully, as the project develops and matures) To act as a high profile demonstration of the talent available at the University of Waterloo


At present, the Student Software Group is composed of a Head who is responsible for managing the group, acting as a liaison with the CSC, performing room bookings, organizing and advertising meetings, etc. etc. At present, there is no formal procedure for choosing the Head because the Head has always Ming. Each project has a project leader who is responsible for getting the project finished, keeping track of members of their project, and learning & teaching all the material necessary to complete their project.


Last updated October 25, 1998.
Maintained by Ming-Yee Iu