Return of the Soul Through The Practice of Art

I had a pet K9 once. He was huge, he was so big
he would win any wrestling match with a grown man
that frequents his local gym. Thats why I call
him Champion instead of Art.

Only true artists can authenticate art work, for the rest
a recognizable authority must grant an artist a licence of some sorts.
So the rest can unconditional react to what they are experiencing
from art.

The soul at any given time is perfect.
Art is an expression from the soul.
Perfection in art has something to do with the process and the byproducts of art as they relate to the final product or service.

Famous artists have one thing in common. There are surrounded
by a spiritual entourage. On one hand they provide the artist
tools and materials, on the other hand they never clean the
dust they leave on the art work.

If you can percieve it, art has a beauty like no other.
One can sit and stare, or danse and listen, or just be and experience.
The art may not last or be remembered but it will be with one forever until the soul returns.