position: 337 of 3259 (10%), column: 13 character: ض‎ (displayed as ض‎) (codepoint 1590, #o3066, #x636) charset: unicode (Unicode (ISO10646)) code point in charset: 0x0636 script: arabic syntax: w which means: word category: .:Base, R:Right-to-left (strong), b:Arabic to input: type "C-x 8 RET 636" or "C-x 8 RET ARABIC LETTER DAD" buffer code: #xD8 #xB6 file code: #xD8 #xB6 (encoded by coding system utf-8-unix) display: composed to form "ض" (see below) Composed using this font: xft:- -Vazir FD-normal-normal-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-0-iso10646-1 by these glyphs: [2 2 0 436 12 -1 12 9 0 nil] Character code properties: customize what to show name: ARABIC LETTER DAD general-category: Lo (Letter, Other) decomposition: (1590) ('ض')