The Fish and The Sun

In one giant ocean filled with recyciable plastic and too much seaweed lived two schools of fish.
One school was mostly blue colored the other orange with streaks of red.
The schools would constantly berate eachother and instigate melee.
This went on every day, all day for as long as the oldest corel remembered.
An orange fish name Hitaria along with here family decide to go on vacation.
And where did they go? They went to see a wise old Seahorse who was
a friend of the family. This Seahorse who had lost her companion was
very lonely and welcomed Hitaria's family. The gathering ended quickly,
and Hitaria and her family returned to the orange school. Out of shear
loneliness the seahorse spawned an idea, for Seahorses were very social
creatures and it knew many from both the blue and orange fish of both schools.
He connected that Hitaria and Frankos were both professional dancers and
that if they meet they could dance up a tsunami. And so, the Krill around
the Seahorse were sent to both schools as fish food and as a hidden
message to all the blind fish in both schools. With the help of the sun, as
a catalyst, a window of oppurtinity opened where no other fish was in
the neighbourhood except for pretty Hitaria and bold Frankos. That is were
the star gazed lovers crossed paths and started a fateful petaloudical process
ending in them becoming tangled and parting like willows in the land of the raising sun.
Then neptune the ancient god of the sea, raised his military trident above the crown on his head, and communicated:
"The one who defiantly dares to corrupt the internal politics of Atlantis, must answer to who?"

The End

Copyright (c) Michael Konstantinidis 2020. All rights reserved.