The Statue That Cried

In a plain, covered with parched grass, stood a mass of dismembered statues.
Among these broken souls, remained a steadfast one.
Each and Everytime, the elements made it rain, the statue appeared to cry.
It would cry for its fellow brother and sister.
It would cry for the infertile soil.
It would cry for the insurmountable distance between the sun and moon.
It would cry for it's presumed fate.
It would cry because it was raining.
Each time it rained, it had another reason to cry.
It was only, when a clown with permanent tears, that stood face-to-face
with the statue, did cause the sky to be eternally cloudless.
Eventually the clown grew tired of admiring the beauty of the statue and said;
"Why do you not cry like the others? Do you not see yourself in me?"

The End

Copyright (c) Michael Konstantinidis 2019. All rights reserved.